
5折食燒魂一日式網燒放題 必試全港獨家加拿大特濃牛裡肌

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$179 享用燒魂一日式網燒放題,豪食全港獨家「加拿大特濃牛裡肌」,包指定罐裝飲品任飲 及 全年 VIP 優惠 (總值 $358)

原價 折扣
$358 5 折
$179 享用燒魂一日式網燒放題,豪食全港獨家「加拿大特濃牛裡肌」,包指定罐裝飲品任飲 及 全年 VIP 優惠 (總值 $358)
地址: 尖沙咀漆咸道南 57-59 號金馬倫中心 2 樓
聯絡電話: 2366 6072
  • 放題包指定罐裝飲品任飲
  • 送全年 VIP 會籍,優惠包括︰全單 85 折、生日 5 折、「10 人入場 ,1人免費」…
  • 大部份食材持產地證書,食得放心
  • 店內有廣播指導正確日式網燒技巧
  • 全港獨家供應「加拿大特濃牛裡肌」
  • 燒物每日由產地直送,保證新鮮
  • 任點任食刺身拼盤款款肥美逼人,無限供應
  • 必食推介︰7 吋長啖啖肉花竹蝦

前輩常言道「食一餐少一餐」,每次跟他吃飯,定會光顧最特式的餐廳、點最刁鑽的菜式,至於價錢,當然也是最「肉赤」!今日終於輪到我做「大豪客」,不單只可以滿足他的口腹,更不怕傷及我的錢包,事關今日有「享樂 X 燒魂一」5 折日式網燒放題優惠!

    今日享樂︰$179 享用燒魂一日式網燒放題
  • 送 指定罐裝飲品任飲
  • 送 全年 VIP 會籍 (價值 $100)
    包括︰全單 85 折、生日半價、「10 人入場 ,1人免費」等等優惠 (更多詳情可致電 2366 6072 查詢)
  • 放題分為 3 個時段,可自定時間入場︰
    落班族 (5:30 pm – 8:00 pm) 2.5 小時;
    潮族 (8:15 pm – 10:45 pm) 2.5 小時;
    宵魂族 (9:30 pm – 2:00 mn) 其中 2 小時
  • # 食客須繳付正價之加 1 服務費;落班族時段 $19.8,潮族時段 $23.8,宵魂族時段 $18.8

頂級烤肉放題之選 - 燒魂一
燒魂一絕對是香港頂級烤肉放題之選!放題時段選用高級食材如︰全港獨家發售的加拿大特濃牛裡肌、鹿兒島赤豚菲力肉、雪花黑毛和牛卷、特上牛里背肉、安格斯一口牛、及白乳牛仔肉…… 餐廳的牛肉全部備有入口證書,燒起來肉味濃郁;海鮮亦不容小覷,如啖啖肉的花竹蝦、時令翡翠螺,以及本州墨魚都鮮味十足!
以平民價錢,就可以飽嘗頂級牛肉、矜貴海鮮 及 肥美刺身壽司等絕妙美食 ...

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50% off SpaRitual manipedis at Nail Stoppe


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Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 14 January 2011
Today's Deal 50% off organic manipedis at Nail Stoppe
HK$260 for an organic all-natural manicure and pedicure from Nail Stoppe

Introduce yourself to an exciting new range of ‘SpaRitual’ manicures and pedicures at Nail Stoppe…

Beautiful manicures begin with healthy, resilient nails. Nail Stoppe, a boutique nail salon in Central, offers a wide range of 100% vegan nail care services along with gel nails and nail art. They’ll lavish you with SpaRitual’s collection of sophisticated Nail Elixirs to nourish cuticles, build strong nails and establish a flawless environment for color. These stunning elixirs are a natural choice… free of DBP, Formaldehyde, Toluene and other harmful substances!

For $260, you can have your cuticles looking cute again by indulging in their unique organic manipedi. Your treatment includes a cuticle-fighting manicure and callus-eliminating pedicure, beginning with a soak for suppleness, cuticle trim, nail shaping and polish in a dizzying array of colors and glitters.

With an emphasis on healthy living, Nail Stoppe promises great service, impeccable hygiene and a dash of luxury with every nail appointment. So come relax and unwind in their lush pedicure chairs and let their highly experienced technicians bestow upon you a special experience, taking complete care of nails that will soon be buffed, shaped, trimmed, scrubbed and polished to perfection.

Company Info
Nail Stoppe
Room 305, 3/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane St
Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

Room 305, 3/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane St Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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46% off a set 7-course dinner including wine at Saigon at Stanley! That's $538 for a banquet menu for 2 persons!

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