
6.4折換購廣隆行帝皇御品海味禮盒: 特級花膠筒, 宗谷元貝, 厚身花菇

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6.4 折換購廣隆行「帝皇御品海味禮盒」,特級花膠筒+厚身花菇+宗谷元貝 或 天然髮菜 (原價 $258 - $368)

原價   折扣   節省
$258   6.5 折   $90
6.4 折換購廣隆行「帝皇御品海味禮盒」,特級花膠筒+厚身花菇+宗谷元貝 或 天然髮菜 (原價 $258 - $368)
地址: 香港上環永樂街 119 號地下(上環地鐵站 A2 出口)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2851 6821 / 2851 6801
  • 廣隆行字號老,海味真材實料
  • 特級花膠筒具有滋陰養顏、補腎益精之效
  • 厚身花菇肉質結實,營養豐富
  • 宗谷元貝天然生晒,香味濃郁
  • 甘肅髮菜純正天然,貨真價實


上環廣隆行豈只有大閘蟹? 廣隆行海味一樣字號老、口碑好!創立三十多年來,廣隆行向來講求真材實料,且價錢親民,今日享樂就為您介紹 2 款 6.4折廣隆行「帝皇御品海味禮盒」,有特級花膠筒、厚身花菇、日本宗谷元貝 或 甘肅天然髮菜,買定多幾盒過年送禮,矜貴得體!

    2 款廣隆行「帝皇御品海味禮盒」包括︰
  • 禮盒一︰特級花膠筒 (約6隻) + 厚身花菇 (10 両) + 甘肅天然髮菜 (約半両)
    享樂價 $168,原價 $258
  • 禮盒二︰特級花膠筒 (約6隻) + 厚身花菇 (10 両) + 日本宗谷元貝 (約1/4 斤)
    享樂價 $ 238,原價 $368


冬菇營養豐富,含有豐富蛋白質,還含有氨基酸、碳水化合物及礦物質等。厚身花菇肉質結實,菇香味濃,有消脂降血壓之效 。

元貝含有豐富蛋白質、鈣質、磷質及牛磺酸等。日本宗谷元貝色澤金黃,天然生晒,香味濃郁,口感佳且不會起渣。對病後人仕有調理身體之效。[/parag ...

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35折Private Garden酒心、果仁、榛子朱古力製作班!


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49% off on 90 mins Hot Stone Foot Massage at Dragonfly!

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Today's deal: 49% off on 90 mins Hot Stone Foot Massage at Dragonfly! Relief muscle tensions with first class service & ambience!

HK$ 250 See the deal


HK$ 490



You save

HK$ 240

Company information:

Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat

Novotel Century Hotel
238 Jaffe Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong


It's the new year, get back on your feet!..

2011 it's here and everyone is back in town!.. Getting away from Hong Kong's rhythm is always a good way to recharge the batteries but this city certainly has it's charms!... Confess.. what is it that you miss the most about this city when you are away? I would say that a big majority of people would answer the foot massages!!

So Twangoo is bringing you back a chance to return to Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat with another fantastic treatment - the Hot Stone Foot Massage!! So perfect for Winter!

In China, hot stone therapy has long been used as a method for relieving muscle aches and tension. Polished basalt stones (hardened lava rocks) are heated by water and then placed strategically along your body's meridians. The heat relaxes the muscles before and during the massage, enhancing the effects of a deep tissue massage and promoting deeper relaxation and a sense of well-being.

These 90 minutes of warm bliss at Dragonfly will help promote deep muscle and tissue relaxation, alleviate stress and tension, release endorphins (the body's natural painkillers), relief pain - including aches and pains in the joints, improve circulation and calm the psyche.

For the ones who have been at Dragonfly, no introductions are needed, but for those who missed our first Twangoo offer at this amazing spot, think first class foot massage and this is the place you want to be - after all, we all know how much us Honkongese can become addicted to VIP treatment. At Dragonfly the day's troubles will melt away as you relax amid the tranquil music, soft lighting, alluring fragrance and warm textures that are all part of the signature Dragonfly ambience. You'll also enjoy their special blend of Dragonfly "deep sleep" aroma oil, and rest comfortably with their luxurious heated lumbar and shoulder pads. You can even choose from a custom selection of soothing pillows to further personalize your treatment. You don't need to lift a finger - just relax and let their skilled therapists begin to work their magic while you rejuvenate in an oasis of calm. Their motto is to "Relax the World!".

Nothing beats a Hot Stone treatment to ward off the winter chill, re-invigorate a tired body, increase your vitality - and improve your mood. Give a special treat to your friends, loved ones and yourself this winter with the latest addition to the Dragonfly menu - a Hot Stone Foot massage!

Your daily candy

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40% off reflexology at Sutherland-Chan


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Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 3 January 2011
Today's Deal 40% off reflexology at Sutherland-Chan
HKD240 for a 30-minute foot reflexology session plus free gift of beautifully wrapped Epsom salts

Twinkle, twinkle little toes, how I love to massage them so…

The Chinese believe that the foot is the gateway to the body. For over 5,000 years, massage has been used to encourage healing by stimulating acupuncture points through the principles of reflexology. Today, the Sutherland-Chan Centre in Stanley Street offers the ultimate in bespoke reflexology.

For HKD240, you get a 30-minute session with Victoria Geaves, a resident specialist accredited by the UK Association of Reflexologists, one of the world's foremost professional bodies, and a diploma holder in Anatomy, Physiology and Massage. Victoria will work her magic on your precious tootsies, taking absolute care of your feet while investigating exactly what is going on with your body!

Having graduated from the Central London School of Reflexology in 2002, Victoria specialises in stress and tension relief, stimulating specific reflex points producing deep therapeutic relaxation. She also addresses imbalances and disorders in order to return the body to its natural state of equilibrium. Her style is a mix of science and holistic wellbeing. What’s more, after your relaxing and insightful reflexology session, you will be given a special gift; a packet of Epsom salts presented in a beautiful wrapped bag , great for soothing your muscles and drawing out unwanted toxins and swelling.

Sutherland-Chan don’t normally offer discounts, boasting a 30-year pedigree in Canada and North America, so grab this exclusive deal while you can! Only 50 sessions available.

Company Info
Sutherland Chan Center
19/F, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

19/F, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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