
5.1折OysterMaMa蠔情優惠 新鮮空運生蠔平均每只$12.3

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OysterMaMa!! 5.1 折「蠔」情優惠 (平均 $12.3/隻) 勁嘆新鮮空運美國 Kumamoto、法國 Fine De Claire、愛爾蘭 Irish Rock、南非蠔!

原價 折扣
$288 5.1 折
OysterMaMa!! 5.1 折「蠔」情優惠 (平均 $12.3/隻) 勁嘆新鮮空運美國 Kumamoto、法國 Fine De Claire、愛爾蘭 Irish Rock、南非蠔!
地址: 葵涌梨木道 32-40 號金運工業大廈 2 期 8 樓 P 室
聯絡電話: +(852) 3163 1386 / 3163 2892
  • 享樂證不設購買上限,任買任用
  • 法國 Fine De Claire 先鹹後甜,餘韻悠長
  • 美國Kumamoto 滑流鮮甜
  • 愛爾蘭Irish Rock 口味特別受女仕歡迎
  • 南非蠔帶清新南非海水氣息

小時候對生蠔充滿謎思,除了相信生蠔對男士特別「補身」,還以為生蠔只適合在「R」字尾的月份 (9 – 12 月) 品嚐。前者依然無從稽考,後者就肯定是個誤會,最起碼在運輸發達的香港,吃生蠔已經不受時節所限!

今日享樂家可以$148 換購 12 隻 OysterMaMa!! 新鮮生蠔 (原價 $228 - $288) ,可選滑流鮮甜的熊本蠔、小巧甘甜的南非蠔、女仕最愛的愛爾蘭石蠔 或 餘韻悠長的芬大奇生蠔!今日享樂優惠任買任用,一於多買幾張享樂證,再配幾瓶乾身白酒,舒舒服服在家炮製「蠔情夜宴」,讓鮮甜滋味誘惑每串味蕾!

【FunShare X OysterMaMa!!】蠔情優惠︰$148 換購 12 隻新鮮生蠔 (原價 $228 - $288)
蠔種選擇︰(可自選同款 12 隻 或 兩款各 6 隻)

A. 熊本蠔 Kumamoto (U.S.) 原價 $19 / 隻
- 油份較輕,滑流鮮甜,適合初嘗生蠔人士品嘗。原為日本品種,後來移送美國養殖出口,全年供應,主要產地為加洲及俄勒崗州

B. 南非蠔 (South Africa) 原價 $19 / 隻
- 小巧甘甜,沒有強悍的鐵銹氣,帶有清新的南非海水氣息,口感溫柔細滑

C. 愛爾蘭石蠔Irish Rock (Ireland) 原價 ...

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半價即享Pierside Bar & Restaurant黑松露晚餐!


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HK$550 for ART JAM® is my BAG session for TWO


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Friday, 4 March 2011
Today's Deal HK$550 for ART JAM® is my BAG session for TWO
Make a duffel or tote bag your canvas with this fresh deal for TWO at artjamming™ in Central!

Feel the flow and carry it where you go…

Share the love with this exclusive DOUBLE OFFER from artjamming™, the world’s pioneer of paintertainment. A fresh, funky twist on freestyle painting, ART JAM® is my BAG offers you and a friend the chance to turn your art into a fashion accessory… at just HK$550 for TWO people!

Each ART JAM® is my BAG session comes complete with a choice of cotton canvas tote bag or manly duffel bag, including paintable canvas panels, free flow acrylic paint buffet, and signature ‘wet paint box’ to ensure both you and your YOU-nique bag design arrive home safe. A great idea if you’re short on wall space, like to wear your artwork on your sleeve, or simply want to come away with something original yet functional.

artjamming™ in Central is the ultimate place to express, discover, socialise and decompress - all while painting your own bag, chilling with friends, and bringing out those positive, creative vibes. Limited offer - grab this deal now, before it’s gone!


Company Info
123 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong

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123 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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50% off two 60 mins sessions of 1-on-1 personal training at 360 Fitness!

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Today's deal

50% off two 60 mins sessions of 1-on-1 personal training at 360 Fitness in Central! Fun and non-intimidating training!

Get the deal now

HK$ 600


HK$ 1200



You save

HK$ 600


360 fitness is a new fitness centre in Central which provides a private, non-intimidating and relaxing environment for personal training. 

The best thing about 360 fitness is that privacy and personal space is guaranteed: you will be working out with no more than 2 other pairs of trainers and clients at any one time!  

Their approach to fitness is different to most gyms: instead of counting reps next to the machines, they use free weights and equipment such as  TRX, vibration exercise machine and agility ladder.  

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