
80% off Collagen Facial + Massage at Luxus Beauty


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Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 24 September 2010
Today's Deal 80% off 2-hr Collagen Facial & Massage at Luxus Beauty
$380 for a 90-min Natural Botox Collagen Facial Treatment + 30-min Tension Release Body Massage from Luxus Beauty

The natural alternative to botox. Now available in a blissful facial treatment.

Luxus Beauty has teamed up with leading European cosmetic brands to bring spa-goers the ultimate non-intrusive facelift in a blissful 2-hour experience. The revolutionary treatment draws on high-end products like Ainhoa, Elemis and Thalaroma to achieve anti-aging and firming effects similar to Botox – without all the side-effects, risks and hassles. The result is smoother, more relaxed skin with remarkable wrinkle decrease, restoring the plump and softness of the baby skin you love!

For just $380, you’ll be pampered and fussed over by the lovely pros at Luxus Beauty, a classy beauty salon at The Loop in Wellington Street. Using all-natural ingredients, the 90-minute Natural Botox Collagen Treatment is the real deal – combining massage, cleansing, toning, peeling, collagen mask and serum.

The 2-hour journey begins with a 30-minute Tension Release Body Massage to relax the body and mind, before moving on to your face. After cleansing and peeling, a unique soy-based Botox serum concentrated of Polifenotoxyl Complex is applied to the face with soft facial massage, containing a potent formula of vitamins and other active ingredients to awaken the skin and absorb all the natural goodness, followed by pure collagen facial mask. The whole treatment is geared to stimulate the growing of collagen in your skin, nourishing, hydrating and tightening your precious epidermis. Available this week only at an overwhelming 80% off.

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 10 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for a 90-min Natural Botox Collagen Facial Treatment + 30-min Tension Release Body Massage at Luxus Beauty.
  3. Discover the new YOU.
Company Info
Luxus Beauty
17/F-18/F, The Loop
33 Wellington Street
Central, Hong Kong.

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17/F-18/F, The Loop 33 Wellington Street Central, Hong Kong.
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Today's deal: 50% off a culinary experience for 2 in the restaurant of your choice... That's just HKD244 for an amazing experience!

HK$ 244 See the deal


HK$ 488



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HK$ 244

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