
5 折食 Hot & Cold 連 toppings 大杯裝乳酪

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今日享樂 - 香港   

以 HK$19 換購原值 HK$40 的 Hot&Cold 大杯裝乳酪及自選 2 款 toppings!

原價   折扣   節省
$40   4.8 折   $21
以 HK$19 換購原值 HK$40 的 Hot&Cold 大杯裝乳酪及自選 2 款 toppings!
Hot & Cold Fast Food
地址: 香港中環皇后大道中 151-155 號兆英商業大廈地下 C1 舖(由永吉街進入)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2815 0089

還未趕及被加到「開飯網」,享樂已急不及待要把 Hot & Cold Fast Food 帶到您跟前。以新鮮入口的正宗意大利 froyo 為主打,今日經享樂率先嚐味一大杯原值 HK$40 的 Hot & Cold 連 2 款 toppings 乳酪,只需半價 HK$19,每人最多可買 3 張享樂證。今日享樂,好味到「意」想不到!

意大利雪糕的豐厚口感最為人所回味,那麼意大利 froyo 呢?Hot & Cold 連乳酪機亦堅持從意大利運來,為的是要做出跟原產地同樣優質的出品。原味跟雪糕一樣濃稠綿密,另一款口味 Italian Light 則清新過人,配上 Hot & Cold 自製的香脆窩夫筒,讓您一手捉緊頂級「意」味。Toppings 方面,藍莓、士多啤梨、菠蘿、芒果、Granola、Crunchy Square、Honey Stars ...

邀請好友購入享樂證。成功邀請,每次可額外獲贈 $5 樂元。
電郵:cs@funshare.com 電話:+(852) 2801 0100

地址:香港觀塘大業街 35 號 B 座 6 樓

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50% off a package of 6 sessions of slimming treatments

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Today's deal: 50% off a package of 6 sessions of slimming treatments from slimming specialists Spa Beaute Par Zai...

HK$ 2040 See the deal


HK$ 4080



You save

HK$ 2040

Company information:

Spa Beaute Par Zai

Suite 901, Queen's Place, 74 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong


The Guru of Slimming Treatments!...

The other day, I read on the Internet that a significant segment of the female population believes that cellulite is the greatest affliction to hit womankind since the pain of childbirth, and for decades the beauty industry has been seeking its elusive cure with the fervor of a medieval quest...

So, I thought, time to call the Guru of slimming treatments!... :)

Spa Beaute Par Zai made its reputation based on its professionalism and thorough understanding of slimming treatments. They have highly qualified and friendly therapists, the latest equipment available and are committed to giving you the best services at an affordable price. Plus they are conveniently located in Central! You are in good hands, Spa Beaute Par Zai have been treating cellulite-sufferers for years,and were even given a score of 8/10 by the South China Morning Post

So, today, we are very happy to propose a package of 6 sessions of slimming treatments at their salon for HKD2,040 instead of HKD4,080.

The package will start with a consultation with their therapists to custom made the sessions to your needs. Each session will last for 1 hour, using the Cello M6 and/or G5 machine depending what would work the best for you! The Cello M6 machine is a vacuum-like endermologie machine created by LPG. This exclusive technique of cellular stimulation enables a 100% natural treatment of connective tissue transformations for beauty and therapeutic purposes.

But the best-kept secret of Spa Beaute Par Zai is the combination of work by the machine and sequenced hand massage... the machine loosens and liquefies the fat so that when the therapist starts the carefully sequenced hand massage, she is able to push it towards the lymph ducts through which it is eliminated from the body...

Get beach ready for your next Balinese holidays!

Enjoy your treatment!

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