
5折歎 Ivan the Kozak 俄羅斯菜 獨家進口伏特加

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$80 換購 $160 Ivan the Kozak 東歐餐廳現金劵,歎烏克蘭酒店名厨主理地道美食,品嚐獨家進口俄羅斯伏特加

原價   折扣   節省
$160   5 折   $80
$80 換購 $160 Ivan the Kozak 東歐餐廳現金劵,歎烏克蘭酒店名厨主理地道美食,品嚐獨家進口俄羅斯伏特加
  • 保証百分百正宗烏克蘭古法泡製,同時亦切合香港人口味
  • 獨家從俄羅斯進口及銷售著名 Christall 十多種伏特加酒,酒味香醇,一試難忘
  • 自設雪房,免費皮草供保暖及拍照服務,付設烏克蘭雪景
  • 古天樂、吳鎮宇、徐子淇、蘇玉華、楊丞琳等明人紅星都大讚好味
  • 餐廳裝潢富有東歐特色,吳君如、周慧敏主演的電影《得閒炒飯》亦在這裡取景
  • 網友、專業食家飲家一致讚好


寒流襲港不一定要食蛇羹、煲仔飯、打邊爐…… 學俄羅斯人在冰天雪地飲杯伏特加暖暖胃,兼歎正宗東歐地道美食亦是不錯的選擇!香港當然未至於會落雪,但位於蘇豪區的 Ivan the Kozak 東歐 (烏克蘭、俄羅斯) 餐廳,泡製正宗烏克蘭傳統菜式之餘,有「伏特加雪房」,可讓您在零下十幾二十度的嚴寒之下豪飲伏特加!

今日享樂家可以 $80 換購 $160 Ivan the Kozak 現金劵,消費滿 $250 即可獲贈俄羅斯 Vodka 1 杯 (價值 $42)!按此查看餐單

Ivan the Kozak 是本港唯一的正宗東歐 (烏克蘭、俄羅斯) 餐廳,由餐廳的裝潢、擺設、餐具以至飲食,都滿有東歐特色!餐廳的所有食品均由鳥克蘭及俄羅斯之酒店及高級餐廳名厨親自主理,並從眾多傳統烏克蘭、俄羅斯菜式中,精選切合港人胃口的地道美食。除了美食,當然還要美酒助慶!店主 Ivan 獨家從俄羅斯進口及銷售著名 Christall 十多種伏特加酒,讓香港的食客可以一嚐最具地道風味的伏特加!食客亦可以穿上餐廳提供的皮草大衣,走入冰藍色的「伏特加雪房」,在烏克蘭雪景前,一邊品嚐伏特加,一邊拍照留念!

看看網民食家對 Ivan the Kozak 一致好評︰

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46折KANBO康寶堂100%純天然紅石榴汁!(原價 $60)


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30% off Wakesurfection - wakeboarding and wakesurfing classes


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Hong KongYour Daily DealWednesday, 12 January 2011
Today's Deal 30% off Wakesurfection
HK$2,100 for 3 hours of wakeboarding & wakesurfing for up to 6 people (that's HK$116 per person per hour!)

Hawaii Five-O fun in Hong Kong...

Want to surf like a star from Hawaii Five-0 in Hong Kong? Come out with Wakesurfection – HK’s best wakesurfing school. With Wakesurfection’s specially designed wakesurfing boat, you’ll get endless waves to surf off. If you’ve never tried surfing then this is the coolest way to get a great cardio and core workout. You’ll have a ton of fun and get your adrenaline rush at the same time. If you’ve tried surfing before then this will help perfect your skills. You’ll also get to hang out with your friends and blast your favourite tunes from the awesome sound system.

If you prefer wakeboarding, we’ve got that too. Skilled wakeboarders carve across the water's surface at 25 mph before flying as high as 8 feet in the air. But the intensity of wakeboarding masks the fact that it's actually pretty easy to learn! For snowboarders, it will be a piece of cake and a great way to keep their skills up to scratch.

Start off the new year and transform yourself into a surfer dude or chick with today’s deal from Wakesurfection, which includes all the boat, gas, gear and encouragement you’ll need to wakesurf and wakeboard for 3 hours over some of Hong Kong’s finest flatwater near Lamma. The deal can be shared with up to 6 people, which equates to only HK$116 per person per hour!

Wakesurfection offers qualified instructors with extreme wakeboarding and wakesurfing experience, and can be trusted to teach you the safest and most complete ways to master all the best board  sports on the water, from absolute beginners  all the way to trickmaster extraordinaire. Upon arrival at the Wakesurfection shipyard in Aberdeen, you will be given a detailed instruction and safety briefing before being kitted out with your gear and life jacket. Wakesurfection knows that the best conditions and the cleanest waters are found at Lamma and you’ll leave from Aberdeen to the best spots in Lamma that are available that day. These guys are all about patient, attentive instruction and a fun-based curriculum, the perfect day of good times and good friends out on the water.

Deal valid for use until 17 April 2011!
Grab this Early Bird special now!
Company Info
17 Shum Wan Rd, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

See the website »

17 Shum Wan Rd, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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50% Off to catch the Ceroc bug!

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50% off 4 Complete Beginners Ceroc Dance Lessons! Tens of thousands of people worldwide already got the Ceroc bug, what about you?

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HK$ 300


HK$ 600



You save

HK$ 300


This dynamic blend of Jive and Salsa moves has become so popular it is the largest and fastest growing partner dance in the UK.
Tens of thousands of people across the globe have already got the Ceroc bug as it can provide a great way to meet people and stay in shape.
The dance is easy to learn and although you dance with partners, most people come on their own. Their teaching method means everyone changes partners. 
CEROC is a great way to keep fit, socialise and enjoy a complete night out.    

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$118享用B-White 藍光美白護齒療程,再送唇部護理!

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