
二折留住最好的時光: 3選1專業攝影套餐+$100攝影現金劵

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康城最佳海報攝影師主理: 三選一專業攝影套餐+$100 攝影現金劵

原價   折扣   節省
$888   1.9 折   $720
康城最佳海報攝影師主理: 三選一專業攝影套餐+$100 攝影現金劵
地址: 荃灣 葵興 葵秀路 8-10 號 瑞森工業大廈 16 樓 C2 室 (近大連排道紅A中心隔離)
聯絡電話: 8102 8687
  • 資深攝影師Edwin Yuen曾獲得康城海報「最佳攝影金獎」
  • 享樂家專享 $100 攝影現金劵,有效期半年,送禮自用皆宜
  • 套餐包送一張油畫相
  • 套餐可選擇︰畢業相、家庭照或兒童造型照攝影主題
  • 3 位同學同時拍攝畢業照,只需購買一張享樂證


今時今日,人人都可擁有一部專業照相機,但絕不等於人人都可以拍出專業的相片!今日享樂邀請了在電影工作超過20年,並憑電影【墮落天使】獲得康城海報「最佳攝影金獎」的資深攝影師 Edwin Yuen 為大家拍攝專業影樓照,將美好時光停留,讓快樂永久保存!

享樂家可到 Edwin Yuen 創辦的Take One Studio,以 $168 換購「三選一專業攝影套餐」(價值 $888) 及 $100 攝影現金劵


    1. 大學生畢業照
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58% off Pedicures at Spa Beaute Par Zai


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Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 29 November 2010
Today's Deal 58% off Pedicure at Spa Beaute Par Zai
$250 for a luxurious pedicure treatment - scrub, mask, buff, paraffin wax, massage & OPI colour of your choice.

Put your best foot forward…

Flaunt it, show it and love it! Grab those peep toes from the back of the closet and flaunt your beautifully clean and coloured toenails after a quick stop at Spa Beatue Par Zai. Sit back and catch up with your friends or leaf through a magazine as your tootsies are scrubbed, primped, waxed and massaged. Your dead skin will be softly exfoliated away as the trained staff members are fully experienced to ensure you leave satisfied and happy.

The royal treatment starts with gentle rub down, using aromatic salts, followed by a hydrating mask and hot towel wrap. Your precious tootsies are then buffed with an amazing cream and dipped in paraffin wax, leaving your feet silky smooth and soft, ridden of dead skin and toxic cells. To wrap up, the luxurious pampering culminates in a royal foot massage, before you’re faced with the hardest decision of the day – picking from their wide variety of OPI polishes to colour your toes!

All the aestheticians are highly qualified and experienced, ensuring your feet are left in good hands. Spa Beaute Par Zai is known to be one of the few hygienic spas in Hong Kong who only uses natural and botanical ingredients for their Spa products, a positive highlight everyone loves!

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 10 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for a Spa Pedicure at Spa Beaute Par Zai
  3. Sit back, relax and get pampered. 
Company Info
Spa Beautè Par Zai
Suite 901, Queen's Place, 74 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

Suite 901, Queen's Place, 74 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong
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85% off on a Hair Rejuvenating Program at Svenson Hair Centres

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Today's deal: 85% off on a complete three level Professional Fall/Winter Hair Rejuvenating Program at Svenson & Lady Svenson Hair Centres

HK$ 128 See the deal


HK$ 840



You save

HK$ 712

Company information:

Svenson Hair Centre


Did you know you can rejuvenate your hair too?

Oh yes, it's not only about rejuvenating your skin and keeping your body active and youthful, there's more you can do about your hair besides the normal sessions at your hair dresser.

Most of us spend hours doing highlights, coloring, moisture treatments... but besides that amazing moment when you step out of the salon and your hair feels great and shiny, the effect goes away quite quickly. That probably means your hair and scalp have other deeper problems that you and the common mortals don't think of and sometimes are out of our control (like poor blood circulation, genetics, etc).

So are you struggling with heavy dandruff, oily, irritated or itchy scalp, dry and thinning hair? Or is it that time of the year when your hair starts falling? Well, Twangoo brings you an amazing three level treatment called Professional Fall/Winter Hair Rejuvenating Program by Svenson and Lady Svenson Hair Centres, the leader in hair and scalp care programs.

Svenson believes that only when the reasons are known can the problem be solved effectively. Therefore, this program goes from a first stage of professional hair and scalp check up & analysis, to the second of personalized scalp corrective treatment, and to the third and final one of scalp purifying therapy or advanced laser therapy, depending on the diagnosis and the professional advise the trichologists will give you.

With the first step, Svenson's trichologists will use the advanced diagnostic equipment to magnify your hair by 60 times and scalp by 200 times for a detailed check up. Questions about client's background, life style, health condition etc, will be asked to analyze the causes of hair and scalp problems. Recommendation on hair care will then be advised as well. Then, the second step, the personalized scalp corrective treatment, can effectively re-balance your scalp by correcting hair and scalp problems - e.g. excessive oil excretion, dry scalp, dandruff and itchiness. This level is specially formulated for the needs of hair and scalp in the Fall/ Winter season. Finally with the scalp purifying therapy, potent herbal essences will be used to purify the scalp - massaging essential nutrients into hair and scalp can effectively restrain sebum built-up, dandruff and chemical remains, nourish the scalp and encourage a shinning and healthy hair condition in just one session. Most suitable for oily or dandruff scalp. If you are advised to proceed with the Advanced Laser Therapy, you'll be getting the latest and only Laser Phototherapy device to be given clearance by the FDA for improving hair loss in the United States - its in-depth penetration into the scalp can improve blood circulation, detox, repair and regenerate cells.

This very complete program will be performed by only the most qualified and highly experienced trichologists. With more than 50 years of experience, Svenson Hair Centres was first established in London in 1956. Svenson Hair Centres is globally renowned as the leader in hair and scalp care treatments, providing effective and innovative hair loss solutions. The first Asian centre opened in Hong Kong in 1973 and now has over 60 centres throughout Europe and Asia.

Side Deal

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$188買Otoha Yume $400現金劵 日台人氣飾品 聖誕禮物的最佳選擇


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2010年11月29日 星期一
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