
半價 Princess Cake House 熊貓方包製作班!

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2.5折DIY彩繪Tote Bag+布畫,平均$98位 / $58Coffee Lover燒脂咖啡豆 / $38IMAZINE運動錶

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齊分享.愛尋樂 追蹤享樂

2.5 折 Colour Jam 自由彩繪︰自家設計 Tote Bag+20cm X 20cm 畫布 (原價 $400),二人同行平均 $98 / 位!創立自家品牌,就由一個「彩繪 Tote Bag」開始!

原價 折扣
$400 2.7 折
2.5 折 Colour Jam 自由彩繪︰自家設計 Tote Bag+20cm X 20cm 畫布 (原價 $400),二人同行平均 $98 / 位!創立自家品牌,就由一個「彩繪 Tote Bag」開始!
Colour Jam
地址: 荃灣美環街 1 號時貿中心 1801 室 (荃灣地鐵站 A3 出口步行 2 分鐘)
  • 一次過繪製 Tote Bag 及 20cm X 20cm畫布,行內最超值優惠
  • 設有免費茶點、飲品
  • 無限量顏料、畫筆、圍裙供應
  • 場地光猛,環境雅致,氣氛輕鬆、舒適
  • 成人及小童均可參加,二人同行優惠更抵
  • 優惠有效期至 8 月中,暑假及公眾假期亦可使用

夏日喜歡輕裝上陣,smart casual wear 配襯一個自家設計的「彩繪 Tote Bag」就最能展現您的獨特個性!
今日享樂推出低至 2.5 折 Colour Jam 自由彩繪優惠︰2.5 小時親手繪製Tote Bag 一個 及 20cm X 20cm 畫布一幅!場內不但有無限量顏料、畫筆、圍裙供應,更備有茶點、飲品給您免費享用,讓您可於輕鬆愉快的氣氛下與「畫友」交流創作心得!

【FunShare X Colour Jam】自由彩繪優惠︰
一人彩繪 2.7 折︰原價 $400,享樂價 $108
二人彩繪 2.5 折︰原價 $800 / 2 人,享樂價 $196 / 2 人 (平均每人 $98)

  • 2.5 小時自由彩繪
  • 無限量顏料、畫筆、圍裙供應
  • 免費茶點、飲品
  • 自由彩繪 Tote Bag
  • 20cm X 20cm畫布 (補付 $30 可換 30cm X 40cm 大畫布)
    自選彩繪時段,每節 2.5 小時︰
  • 星期四至五 4:30pm - 7pm / 7pm - 9:30pm
  • 星期六 11am - 1:30pm ...


$38 IMAZINE 矽膠運動手錶 (原價 $188) $38 IMAZINE 矽膠運動手錶 (原價 $188)
2 折換購 (原價 $188) IMAZINE 矽膠運動手錶,8 色選擇,時尚、實用,男女合用!手錶榮獲「韓國優良設計金獎」,採用進口環保康健矽膠原材生產,長期戴用可以防止大氣中紫外線的福射,緩解疲勞!手錶 LCD 液晶顯示、防震,重量只有 10 克,平滑設計,減少摩擦,適合運動時配戴!

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半價 Dilmah t-series 茶葉套裝,星級酒店之選!

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70% off the AINHOA LUXE 10th Anniversary Gift


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Thursday, 5 May 2011
Today's Deal 70% off the AINHOA LUXE 10th Anniversary Gift
Exclusive gift set featuring luxurious caviar facials and products from leading Spanish brand AINHOA, a necklace with diamond by Rabat and more!

Celebrate Mother's Day with LUXUS Beauty and AINHOA...

This Mother’s Day, treat the most influential woman in your life to a truly special experience from LUXUS Beauty, the home of luxury Spanish skincare brand AINHOA. Relax amidst the blissful settings at the LUXUS Beauty flagship spa at The Loop in Central, or choose to take your treatments at AINHOA Institute in Tsim Sha Tsui. Expert therapists and artisan hands will restore your outer beauty using the AINHOA LUXE range of ultra sophisticated, Caviar-inspired products.

As a ValuUp member, you can an exclusive 70% discount on the AINHOA LUXE 10th Anniversary Gift Set, an innovative concept based on natural Beluga caviar extract sourced from the Caspian Sea, using gold as the active ingredient. Caviar is extremely rich in hydrating and restoring properties that helps stimulate cellular renewal, while gold helps stimulate cellular oxygenation for an immediate overall lifting effect. The gift set is available for one week only and includes:

  • Two 45-minute LUXE Caviar Facials, worth HK$1,560
  • Two 25-minute LUXE Eye Flash Treatments, worth HK$760
  • LUXE Cellular Complex DAY & NIGHT CREAM, worth HK$650 
  • LUXE Cellular Complex CAVIAR CAPSULES, worth HK$780
  • AINHOA Natural Plant Extract Moisturizing Lip Gloss, worth HK$180
  • Necklace with Stainless Steel and Diamond, designed by Rabat

Only 15 gift sets available. Reserve yours now.

Company Info
LUXUS Beauty, 17/F, The Loop, 33 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

LUXUS Beauty, 17/F, The Loop, 33 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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