
$138 嘆正宗泰式按摩,加送泰式草球熱療(共65分鐘)!


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5.8折享用有「營」老字號 三寶齋素食中心「鴻運素盆菜」一個

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5.8 折享用有「營」老字號 三寶齋素食中心「鴻運素盆菜」,夠意頭又健康,與家人分享美味齋菜盛宴!

原價 折扣
$168 5.8 折
5.8 折享用有「營」老字號 三寶齋素食中心「鴻運素盆菜」,夠意頭又健康,與家人分享美味齋菜盛宴!
地址: 沙田正街 21-27 號沙田廣場 3 樓商場 33 號舖
聯絡電話: +(852) 2604 3228
  • 開年首選「鴻運素盆菜」,應節之餘有特色
  • 惠顧「鴻運素盆菜」1 個可獲贈紅棗糕 1 件,多買多送
  • 沙田三寶齋老字號,素菜質素有保証
  • 盆菜有十多款應節素料,足夠 3-4 人享用
  • 三寶齋提倡少油、少糖及少鹽,獲選為「有營食肆」


今日享樂給您沙田三寶齋素食中心 5.8 折優惠,以 $98 換購原價 $168 的「鴻運素盆菜」一個,盆菜素料包括︰素鮑魚、素蝦仁、素雞、素牛肉、素火腿、枝竹、芋頭、蘿白、草菇、北菇、西蘭花、椰菜花,份量足夠 3 – 4 人享用。享樂家再有小甜頭,可獲贈三寶齋紅棗糕 1 件,多買多送!

有「營」老字號 - 三寶齋
位於沙田廣場的三寶齋素食中心,於 80 年代開業至今已 31 個年頭,成為香港歷史最悠久的中式素食菜館之一!每逢初一、十五齋期及其他齋戒宗教節日,必定座無虛席,不只為沙田居民提供優質的素食服務,更贏盡遠道而來的食客青睞!隨着時代進步,現代人對食的要求有所提高,追求食得健康。三寶齋已於 2009 年,成為衛生署認可的「有營食肆」,推廣少油、少糖及少鹽素菜,自始亦吸納了大批注重營養又愛環保的年輕食客,加入健康素食行列!
# 為保食物新鮮,建議享樂家堂食盆菜!外賣須另繳 $20 食物盆按金,食物盆可退回到沙田三寶齋素食中心或自家素食分店,敬請支持環保!

Flying fish @ openrice︰[/hi ...

《羽壽司》二人晚餐 6.2  折優惠!平均每位 $134 《羽壽司》二人晚餐 6.2 折優惠!平均每位 $134
新春佳節,吹來滋味「和風」!享樂家可到《羽壽司》全線 8 間分店,以 $268 品嚐原價 $428《羽壽司》二人晚餐,包括︰手握壽司、海鮮天婦羅、香草燒牛柳 / 羊架、新鮮沙律等 6 款和風美食,以及 2 份 精緻甜品 / 飲品。(享樂價已包括加一服務費!) 「享樂 X 羽壽司」優惠將於明天 1 月 27 日 11:30am 限時推出!密切留意 ^0^

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50% off permanent OPI manicures at Nail&Waxing@LKF


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Hong KongYour Daily DealWednesday, 26 January 2011
Today's Deal 50% off OPI Axxium range by Nail&Waxing@LKF
HK$290 for the latest OPI Axxium Soak Off Gel Laquer plus Nail Art (colour and sparkle) by the specialists at Nail&Waxing@LKF

Out with the old, in with the new…

For HK$290, experience lastest, most innovative style of nail indulgences, because standard manicures are so 2010. The revolutionary range of OPI Soak Off Gels takes nails to new dimensions, giving you a "permanent manicure" with stunning results that last and last.

Unlike a traditional nail polish, OPI Axxium Soak Off Gel is “cured” under UV light to dry almost instantly, and is followed by an application of the colour of your choice and trendy nail art sparkles, reflecting your mood. At Nail&Waxing@LKF, their trained manicurists have perfected the technique of nail art, viewing each set of nails as an exciting canvas ready to be explored. Axxium acts as an invisible layer of protection, leaving you with glossy, exceptionally durable, smudge-free nails that are so strong they can grow without breaking. So do not fear rummaging through your purse for set of keys, this polish aint going nowhere!

Best of all, soak off gels are the perfect solution to messy winter manicures, so step into Nail&Waxing@LKF and let the qualified manicurists take control and help you keep up with all the latest trends... with lovely nails and original nail art that will not chip, peel, flake or smudge. This baby will provide you with all the OPI shades you love for flawless wear and colour, lasting more than 3 weeks!

Company Info
Nail & Waxing @LKF
11/F, 1 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

11/F, 1 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong
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半價搶購新潮M-Jungle特色攬枕及地毯!(原價 $148)


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