
4.8 折 Devil 180 擲鏢場消費,加送小食

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今日享樂 - 香港   

以HK$38 到灣仔 Devil 擲鏢場當 HK$80 使用,再送您小食一客!多買多用!

原價   折扣   節省
$80   4.8 折   $42
以HK$38 到灣仔 Devil 擲鏢場當 HK$80 使用,再送您小食一客!多買多用!
Devil 180
地址: 香港灣仔灣仔道 197-199 號天輝中心 10 樓全層
聯絡電話: +(852) 2332 8037 / 2838 7808

想在食飯行街睇戲以外找到更多生活新意,不如試試擲飛鏢?不是普通酒吧那種聊勝於無的鏢局,今日享樂看上的,是 引入日本最新流行鏢機、兼不時舉行擲鏢大賽的 Devil 。只需 HK$38,即可到 Devil 擲鏢場當 HK$80 使用。而適逢其開業一週年紀念,Devil 再送您小食一客!有得食、有得飲、有得玩,今日享樂,變相送您三重優惠

一般人都以為擲鏢只是夜場的附屬玩意,卻不知這項活動已經越玩越專業,越玩越國際化。以著名鏢場 Devil 引入的日本人氣鏢機 Dartslive 2 為例,由遊戲名牌世嘉出品,最特別之處在於可即時連線上網,以便跟世界各地的鏢手一起競賽分勝負(率先在日本有此功能,稍後亦會在香港啟動)。初學者亦毋須擔心,鏢機...

邀請好友購入享樂證。成功邀請,每次可額外獲贈 $5 樂元。
電郵:cs@funshare.com 電話:+(852) 2801 0100

地址:香港觀塘大業街 35 號 B 座 6 樓

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1折!享用Star House光學嫩膚或脫毛療程!(原價$980+)

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50% and 56% off yoga for adults (main deal) and kids (side deal)

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Today's deal: 50% off 1-month FOR UNLIMITED YOGA AT THE YOGA ROOM... That's HKD325 instead of HKD650!...

HK$ 325 See the deal


HK$ 650



You save

HK$ 325

Company information:

The Yoga Room

3/F & 4/F Xiu Ping Commercial Building, 104 Jervois Street
Hong Kong


The Yoga Room is a boutique yoga studio in the heart of Sheung Wan.

With a focus on small classes and high quality, personalized instruction, the teachers of The Yoga Room radiate with warmth and knowledge from their extensive and diverse training.

They offer a very exhaustive range of classes, a convenient online booking and a whole new approach to workshops and practices...

The Yoga Room is proud to offer a large range of classes in Hatha, Ashtanga, Yin, Yoga Therapy, Kundalini, Yoga Kids (3-16), Prenatal, Mum & Baby Yoga, and Pilates all taught by Certified instructors. They Feature 30-60 minute classes designed for the beginner to the advanced. The Yoga Room recently expanded with a new studio on the 4th floor to be able to provide even more classes and workshops to their students. The studio provides a peaceful and tranquil place to practice and the possibility for "Hot yoga" and "Hot flow", known for their wonderful detoxifying and strengthening benefits

The Yoga Room is always on the look out for new solutions to simplify your life... and it's start with the booking... you can call them but they also implemented a convenient online booking for your classes. You can just log on their website, choose the classes you like and book...

The Yoga Room has plenty of ideas for new activities and workshops. They recently organized a Yoga Session at the Beach which was a lot of fun and a great success thanks to the outdoor air and scenery. Their workshops cover a large and diversified range of topics that will help you to develop harmony in your life: "Couples Birth Preparation" will help couples to come together and build their awareness through the course of their pregnancy; "Back and Neck Yoga" will allow you to work on some especific parts of your body; "Kundalini Yoga" will help you to deal with the stresses and challenges of these fast changing times... but also Pilates, New Bollywood Dance classes and even Belly Dance classes...

So, we are very happy today to offer you a 1-month unlimited adult membership at 50% off. That's HKD325 instead of HKD650 to rebalance your energy and find your inner peace!... And since, at Twangoo we think that yoga is good for you AND for your kids, we are even happier to offer your kids a unique opportunity to discover yoga. Please click here for more info about our YogaKids deal...

Convenient to such locations as Central, Soho, IFC and Shun Tak. The Yoga Room is a sanctuary amidst the chaos below with its spacious and bright feel.

Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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$270 上門滅蟲服務一次 住宅/各類型機構適用


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2010年10月19日 星期二
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