
$134法國Les 3 Cellier得獎紅/白酒;$48 搶購雙下巴救星+胸圍帶扣(原價 $116)

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$268 換購 2 瓶法國 Les 3 Cellier 得獎紅 / 白酒 (平均每瓶 $134),再送 $168「開瓶三寶」1 套+$50 Paradiso Cellars現金劵!

原價 折扣
$536 5 折
$268 換購 2 瓶法國 Les 3 Cellier 得獎紅 / 白酒 (平均每瓶 $134),再送 $168「開瓶三寶」1 套+$50 Paradiso Cellars現金劵!
Paradiso Cellars 伯樂酒窖
地址: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道199-203號東華大廈1903室 (灣仔港鐵站A2出口)
聯絡電話: +(852) 3590 4487
  • 享樂價 $268 換購 2 瓶紅 / 白佳釀,平均每瓶只需 $134
  • 贈送 $50 Paradiso Cellars現金劵 及價值 $168「開瓶三寶」1 套
  • 法國教皇新城堡 Les 3 Cellier 獲得國際知名酒評家高度評價,並在國際葡萄酒大賽中勇奪多項大獎
  • 法國教皇新城堡 Les 3 Cellier 红酒 單寧明顯富成熟的黑莓、樱桃、甘草味
  • 法國教皇新城堡 Les 3 Cellier 白酒 酸度適中,適合配甜品飲用

對研究葡萄酒的朋友,都喜歡參考世界著名酒評家的評論;如果沒有心機、時間慢慢鑽研葡萄酒學問,學會看 Parker Point 也足夠您去選一瓶好酒了!Parker Point是世上最具影響力的酒評家Robert M. Parker, Jr 對葡萄酒的評分標準,滿分為100。
今日享樂就為大家介紹 2 款法國教皇新城堡 Les 3 Cellier,2007 年 Marceau 曾被評定Parker Point 91 及Parker Point 89 之高分,更贏得「2010 巴黎 International Wine Challenge 金獎」及「Medaille D`Or 2010 Paris 2010 巴黎農業部金獎」!

【FunShare X Paradiso Cellars】5 折優惠︰
原價 $536,享樂價 $268 / 2 瓶  (平均每瓶 $134)

優惠一︰Les 3 Cellier Marceau 教皇新城堡红酒 (750ml) 及L'Insolente 教皇新城堡白酒 (750ml) 各 1 瓶
優惠二︰Les 3 Cellier Marceau 教皇新城堡红酒 (750ml) 2 瓶
優惠三︰Les 3 Cellier L'Insolente 教皇新城堡白酒 (750ml) 2 瓶

    $50 Paradiso Cellars現金劵
    價值 $168「開瓶三寶」1 套 (Wine Opener + Foil Cu ...
$48 搶購「雙下巴救星」及「胸圍帶扣 II - X」(原價 $116) $48 搶購「雙下巴救星」及「胸圍帶扣 II - X」(原價 $116)
今日享樂為您介紹瘦面潮流小玩意 - 「雙下巴救星」Neckline Slimmer!每天輕鬆運動 3-5 分鐘,即可收緊下巴多餘贅肉,尖尖面讓您看起來更年輕! 購買今日享樂更可獲贈「胸圍帶扣 II - X」Perfect Bra Strap ( 一盒 9 個),平行的胸圍肩帶一扣即成交叉肩帶,不再出現「跌膊」尷尬場面,穿起 Y 背背心就更稱心!

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50% off a demonstration Italian cooking class at W52

50% off a demonstration Italian cooking class at W52 with chef Francesco Berardinelli...

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50% off a demonstration Italian cooking class at W52 with chef Francesco Berardinelli...

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HK$ 500


This Twangoo is for a two-hour demonstration Italian cooking class at W52 with chef Francesco Berardinell, which includes: 
  • the demonstration of 3 signature dishes: a starter, a main course and a dessert (He will also accepted special requests based on your preferences!)
  • tasting of the food
  • recipe handout
This is your change to become an master in Italian cooking. Purchase as many vouchers as you like: 1,2,3...up to 10. 
W52 serves "Simply Italian" food with the highest quality ingredients prepared by one of the best chefs in Hong Kong.
Francesco Berardinelli has worked with top chefs around the world, including Alain Ducasse, before becoming executive chef of W52.

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