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信心品牌,送禮推介!5 折「超羣御膳禮盒套裝」雜錦曲奇 配 笑口棗 / 花生酥角 (原價 $162 - $172) 送 $98食品贈劵 及 揮春

原價 折扣
$162 5 折
信心品牌,送禮推介!5 折「超羣御膳禮盒套裝」雜錦曲奇 配 笑口棗 / 花生酥角 (原價 $162 - $172)  送 $98食品贈劵 及 揮春
地址: 香港中環干諾道中 23 號香林大廈地下 A 鋪 / 香港薄扶林華貴村華貴商場 S3 號鋪 / 香港鰂魚涌康山道 2 號康怡 JUSCO 地下 009 號 / 香港小西灣商場地下G03鋪 / 九龍太子道西 182-184 號金寶樓地下 A 鋪 / 九龍灣牛頭角道淘大商場地下11號 / 九龍觀塘順利村利康樓 G07 號鋪
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2 款半價「御膳禮盒套裝」︰
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50% off Pole Divas - lap dancing, pole dancing, burlesque


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Hong KongYour Daily DealThursday, 20 January 2011
Today's Deal 50% off dance classes at Pole Divas
HK$130 for lap dancing, pole dancing and burlesque lessons at Pole Divas in Central

Welcome to your private, sexy and glamorous wonderland of feather boas and corsets…

Release your inner bombshell and be sexy and beautiful while feeling confident in your own skin. Today’s offer from Pole Divas is glamorous, sassy and simply irresistible!

At just HK$130 an hour, Pole Divas is offering a variety of lap dancing, pole dancing and burlesque classes that guarantee fun, femininity and fitness in every session. As you learn to embrace your curves and bring out the erotic power within you, you’ll find the level of elevation and fitness achieved after every lesson exceeds all feminine expectations.

  • Pole dancing - combining strength, flexibility and grace, this fun and sexy workout will boost your confidence and enhance your body’s tone and grace. The ultimate modern cardiovascular workout, each lesson promises a 350 calorie burn and a sexy dance routine to take home to your partner!
  • Lap dancing - the complete sensual, erotic and arousing genre, lap dancing promises to add sparkle to your lives. Dress up in the sexiest outfits, as your teachers help you bring your wildest fantasies alive. The exotic music and sensual beats will gradually chase all your stressful thoughts away as you slip into you natural, comfort zone.
  • Burlesque dance – a sophisticated theatrical art with a long history, Burlesque combines elements of acting, modeling and dance. Lessons in burlesque dancing will bring out the cheeky and exciting side of you as the costumes mainly involve corsets, stockings and feathers boas. Sassiness is the main ingredient required!

A total giggle, each individual can purchase up to ten vouchers and enjoy ten different classes. Visit their website for detailed class schedules and call 25415157 to make your booking! These exotically sexy and arousing moves will definitely have your partner on his toes, eating food off your hand. A perfect start to the Valentine’s weekend ;)

Company Info
Pole Divas
6th Floor, Wai Hing Commercial Building, 17-19 Wing Wo St, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

6th Floor, Wai Hing Commercial Building, 17-19 Wing Wo St, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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50% off 5 Personal Training Sessions!

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Today's deal

50% off 5 sessions of 60 mins Personal Training with Fitness Compass! A healthy body promotes a healthy mind!

Get the deal now

HK$ 1600


HK$ 3200



You save

HK$ 1600


The package includes 5 sessions of 60 mins each. The first session is a complete fitness assessment

Highly qualified trainers offering a unique approach to your training program, incorporating postural correction, kettlebell training, Power Plate training, resistance training, and Muay Thai.

Choose the location that is the most suited to you between your home, outdoor anywhere on HK Island or at any of the two Fitness Compass studios in Central.

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