
0.6 折 SKINIC肌底重組Step by Step / 6.6 折 VERO 高級手製朱古力甜品

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SKINIC「RF 水漾造滑煥膚緊緻提升面部療程」0.6折/「RF 超極電頻率收腹療程」1.2折,再送 Olecule 精華旅行裝!Step by Step 肌底重組,嫩膚再生!

原價 折扣
$1990 0.6 折
SKINIC「RF 水漾造滑煥膚緊緻提升面部療程」0.6折/「RF 超極電頻率收腹療程」1.2折,再送 Olecule 精華旅行裝!Step by Step 肌底重組,嫩膚再生!
地址: 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道 33-35 號第一商業大廈 11 樓全層
聯絡電話: +(852) 3529 2888
  • 送價值 $220 Olecule 精華旅行裝︰Barrier Repair 鎖水修護精華 及 B5 Moist+ 內外水潤露
  • SKINIC 位處銅鑼灣,交通便利
  • Aqua 水能量科技速效去角質、清黑頭,暗啞皮膚瞬即回復光澤
  • 超極電頻率刺激膠原蛋白及彈性纖維增生,提升面部輪廓
  • 高效滋養面膜締造亮白潤滑美肌
  • RF 超極電頻率收腹療程針對肚腩脂肪囤積,撃退豬腩肉

別以為春暖潮濕天氣就不需為皮膚補濕,肌膚底層要夠水養滋潤,才可以維持皮膚彈性、光澤,持久年輕!今日享樂有 SKINIC「RF 水漾造滑煥膚緊緻提升面部」0.6 折療程優惠,$128 幫您肌膚緊緻提升 step by step!另有「RF 超極電頻率收腹」1.2 折療程優惠,$128 擊退豬腩肉!惠顧以上療程再送價值 $220 「Olecule 精華旅行裝」︰Barrier Repair 鎖水修護精華 及B5 Moist+ 內外水潤露,一次過給您肌底重組,如沐春風!

【FunShare X SKINIC】療程優惠︰
優惠一︰RF 水漾造滑煥膚緊緻提升面部療程 (Aqua Tight Treatment) 享樂價 $128,原價 $1,990

    緊緻提升 step by step︰
    Step 1 – Aqua 水能量科技
    水能量造滑煥膚 SKINIC 率先引入「Aqua 水能量科技」,利用不同大細的微細造滑粒子,配合吸啜原理吸去表面老化角質及徹底潔淨黑頭污垢,令肌膚吸收養份能力大大提升並緊緻毛孔,暗啞皮膚得以回復光澤!
    Step 2 - 超極電頻率
    Step 3 - 高效滋養面膜[/ ...

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67% off Chocolate Fondant & Crème Brulee Classes


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Thursday, 17 March 2011
Today's Deal 67% off Chocolate Fondant & Crème Brulee Class
HK$199 for a 1.5 hour baking class at Fairy Cakes. Learn the techniques behind two of most popular desserts known to man – the gooey Chocolate Fondant, and the luscious Crème Brulee

What do you get when a chocolate volcano erupts on a sea of cream? Burnt cream and molten chocolate lava… the most delicious dessert combination possible!

At Fairy Cakes, sugar saturated fantasies like these come true on a daily basis. Their talented baking team churns out gorgeous fluffy cupcakes, perfectly moist cookies, ingenious 3D cake creations and an assortment of bite-sized morsels of goodness by the truckload. What’s more, they also host regular baking classes, giving us mere mortals access to the Wonderful World of Desserts, and revealing the secrets behind their trademark creations.

For April’s workshops, we’ve chosen two ever-popular desserts: the Chocolate Fondant, also known by its alter ego the Molten Lava Cake, and the Crème Brulee, which literally means ‘burnt cream’ in French. For HK$199, you’ll get a 1.5 hour hands-on baking class, with all hand-outs and ingredients provided. The social bonding that comes from baking know-how is tremendous. Anyone proclaiming these revered baking capabilities is guaranteed to draw a crowd of hungry goody two shoes and brow-nosers for life. And the icing on the cake? You get to take home two crème brulees and two molten cakes at the end of the class, to show off to your friends!

Crème Brulee – a lusciously creamy desert consisting of a rich vanilla-flavoured custard base topped with a contrasting layer of hard caramel.

Chocolate Fondant Cake – this legendary dessert combines the elements of a flourless chocolate cake and a soufflé, baked to perfection to ensure a spongy outer layer bursting with gooey chocolate interior.

Company Info
Fairy Cakes
9/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central

See the website »

9/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central
Find Out More

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50% off 3 TriPollar Facials at Beautiful Skin Centre

50% off 3 TriPollar Facials at Beautiful Skin Centre. Radiant, healthy looking skin, at any age

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50% off 3 TriPollar Facials at Beautiful Skin Centre. Radiant, healthy looking skin, at any age...

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HK$ 3600


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HK$ 3600


Enjoy 3 TriPollar 75 minute facials at the Beautiful Skin Centre in Pacific Place.

Try the most popular facial skin rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction technique successfully used by physicians, aestheticians and clinics around the world, the TriPollar technology, for an unbeatable price.

Expect facial contouring, skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, overall skin treatment improvement, it is like a mini face-lift, without any pain, injections or surgery...

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