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一啖愛上! 5折歎中環GBU即製漢堡, 啖啖鮮嫩安格欺牛肉, 澳洲放養雞, 紐西蘭羊肉!

原價   折扣   節省
$120   5 折   $60
一啖愛上! 5折歎中環GBU即製漢堡, 啖啖鮮嫩安格欺牛肉, 澳洲放養雞, 紐西蘭羊肉!
地址: 中環德己笠街21號地下B舖 ( 鄰近蘭桂坊 )
聯絡電話: +(852) 2147 2866
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  • 牛迷首選 -- 100% 草飼紐西蘭安格欺牛肉;不嗜牛可選澳洲放養雞紐西蘭羊肉 。另有素食提供
  • " Build Your Own Burger " 自選口味
  • 大胃王必食!重量級司華力腸熱狗


早前 Gourmet Burger Union (GBU) 來勢洶洶打入香港高級漢堡飽專門店市場,先以優質食材和創新飲食風格進佔 中環 SoHo 區。有見香港漢堡迷反應熱烈,GBU 最近再於蘭桂坊附近開設新店,繼續以啖啖鮮嫩安格欺牛肉回饋「牛迷」!今日享樂家可以 $60 換購原價 $120 GBU 現金劵,到GBU 新店 5 折平食高級漢堡!

何謂高級漢堡?堅決選用100% 草飼紐西蘭安格欺牛肉澳洲放養雞紐西蘭羊肉等優質食材,就是高級漢堡飽專門店的態度! GBU使用開放式廚房,讓食客可以近距離觀看手勢熟練的廚師製作漢堡,先由視覺,再...

邀請好友購入享樂證。成功邀請,每次可額外獲贈 $5 樂元。
電郵:cs@funshare.com 電話:+(852) 2801 0100

地址:香港觀塘大業街 35 號 B 座 6 樓

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$268享用專業攝影套餐,自選4R相5張 (原價$998)

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55% off mani/pedi at GLOW in Central

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 55% off mani/pedi at GLOW in Central!... That's $270 instead of $600!...

HK$ 270 See the deal


HK$ 600



You save

HK$ 330

Company information:


1/F Thyrse House, 16 Pottinger Street
Central, Hong Kong


It has been said that a person's hands can say a lot about their personality...

Perhaps this is why we spend so much time and money on making them as attractive as possible... Unfortunately, with all those boat parties, time spent at the pool and at the beach last summer, it is now the time when your precious nails need the most attention. However regular salon visits can get pricey, that's why, today, we are offering you a mani/pedi at one of Central's best nail salons!

For $270 instead of $600, you will enjoy the city's top mani and pedi treatment! Perfect for you who demand only the best treatment from tip to toe.

Whether you're looking for that perfect "squarish round" shape, demand top quality nail varnish, must have the perfect French finish, or your cuticles need extra special care, you can rest assure you are in good hands at glow! Their friendly and professional team are beauty experts who have been delivering top quality beauty services to Hong Kong's pickiest customers for years.

The manicure includes filing, shaping of the free nail edge, cuticle treatment, massage of the hand and the application of polish, if desired. The pedicure includes the removal of hard skin, filing, shaping of the free nail edge, cuticle treatment, massage of the feet and the application of polish, if desired.

And women aren't the only ones who enjoy manicures/pedicures - businessmen you can also take advantage of this deal and get a mani pedi so your hands are clean and attractive. One perk is that manicures don't take long, so you can squeeze one in during your lunch hour or if you have a break between appointments during the day...

GLOW is your spa in Central for rejuvenation, relaxation and excellent results! They are Hong Kong's leader in light therapy for beauty and wellbeing. The only salon designed entirely with light technology, for the best beauty and wellbeing experience. GLOW produces amazing results with its state-of-the-art equipment and European cosmeceuticals. Skin problems disappear, signs of ageing are smoothed away and healthy youthful skin glows with a radiance that people notice immediately. The GLOW team are highly experienced therapists who are passionate about getting beautiful results for their clients.

So enjoy a top quality mani & pedi from the beauty professionals at glow for less than half price!

Side Deal Side Deal

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