
50% off evening wine tasting cruise with Hong Kong Yachting


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Friday, 15 October 2010
Today's Deal 50% off a luxury evening wine tasting cruise
Enjoy the Symphony of Lights in great style aboard a top racing yacht with wine in hand!

Set sail in the lap of luxury with our latest offer: a wine tasting cruise on board a championship race winning yacht. For $240, you’ll spend 2 hours sampling premium wines from Australia and New Zealand and taking in the stunning sights of Hong Kong’s world famous “Symphony of Lights” show, all while cruising the harbour on board a racing yacht with the pedigree of a thoroughbred.

HK Yachting's  V1 Volvo 60 has an impressive track record. It won the Volvo Round the World Race in 1998, has held the trans-Atlantic and 24-hour speed records, twice winning its division in the grueling Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. That’s the kind of history that can’t be bought.

Cruises set sail every Saturday evening from Central's Pier 9 and run from 6:30 to 8:30, giving you plenty of time to bask in the twilight before being wowed by the impressive Symphony of Lights. So what are you waiting for....grab yourself a Chardonnay, hoist the spinnaker and if you're lucky the skipper may give you control of the helm....and a piece of yacht  history!

Key points

  • Cruises depart every Saturday 6:30pm-8:30pm
  • Pick up point: Pier 9, Central
  • Wine, beer, soft drinks and snacks included
Company Info
Hong Kong Yachting
Central Pier 9, Man Kwong St, Central

See the website »

Central Pier 9, Man Kwong St, Central
Find Out More

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5 折參加香港貿發局香港國際美酒展 2010

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今日享樂 - 香港   

以 HK$99 換購原值 HK$200 的香港貿發局香港國際美酒展門票!

原價   折扣   節省
$200   5 折   $101
以 HK$99 換購原值 HK$200 的香港貿發局香港國際美酒展門票!
地址: 香港灣仔博覽道 1 號香港會議展覽中心 (港灣道入口)
聯絡電話: +(852) 1830 668

愛酒的人士有福了!繼小型 wine tasting 之夜後,今日享樂為您找來香港貿發局香港國際美酒展 2010 門票,供18歲以上的公眾人士參加的 11 月 6 日門票原值 HK$200,經享樂選購只需 HK$99!今日享樂,Cheers!

喜愛喝葡萄酒、香檳、烈酒、雞尾酒、清酒抑或數之不盡的新口味?比一般 wine tasting 活動的品酒種類更多更廣,香港國際美酒展的參展酒商來自世界各地。以 2009 年為例,來自 34 個國家的 525 家酒商落力向公眾人士教育自家製美酒之餘,並會介紹品酒以外如酒具、酒類標籤、貯存、品酒旅遊及葡萄酒投資產品等周邊知識。有美酒,當然亦少不了美酒之友,會場將提供烘烤食物、鮮活海產、意大利粉和甜品等食品,用以襯托各式各樣的醇酒。


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50% off to reduce stress, increase confidence, improve concentration...

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Today's deal: 50% off 3 soothing meditation classes at the renewed New Age Shop in Soho!

HK$ 225 See the deal


HK$ 450



You save

HK$ 225

Company information:

The New Age Shop

7 Old Bailey St
Central, Hong Kong


Find your inner stillness and improve multiple aspects of your life...

Us Hongkies are all too aware of how stressful city life can be. Long work hours, even longer party hours, never ending construction works, traffic jams, tiny noisy apartments, and the inevitable troubled relationships of living in a somewhat transient city, can all take their toll on our body, mind, and soul.

Which is why Twangoo is offering you a chance to reduce stress and improve your overall wellbeing through The New Age Shop's renowned meditation classes! Today you can purchase 3 "meditation for beginners" classes at an irresistible price of HKD225!

Many people are aware that meditation offers a way to relax and reduce stress, but did you know what regular practice can also bring about feelings of confidence, self control, increased concentration, improved posture, better relationships and an overall improvement in health? Not to mention, giving you the ability to let go of negative emotions such as anger and paranoia and empowering you to have a greater enjoyment of the physical!

Sound too good to be true? All these improvements are possible because once you have found your own inner stillness, through regular meditation, you will be able to access it again and again and with ever greater ease. This brings with it many far-reaching and profound benefits.

Today's deal of group meditation is ideal for those who are brand new to meditation or who have begun to practice meditating on their own and perhaps need some guidance just to check they are doing it right. Others who may have joined meditation groups in the past, may want to visit in order to dip into the group energies and get a hit of the vibration that they�re looking for. Each week the meditations will be adapted to the group energy & will be guided by Claire to incorporate any specific issues.

The experienced and lovely Claire will guide you on your meditation journey. During Claire's very first meditation session she experienced a profound shift and knew this was the start of something special. Claire has since studied under several teachers and her intention is to attract others to continue on their path and feel the amazing benefits of meditating in a group.

So forget hesitation and come experience the benefits of meditation!

Lure you later,

Miss Siren

Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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