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2010年12月31日 星期五
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$99 Art Jamming@ Dots Art (二人同行$178)!


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$99 咖啡達人先修班, 親手沖煮頂級藍山咖啡

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今日享樂 - 香港   

COFFEE Lover 年度終極大優惠!2.8折換購世界特級咖啡豆+參加咖啡達人先修班,沖煮藍山咖啡

原價   折扣   節省
$160   4.9 折   $82.8
COFFEE Lover 年度終極大優惠!2.8折換購世界特級咖啡豆+參加咖啡達人先修班,沖煮藍山咖啡
地址: 觀塘偉業街 171 號偉業工業大廈3樓B (取貨) / 紅磡漆咸道 436-450 號 富運大廈LG-10舖 (取貨 及 上課)
聯絡電話: 3488 0278 (觀塘) / 2330 8236 (紅磡)
  • 先修班學員可親手用虹吸壺沖煮世界頂級牙買加「藍山咖啡」
  • 先修班導師具備「國際認可咖啡師監考官」資格,教學經驗豐富
  • 先修班很適合有意開咖啡店及咖啡愛好者報讀
  • COFFEE Lover 揀選世界特級咖啡豆,新鮮烘焙
  • 「卡露亞」豆涵蓋較多咖啡愛好者的口味
  • 「埃塞俄比亞莫加」散發朱古力咖啡的感覺,是女士們的至愛


聖誕連場狂歡派對過後,個個行屍走肉上班,多渴望有杯靚咖啡幫我醒醒神!今日享樂可以低至4.8 折換購 COFFEE Lover 新鮮烘焙咖啡豆 200g x 3 包 (共 600g) ,您亦可以 2.5 折參加「咖啡達人先修班」,親手用虹吸壺 (Japanese Syphon) 沖煮咖啡極品牙買加麝香貓咖啡 (Kopi Luwak)。同時換購咖啡豆及參加先修班的享樂家更可享 2.8 折獨家優惠!

    COFFEE Lover 年度終極大優惠︰
  • 特級咖啡豆優惠︰新鮮烘焙咖啡豆 200g x 3 包 (共 600g) ( 享樂價 $78,原價 $142.8 - $160.8 )
  • 咖啡達人先修班優惠︰2 小時理論+實習,咖啡達人先修班 ( 享樂價 $99,原價 $388 )
  • COFFEE Lover 二合一優惠︰特級咖啡豆 + 咖啡達人先修班 ( 享樂價 $158,原價 $530.8 - $548.8 )

特級新鮮烘焙咖啡豆包括︰(4 選3,可選相同口味)
卡露亞 (Cala Luna,原價 $142.8) - 香氣輕柔,結構細緻,味道柔和,層次感豐富
埃塞俄比亞莫加[/highli ...

邀請好友購入享樂證。成功邀請,每次可額外獲贈 $5 樂元。
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$43 嘆一套三款Hot-Can即熱罐裝飲品!(原價$72)


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50% off 6hr Photography Class

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Today's deal:50% off "Know Your Camera" 6hr Photography Class at Studio 8! Learn the theory & start using your camera's functions properly!

HK$ 600 See the deal


HK$ 1200



You save

HK$ 600

Company information:

Studio 8

Room 802, 8/f, Block B
HK Chai Wan Industrial Building
26 Lee Chung Street
Chai Wan, Hong Kong


Do you own a new digital SLR, like a Nikon or Canon, have a clue as to how it operates but don't really know what the camera is really doing inside? Do you usually set it on automatic mode all the time? Perhaps you want to simply take better landscape images, but don't know what settings to choose to get the best results?

Well, if the above sounds like you, then this back to basics photography class is just for you. It will be a 6-hour day of photography where Studio 8 will take you through the operations of your camera, as well as through the ins and outs of the lenses. It will take the confusion out of photography and illustrate how you can get superb shots no matter what the situation is. In addition, you will get to practice shooting in natural light, artificial and ambient light, and if there is time, studio lights.

Norm Yip will be your teacher for those precious hours that will change the way you use your camera forever! Norm Yip was born and raised in Canada by Chinese parents. An Architect and a lover of fine arts, his interest in photography became more and more obvious and in 2001, he formed Norm Yip Photography and set up Studio 8 -- a semi-public photographic and art space located initially in the district of Sheung Wan -- where he hosted private and selected exhibitions.

2008 marked a new space for Studio 8, having moved to Hong Kong island east, in the urban industrial neighborhood of Chai Wan. With this new space, it attracted a small yet highly significant expansion for the company.

Norm has exhibited in all three mediums of photography, painting and graphite. As a photographer, Norm's work has appeared in HK Magazine, WHERE, Global Investor and American Express' Centurion magazine. Celebrities he has photographed include Zhang Yimou, Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin, Destiny's Child and Korean pop-star Rain. He has also taught photography courses at The Open University of Hong Kong and has been a guest lecturer at Hong Kong Art School. In addition, he has been invited by the Cathay Camera Club to act as judge for in their monthly competitions.

Go and feel more confident with what you and your camera can do creatively! And don't forget the camera essentials to make the most out of this class!

What you Need to Bring

  • A digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera where the lens can be interchanged or removed from the camera body
  • Any lenses that you may own dedicated for your camera
  • Any flash that you own dedicated for your camera, aside from built-in flashes
  • Tripod not necessary for this class
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$10 換購旺角 Ocio 窩夫專門店 $20 現金劵 即叫即整 全城激讚

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今日享樂 - 香港   

$10 換購 Ocio Waffle $20 現金劵,旺角人氣窩夫專門店,即叫即製,夠脆夠熱,全城網民食家激讚!

原價   折扣   節省
$20   5 折   $10
$10 換購 Ocio Waffle $20 現金劵,旺角人氣窩夫專門店,即叫即製,夠脆夠熱,全城網民食家激讚!
地址: 旺角廣華街 1 號仁安大厦地下 14D 舖
聯絡電話: +(852) 2782 0699
  • 享樂證任買任用,多買幾張即可 5 折試盡全店美食飲品
  • 全港首間窩夫專門店,選址旺角廣華街,交通方便
  • 網民激讚,禪聯 2 屆 OpenRice 十強好評餐廳
  • 窩夫配以新鮮果醬和雪糕食用,滋味到極


旺角街頭小食、甜品店總是人頭湧湧,不想大排長龍後「呻笨」的話,就要參考下各方網民食家的專業意見!今日享樂就為大家介紹禪聯 2 屆 OpenRice 好評餐廳十強的旺角人氣窩夫專門店 - Ocio Waffle,享樂家可以 $10 換購 $20 現金劵!今日享樂證任買任用,可以 5 折嚐盡全店窩夫雪糕、乳酪飲品,優惠到極,要俾多 10 個「LIKE」!

Ocio Waffle 是全港首間窩夫專門店,選址旺角廣華街,店舖的窩夫是即叫即製,製法以西式窩夫的傳統秘方以及廚師的研究和改良的,口感外脆內軟。不含任何人造香料,色素和牛油,保證新鮮、低脂!享用時配以新鮮果醬和雪糕食用,口感倍覺清新特別。開業不久旋即成為旺角甜品店新貴,網民食家個個有讚無彈!


ma_de @ OpenRice︰第一次試就試香蕉味Waffle加雪糕,暖立立 係凍既天氣下攞住,好正!佢切開定好方便食,加上一件一淡好滿足!Waffle唔會太厚太薄好香,加埋雪糕唔會太乾,愛香蕉既人應該都同我一樣愛上香蕉味Waffle!

yeele @ OpenRice︰第一口好濃朱古力味, 但又唔會好甜, 佢話無牛油既, 無咁肥膩gd!! 加埋雪糕, 一冷一熱口感好好, 份量都好多!仲有紅豆窩夫, 好香好特別, 芝士窩夫咸咸地仲有啲芝士粉係面, 特別之作!!! 店員服務態度都好好, 食緊期間佢就問覺得點, 有咩可以改善, 係好 ...

邀請好友購入享樂證。成功邀請,每次可額外獲贈 $5 樂元。
電郵:cs@funshare.com 電話:+(852) 2801 0100

地址:香港觀塘大業街 35 號 B 座 6 樓

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