
晚飯聚會首選!五折享用Trafalgar傳統英式晚餐,感受英國酒吧Poker, Snooker, 雪茄文化

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5折享用Trafalgar傳統英式晚餐,感受英國酒吧Poker, Snooker, 雪茄文化

原價   折扣   節省
$120   5 折   $60
5折享用Trafalgar傳統英式晚餐,感受英國酒吧Poker, Snooker, 雪茄文化
地址: 香港灣仔駱克道 54-62 號博匯大廈 5 樓
聯絡電話: +(852) 2110 1535
  • 港島區晚飯聚會首選餐廳
  • 營業時間至零晨 3 時
  • 陽台可俯瞰繁忙的駱克道,感覺逍遙自在
  • 設有體育賽事直播
  • 提供多款優質雪茄及英國酒吧必備的愛爾蘭啤酒、cocktail、威士忌
  • 不煙不酒的客人亦可品嚐大廚精湛的傳統英國菜式按此查看餐牌


Friend list 雖然很長,但能夠對酒談心的朋友其實不多;就正如酒吧餐廳成行成市,卻沒有幾間能同時兼顧到環境、食物和服務質素……想約老友聚聚、開懷暢飲也苦無好地方!今日享樂帶您「眾裡尋BAR」,走上位於灣仔駱克道的空中花園,以 $60 享用 $120 Trafalgar傳統英式酒吧餐廳美食。今日享樂吹吹英倫風,齊齊大杯酒、大塊肉!

Trafalgar 酒吧餐廳以十九世紀時英國的特拉法加海戰命名,這裡的裝潢擺設和餐飲美食都貫徹英倫風格。享樂家不單止可以品嚐多款英國酒吧必備的愛爾蘭啤酒、cocktail、威士忌等等,更可享用大廚精心炮製的傳統英國菜式。Trafalgar單是晚餐主菜也有超過 20 款選擇,Fish &a...

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45% off sweet indulgences at Smooch


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Friday, 19 November 2010
Today's Deal 45% off sweet indulgences at Smooch
$100 for your choice of 5 delicious drinks or desserts on a super sweet stampcard. Just the way we like it!

Craving a frosty treat, but no sneaky diet cheat?

Kiss your cravings goodbye with guilt-free desserts from Smooch. With more than 30 toppings and original, chocolate or both flavours of frozen yogurt, Smooch offers tangy, tasty frozen yogurt in an endless amount of combinations. They pride themselves on their low-calorie, low fat Italian yogurt and homemade toppings, including freshly baked brownies and granola, piled high in a great pyramid of generous, chunky goodness. During your first visit, simply exchange your ValuVoucher for a Smooch stamp card, good for 5 treats of your choice below. The card will quickly become the envy of the credit cards, thousand dollar bills and octopi in your wallet!

$100 gets you five delicious desserts or drinks on a handy stampcard, you get to choose from:

  • SMOOCH – layers of granola, frozen yogurt and choice of 3 toppings
  • CHOCOLATE KISS – layers of brownies, frozen yogurt and choice of 3 toppings
  • YO’SHAKES - build your own 16oz shake from 3 toppings plus frozen yogurt, or choose a signature flavour including Rocky Road (brownies, almond, marshmallows, yogurt) and Mocha (coffee, oreo, chocolate, yogurt)
  • MIDI_200g – medium sized froyo with choice of two toppings (From a choice of homemade brownies, homemade granola, Mochi, fresh fruits, nuts, mini macaroons, fresh fruit and tonnes more).

Did you know? Frozen yogurt is high in protein, calcium, and potassium and low in cholesterol and sodium. So indulge your sweet tooth, get a nutritional boost and share a Smooch with friends, family or random strangers.

How it Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 15 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuUp voucher in your account, good for 5 desserts or drinks at Smooch on a stampcard.
  3. Smoooooooch!
Company Info
Showcase, Shop 1, G/F, 23 Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong

See the website »

Showcase, Shop 1, G/F, 23 Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong
Find Out More

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44折入住貝多芬民宿,享受墾丁天氣晴! (原價達$1,180)


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67% Off on four Pilates Sessions of 60 min at Yoga Room

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: HKD200 for four 60-min Pilates Sessions at Yoga Room! Achieve a balanced and improved body posture!

HK$ 200 See the deal


HK$ 600



You save

HK$ 400

Company information:

The Yoga Room

3/F, 4/F & 15/F Xiu Ping Building
104 Jervois Street
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


Healty mind in a healthy body...

Mens sana in corpore sano, the romans used to say..! And we all have said it over and over again(!) that this would be the year of finding the balance between the busy work life and the crazy Hong Kong night life and your inner/body well being. The truth is the year is about to come to an end and you still didn't reach that so wanted balance.

Yoga Room can help you with that, offering a wide selection of classes - Hatha, Ashtanga, Yin, Yoga Therapy, Kundalini, Yoga Kids (3-16), Prenatal, Mum & Baby Yoga, and Pilates all taught by Certified instructors. Plus, you get a much more personalized experience as they focus on small classes. Since Twangoo didn't want you to miss on that last chance of achieving the best possible you before the year ends, it brings you four one hour sessions of Pilates at this great boutique yoga studio at a great price!

The Pilates classes are designed for anyone that wants to improve their posture, core strength, balance and vitality. Small props are used to improve the body's range of movement and to stretch, lengthen and tone all the major muscle groups. It improves circulation and helps relieve general back pain and stiffness.

Pat will guide you through the 60 min, teaching you the basics and enabling you to progress to more advanced exercises as your core strength is developed. A certified Pilates Polestar instructor for mat and small props, Pat has a solid all-round understanding of the body having also studied anatomy and acupuncture. She has a lively approach which focuses on posture, precision, breathing and body awareness which will help give you confidence even when some of the exercises seem too tough.

Yoga Room not only provides a complete and diversified class selection for all levels, beginners to advanced, but also makes sure to constantly challenge you with amazing workshops - Pilates Intensive Weekend Workshop, The 2010 Full Moon Kundalini Workshop Series, Yoga for Beginners, Laugh Out Loud-Teen Mini Camp, among others.


Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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$98 七選一面部/身體護理療程 自選護理全方位變靚啲 (原價 $500-800)


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2010年11月19日 星期五
  • 七選一面部/身體護理療程,包括:
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  • 榮獲2009年Beauty Pro「優秀專業美容院」


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