
Help us find the ULTIMATE client loyalty programme!

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Twangoo Wishes you a Happy Chineese New Year

Dear Twangoo Members,

Happy Chinese New Year! Good Health and Good Fortune!
Kung Hei Fat Choy!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Twangoo Wishes you a Happy Chineese New Year

As a Twangoo client, you know from your experience that our offerings are centred around you. Each day, we think about what best deals we can bring to you. What more can we do to enhance your experience in the cities you live in.

And today, we are thinking: how can we best reward our loyal clients?

After all, with your support, your vote of confidence, and your valuable feedback, you are making Twangoo the premier provider of best value in lifestyle & city experiences. You are already a key member of our winning team.

So, we are thinking: why not make you, if you wish, a shareholder of our company for free? Isn't this cool?

We've all heard about Internet startups going from 0 to a zillion dollars in valuation in just few years!... And that's thanks to their clients!... So, we think it is time for you to participate!...

So, today, we would like to ask you your opinion on what matters to you: do you like the idea of a client loyalty programme based on Twangoo's shares i.e. the more you buy on Twangoo, the more shares you receive for free?

If you like this idea, please click on "I Like" on our Facebook page.

Help us reach 10,000 Fans and win $HK50

If we reach 10,000 fans on Facebook by end of Feb, it means that you like the idea. In this case, we will start to work on this idea and get back to you by end of March.

If not, it means that you don't like this idea and we will brainstorm further to find another idea to reward you with the ULTIMATE client loyalty programme!

The Twangoo Team

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Contact us at support@twangoocom, on twitter @twangoo_com, or call us at +852 3973 6429
Twangoo Limited, 17/F Wheelock House, 20 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong

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