
低至4 折參加Happening Art 自助繪畫 送飲品及 9 折優惠劵

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低至 4 折參加 Happening Art 自助繪畫,送飲品及 9 折優惠劵!新年、情人節「憑畫傳情」,送上無限心意!

原價   折扣   節省
$250   5 折   $125
低至 4 折參加 Happening Art 自助繪畫,送飲品及 9 折優惠劵!新年、情人節「憑畫傳情」,送上無限心意!
Happening Art
地址: 九龍觀塘觀塘道 410 號觀點中心 7 樓 701 室 (觀塘港鐵站 A2 出口)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2357 0000
  • 享樂家可於90度落地玻璃開揚景觀的畫室中享用三小時的自助繪畫
  • 每次繪畫承送飲品一杯
  • 有經驗導師在場指導繪畫
  • 畫布尺寸: 30 X 40 cm,附送精美保護盒
  • 畫室提供澳洲品牌優質塑膠彩 (Acrylic) 任用,並提供一切繪畫所需用具
  • 畫室鄰近觀塘港鐵站及 apm 商場,交通非常方便


有沒有想過親手給摯愛親友炮製一份心意禮物,送上最獨一無二的誠意祝福?今日享樂可以低至 4 折到 Happening Art 畫室參加 3 小時自助繪畫,費用已包括 30cm X 40cm畫布、無限提供的澳洲 Chromacryl 塑膠彩顏料及所需繪畫工具。怕一個人繪畫會悶,可相約愛侶「憑畫寄意」,或是與三五知已切磋畫技、甚至一家大細作親子活動亦非常適合!Happening Art 畫室更送出飲品及 9 折優惠劵給享樂家,希望大家可以透過繪畫玩樂的過程,發揮個人的創作風格,抒發感情!

    Happening Art 自助繪畫優惠︰
  • 優惠一︰1人自助繪畫 + 1 杯飲品及 9 折優惠劵 (享樂價 $125,原價 $250)
  • 優惠二︰2人自助繪畫 + 2 杯飲品及 9 折優惠劵 (享樂價 $240,原價 $500)
  • 優惠三︰5次自助繪畫 + 5 杯飲品及 9 折優惠劵 (享樂價 $500,原價 $1250)

Happening Art 由多位藝術創作人組成,以「開心、放鬆、自我」為理念,積極推廣藝術發展。除提供自助繪畫服務外,亦會舉辦不同形式藝術活動,希望藉著自助繪畫將藝術帶進社區,讓勞碌的香港人懂得享受藝術帶來的喜悅!

從觀塘港鐵站步行至 Happenin ...

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45折 Organic Life 浪漫二人聖誕套餐!(原價: $1527)


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79% off 150min complete Luxus Bliss beauty package!

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Today's deal: 79% off a complete Luxus Bliss beauty package! Collagen Facial + eye treatment, your choice of hand treatment OR stress release massage + a special gift!

HK$ 488 See the deal


HK$ 2340



You save

HK$ 1852

Company information:

Luxus Beauty

17/F The Loop, 33 Wellington St,
Central, Hong Kong

2.5 hours of pure bliss with a non-surgical face lifting effect!

Well winter is finally here which means it is the right moment to treat yourself to a real deal hydrating facial. I am recommending a collagen facial to get back the plump and soft baby skin we love!

Collagen is a key building block in your skin tissue. However our collagen breaks down with age, giving rise to face creases we call wrinkles. The collagen facial applies pure plant collagen to your skin to make up for the collagen you've lost. It will hydrate and tighten the skin and is so popular because it gives an instant improvement to your skin texture.

This simple non-surgical collagen Botox facial treatment is recommended for people who would like to improve the lineament and have a healthy, glowing, hydrated skin.The ingredients of the products are all from natural plants and the Botox is call as "Polifenotoxyl Complex". It is a formula with neuropeptides for a deconstructing action which is originating from soya extract, polyphenols and vitamins. With a high concentration in active ingredients, this novelty treatment is a safe and painless alternative to botox injections and it offers a fairly effective solution against skin problems. The effects will not be immediate like having a Botox injection treatment, but it will gradually hydrate the skin and help prevent cell damage linked to fine lines and wrinkles. This treatment is also effective in dramatically transform skin tone and texture. Recommended for: Those with dull looking and dehydrated skin that needs firming.

The 90min pure collagen facial treatment is the complete package; cleansing, toning, peeling, mask, serum, and cream, + an eye treatment of your choice! So you're definitely in for a treat. And since at Twangoo we know that our favorite part in a facial is the always a short massage, we are adding a 30min stress release back massage to make the complete experience an idyllic 2.5 hours. Conveniently Luxus is open till 9.30 pm, which makes it the perfect treat after a hard day at work. The cherry, you can get this moment of pure happiness at Twangoo for 79% off! That's $488 instead of $2,340.

LUXUS beauty is located at The Loop. You know, the "Ginza" style sleek building, very conveniently located on 33 Wellington st, opposite the Yung Kee restaurant, right between Soho and Lan Kwai Fong. This cosy little salon carries some of the best European skincare ranges such as; Thalaroma (Switzerland), Bruno Vassari (Spain), Phytomer (France), Elemis (England) and AINHOA (Spain) to maintain services scope, in order to provide more premium services and choices to their valuable customers.Their products are amazing and seriously addictive as each of them is the result of extensive research and extremely effective ingredients.

After the treatment you'll feel an instant improvement in your skin's firmness, elasticity and hydration. My skin was feeling great and looking amazing!!!

Your turn Ladies. . . and men!!!!!

Lola's secret: one of my favorite products of their range is the "Extreme eclat instant" serum. A mix of ginseng, fruit acids, vitamins, plant and algae extracts, it gives the skin an instant bright and radiant touch as well as a great texture. Perfect to use under your make up.

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Your daily candy

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$23 RazzleBerry零脂肪Beautiful Frozen Yogurt 零脂肪Froyo X 日系華麗設計 (原價$50)


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2010年12月22日 星期三
  • 日本RazzleBerry Frozen Yogurt大杯裝(150g) + 4款自選配料
  • 美國進口乳酪品牌YoCream:零脂肪、低糖、低卡、高鈣、75倍活性乳酪菌,全港唯一「活性乳酸菌圖章」Frozen Yogurt!
  • 零脂肪冰乳酪x華麗裝潢設計x涉谷109品牌Dazzlin設計制服x Jeff Miyahara創作店舖主題曲 = RazzleBerry


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