
$111 做6次日本腋下脫毛 (原價 $2,800) / 蛋糕班4.3 折/ 換膚療程1折 / 日本料理3折

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$111 體驗日本嶄新永久腋下脫毛 6 次 (原價 $2,800),真正無痛、不傷皮膚,再送 $800 GRAND VERGER JAPAN 現金劵!每日 15,000 美少女使用療程,日本脫毛革命直捲香港!

原價 折扣
$2800 0.4 折
$111 體驗日本嶄新永久腋下脫毛 6 次 (原價 $2,800),真正無痛、不傷皮膚,再送 $800 GRAND VERGER JAPAN 現金劵!每日 15,000 美少女使用療程,日本脫毛革命直捲香港!
地址: 香港銅鑼灣羅素街 2-4 號 2000 年廣場 1003 室
聯絡電話: +(852) 3421 1590
  • 日本最新脫毛技術,每日 15,000 人見證,高度好評
  • Air Cool Flash儀器由 GRAND VERGER JAPAN 自行開發及生產,讓客戶可以低成本享用高成效脫毛技術
  • 成效等同激光永久脫毛,真正無痛,不傷皮膚
  • 獲取東京大學醫學系安全性的臨床數據認可,絕對安全、高效
  • GRAND VERGER JAPAN 總店開設於日本名古屋市,深受日本女性歡迎
  • 採用高級器材、專業技術,療程效果高度完美,特別適合亞洲人膚質
  • 明價實碼,無需繳付任何入會費及額外收費,更不會進行硬銷

日本人特別注重儀容,脫毛在日本亦非常普遍,80% 以上的 20-30 歲女性都會使用美容院的脫毛服務,由上唇以至腳趾都喜歡脫得「一毛不染」,怪不得脫毛成為日本美容院的首要療程項目!

今日享樂推出 GRAND VERGER JAPAN (香港分店) 0.4 折 Air Cool Flash 永久脫毛優惠!$111 見證日本最新脫毛技術,真正無痛、不傷皮膚,包做 6 次腋

    【FunShare X GRAND VERGER JAPAN】0.4 折腋下永久脫毛優惠︰享樂價 $111,原價 $2,800
  • 進行 6 次日本 Air Cool Flash 永久脫毛 (腋下)
  • 再送 $800 GRAND VERGER JAPAN 現金劵

採用日本尖端美容科技 - Air Cool Flash永久脫毛機器
日本一直以機器生產技術而聞名,由日本最高級技術人員所開發的 Air Cool Flash,能避免冷凍凝膠因光波而發產生灼傷的可能,在進行高效率技術的同時,也可以放心體驗超卓的效果。
Air Cool Flash 已取得日本最頂尖的東京大學 ...

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66% off summer waxing at Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Thursday, 12 May 2011
Today's Deal 66% off waxing at Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret
HK$199 for a Brazilian OR Full Leg Wax PLUS Underarm Wax OR Eyebrow Threading/Wax.

The temperature is rising, summer is on the horizon, you’re envisioning yourself strolling on the golden sand wearing that itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie yellow polka-dot bikini…

That’s right. With summer just around the corner, the three B’s—beach, bikinis and bare skin—will soon be upon us.  Report for duty at Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret where hand-selected aestheticians handle delicate signature treatments with an approach to beauty that is both clinical and gracious.

For HK$199, you can choose between a signature Brazilian or Full Leg Wax, complemented with either Underarm Waxing or Eyebrow Threading/Waxing treatments. The salon uses superior grade waxes and accessories from Caron Laboratories, Australia’s No.1 selling brand. Treatments are tailored to your skin, drawing on a range of hot and warm waxes boasting delicious fragrances and soothing properties including Coconut, Pink Strawberry and Cocobutter.

Alternatively, swap the Underarm Waxing for some professional eyebrow styling, and leave with gorgeous brows that will look, quite simply, flawless. Using threading or waxing techniques, their staff will render the perfect arch and create the precise shape and width to complement your face.

Company Info
Cleopatras Beauty Secret
1/F, 106 Queens Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

See the website »

1/F, 106 Queens Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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62% off Personal Training sessions

62% off 60 mins Personal Training sessions at your preferred location with Fitness Compass!

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62% off 60 mins Personal Training sessions at your preferred location with Fitness Compass!

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HKD 300


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HKD 500


This Twangoo offer is for a 60 mins one-on-one personal training session wherever you want on Hong Kong Island.

Highly qualified trainers offering a unique approach to your training program, incorporating postural correction, kettlebell training, Power Plate training, resistance training, and Muay Thai. 

Choose the location that is the most suited to you between your home, outdoor anywhere on HK Island or in a fully equipped studio in Central.

You can buy up to 4 discounted sessions!  

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