
4.4折在家品嚐Oliva意大利Cheese Cake + 送現金劵

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4.4 折在家品嚐 Oliva 意大利餐廳 4 款皇牌 Cheese Cake+送蛋糕現金劵!破底價折扣優惠,多買多送,滋味無窮!

原價   折扣   節省
$178   5.6 折   $79
4.4 折在家品嚐 Oliva 意大利餐廳 4 款皇牌 Cheese Cake+送蛋糕現金劵!破底價折扣優惠,多買多送,滋味無窮!
  • Cheese Cake 選用澳洲優質芝士及牛油,滋味無窮
  • 凱旋美食自設工場,每日為不少酒店、食市提供新鮮糕餅
  • Cheese Cake 可選 Oreo曲奇、士多啤梨、藍莓 或 紐約口味
  • 7"Cheese Cake 每個約 2 磅重,於雪櫃可儲放 1 星期
  • 凱旋美食提供宅送服務,讓客人足不出戶亦可品嚐高級食府水準的 Cheese Cake


一連串的節日活動終於告一段落,患上「出街恐懼症」的我決定今個周末足不出戶,與家人品嚐全家都鍾意的Oliva 意大利餐廳皇牌 Homemade Cheese Cake!沒錯,Oliva 意大利餐廳總廚兼創辦人李漢忠先生(Andy)為回饋食客多年來的支持,2011 年成立了 Oliva 的支線 - 凱旋美食,讓顧客可以相宜的價錢,安坐家中品嚐高級餐廳的甜品糕餅!今日享樂不但可率先訂購凱旋美食 4 款皇牌 Homemade Cheese Cake,更可享獲破底價折扣優惠及凱旋美食現金劵,買得愈多,著數愈多!

    享樂 x 凱旋美食破底價折扣優惠︰
  • 優惠一︰ $99 換購 1 個Cheese Cake + 送 $20 現金劵 (原價 $158 - $178)
  • 優惠二︰ $178 換購 2 個Cheese Cake + 送 $20 現金劵 2 張 (原價 $316 - $356)
  • 優惠三︰ $320 換購 4 個Cheese Cake + 送 $20 現金劵 4 張 (原價 $632 - $712)

  • # 7 吋 Cheese Cake 約 2 磅,備有 4 款口味選擇︰
  • Oreo曲奇 (原價 $178) 、士多啤梨 (原價 $178)、藍莓 (原價 $168) 或 紐約口味 (原價 $158)

Oreo Cheese Cake [newl ...

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50% off hotdog combos at Simplicity


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Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 7 January 2011
Today's Deal 50% off hotdog combos at Simplicity
HK$40 for a hotdog, fries and drink combo at Simplicity, worth HK$80. Home of great value comfort food

Great hotdogs are all about Simplicity…

Hurry over to Simplicity for a stellar deal on classic dachshunds. This cute crepe place on Wyndham Street overlooking Lan Kwai Fong is the brainchild of the people behind FINDS. The cozy little bistro boasts a chilled European vibe, with cute crockery and barstools for quick bites on the go. And when it comes to homemade comfort food, Simplicity get top marks. Their prized hotdogs are the epitome of culinary showmanship - 100% pure pork wieners proudly imported from Vienna.

For HK$40, you get your choice of Naked Dog, Cheesy Dog or Fish Dog, accompanied with generous servings of sauerkraut and all the usual accoutrements. The combo comes with a side of Simply The Best Fries and your choice of beverage (soda, tea, coffee or bottled water). Customize your fries with house tomato sauce, mayo, spicy seasoning, salt and vinegar or have it the way it’s meant to be – just salted. Vegetarians, vegans and assorted softies can go for the freshly diced Ratatouille Dog at the same price, while meat-lovers can upgrade to a Chili Dog for an extra HK$10. Thirsty? Upgrade your drink to an ice cold beer bottle for an extra HK$20. Now that’s what we’re talking about!

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 30 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for a hotdog + fries + drink combo at Simplicity.
  3. Make friends with your new dachshund.
Company Info
G/Fl, 41 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

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G/Fl, 41 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
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