
$118報讀九型人格基礎班 送判斷型號諮詢

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1.6 折報讀 5 小時九型人格基礎班 送「判斷型號諮詢」及講師著作《我是幾號》(原價 $978) 讓自己變得更快樂

原價   折扣   節省
$900   1.3 折   $782
1.6 折報讀 5  小時九型人格基礎班  送「判斷型號諮詢」及講師著作《我是幾號》(原價 $978) 讓自己變得更快樂
E9 Consultancy Company
地址: (上課地點) 九龍佐敦新寶廣場 6/F
聯絡電話: +(852) 3103 8686
  • 基礎班送「判斷型號」及有關愛情、親子等問題諮詢1次 (60分鐘)
  • 「不同型號對對碰」環節可讓學員具體了解不同型號的特性
  • 保加利實戰經驗非常豐富,意見精闢獨到
  • 5 小時基礎班內容豐富,理論與應用兼備


有沒有統計過這幾天您聽了 / 說了多少次「新年快樂」?快樂人人都想,但要真正活出快樂人生,還需要花點心思去學習和探索。認識自己和了解身邊人是尋找快樂的第一步,今日享樂誠邀九型人格專家- 保加利,教大家可以借助九型人格的法則,尋找您的快樂人生!

  • $118 (1.3 折) -九型人格基礎班 送 判斷型號諮詢服務 (價值 $900)
  • $158 (1.6 折) -九型人格基礎班 送 判斷型號諮詢服務 + 保加利著作《我是幾號》(價值 $978)

5 小時的「九型人格基礎班 – 尋找人生快樂」將由淺入深講解九型人格的原則和應用,不論您對九型人格略知皮毛或是一竅不通,只要您年滿 15 歲,而又希望透過九型人格更認識自己、更了解身邊人,都非常適合報讀!理論與應用兼備的基礎班特設「不同型號對對碰」環節,讓學員更具體明白不同型號的外表、行為及內在價值觀。

保加利更會為享樂家進行 1 次免費「判斷型號諮詢服務」,您可以於 60 分鐘電話諮詢中發問有關人際關係、就業、愛情等個別問題,保加利會因應您的「型號」給予建議及分析。如此專業、認真的諮詢服務,絕對是一般坊間課程不能比擬的!

課堂講師︰ 九型人格專家 - 保加利
保加利鑽研九型人格逾 10 年時間,單是最近兩年已為超過 300 位來自世界不同地區的華人進行型號分析,實戰經驗非常豐富!保加利早前於 F ...

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43折! 大方影室專業相片沖印60張只需$45!(原價 $104)


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HK$125 for freestyle art sessions at Art Fête


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Hong KongYour Daily DealTuesday, 4 January 2011
Today's Deal HK$125 for freestyle art sessions at Art Fête
Choose from an 8x8 inch Ceramic Tile or Coffee Mug using special non-toxic waterproof paint

When asked how he sculpted the statue of David, Michelangelo replied, “It's easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David.”

Make your own artistic statement with today’s deal: for HK$125, you get a 2-hour session of freestyle painting at Art Fete. In this special edition with a twist, choose from an 8x8 inch ceramic tile, more rugged and versatile than canvas, or a cool coffee mug for brewing up drinks at home or in the office. The freeflow paint used is a non-toxic, waterproof equivalent that will not fade away over time. This deal comes will endless paints, aprons and tools… everything you need to get your creativity thrumming.

A day at Art Fete is a great social alternative to bars, clubbing, and walking the dog in the park. It's also the perfect way to express yourself and get in touch with your inner artiste. The studio is a light and spacious affair, framed by clean walls dotted with bright paintings. So whether you take inspiration from the Old Masters, or choose to be your own artist, freestyle art doesn't get much better than this – in terms of fun and value. So what are you waiting for? Grab some friends and get your paint on!

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 20 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher in your account, good for a 2-hour freestyle session (tile or mug) at Art Fete.
  3. Get your paint on!
Company Info
Art Fête
Flat E, 6/F, Harvest Moon House,
337-339, Nathan Road, Kowloon,
Hong Kong

See the website »

Flat E, 6/F, Harvest Moon House, 337-339, Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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Set lunch, 2 for 1!

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Today's deal: 3-course set lunch, 2-for-1, at Lotus Restaurant! That's HKD108 of Asian modern cuisine instead of HKD216!

HK$ 108 See the deal


HK$ 216



You save

HK$ 108

Company information:

Lotus Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge

5 Staunton Street
Soho, Hong Kong


Australian Style Dining. Modern Asian Cuisine!...

Lotus, the highly awarded Australian-style bar and restaurant featuring a modern Asian menu by one of Australia's most noted young chefs, signature cocktails by a world-famous "mixologist" and interior by one of Hong Kong's prominent interior designers is frequently regarded one of Central's most popular destinations and makes a perfect destination to host parties, events and functions.

Situated on buzzing Staunton Street and divided into three sections, the chic terraced bar at the front of the venue opens onto Staunton Street, where on busy nights the crowd spills out on the street. Beyond the bar is a warm and inviting dining area with a second cocktail bar and DJ booth followed by an exclusive Private Dining Room catering for up to 20+ guests.

Renowned Australian chef Will Meyrick, who was head chef and part-owner of one of Sydney's most famous contemporary Thai restaurants, Jimmy Liks, has created a menu of his famous modern Asian cuisine especially for Hong Kong. Will's menu draws on inspiration from the street food of many South East Asian countries, especially Thailand and Indonesia, but each dish he creates is authentic to its region of origin.

So today, for HKD108, not only you will be able to invite your friend, lover, wife or business colleague for lunch... but on top of it, you will be able to find all your favorite Asian dishes and more... from the classic grilled chicken Satay with nahm som cucumber salad to the green vegetable curry with mushroom wing bean baby corn eggplant... but also the Chef's signature dishes such as the smoked trout betel leaf with dried shrimp galangal... Yummy!!...

Lotus Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge was featured in many newspapers and magazines: Condé Nast Traveler, Food & Wine, The Peak, International Herald Tribune... Please check out their website for more info!...:)

Enjoy you lunch break!...

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