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低至 4.8折 Asia Travel Care澳門旅遊優惠(原價 $402-702)︰金光飛航船飛來回+新濠天地食通天精品旅遊套餐+澳門巴士觀光遊,再送盛豐珠寶金行 $100現金優惠券!

原價 折扣
$402 7.2 折
低至 4.8折 Asia Travel Care澳門旅遊優惠(原價 $402-702)︰金光飛航船飛來回+新濠天地食通天精品旅遊套餐+澳門巴士觀光遊,再送盛豐珠寶金行 $100現金優惠券!
Asia Travel Care Company Limited (TIC Lic. No.353113)
地址: 九龍尖沙咀東部科學館道 14 號新文華中心 A 座 9 樓 912 室
聯絡電話: +(852) 3422 3805
  • 金光飛航可選港澳碼頭 或 中港城 上落船
  • 航班特多,最早可選 7am 出發;回程乘 11pm 尾班船,早去晚返玩足一日
  • 船票適用於任何日子,包括公眾假期,日夜航班均可使用
  • 2 小時〈澳門巴士觀光遊〉帶您遊走澳門十多個必到景點
  • 新濠天地 5-10 款豐富美食套餐任您揀
  • 送盛豐珠寶金行 $100現金優惠券

放假想出走玩一轉,短程旅途去澳門就最好不過!今日享樂推出低至 4.8 折Asia Travel Care 澳門旅遊優惠,包括︰金光飛航來回船飛 (價值 $322),早去晚返可乘坐 7am 航班出發,11pm 尾班船回程;新濠天地食通天精品旅遊套餐 (價值 $80) ,多達 10 款豐富美食套餐任您揀;及澳門巴士觀光遊 (價值 $200),帶您遊走澳門各個特色景點,再送您盛豐珠寶金行 $100現金優惠券!

【FunShare X Asia Travel Care】2 項澳門旅遊優惠︰

    優惠一︰享樂價 $288,原價 $402
  • 金光飛航來回船飛 (價值 $322)
  • 新濠天地食通天精品旅遊套餐 (價值 $80)
    優惠二︰享樂價 $338,原價 $702
  • 金光飛航來回船飛 (價值 $322)
  • 新濠天地食通天精品旅遊套餐 (價值 $80)
  • 澳門巴士觀光遊 (價值 $200)
  • 送︰盛豐珠寶金行 $100 現金優惠券

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$78訂購39℃ Bakery 母親節蛋糕1磅裝,口味二選一!


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50% off Easter Weekend ART JAM® for TWO - sneak peek event including free gifts, lucky draw and more


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Today's Deal 50% off Easter Weekend ART JAM® for TWO
Easter weekend SNEAK PEEK of the new artJAMaLAMa in Windsor House – a double-up deal on ART JAM® for just HK$250 + free gifts, lucky draw & more

Feel the flow and forever let go… the party is at ART JAM® this Easter weekend!

Celebrate Easter with ART JAM®, the original social painting experience. As this local Hong Kong institution enters its second decade of cultivating creativity through paintertainment, they’ve amped up the experience with a special Sneak Peek surprise at their newly reinvented artJAMaLAMa shop in Windsor House.

Only on ValuUp, just HK$250 buys admission for TWO to Sneak Peek, a carnival-esque event running the entire long Easter weekend (Friday 22nd April - Monday 25th April inclusive), featuring free gifts for all, plus lucky draw prizes including movie tickets, music CDs and cool ART JAM® stuff up for grabs. Each ART JAM® session comes complete with a 45x45cm canvas, free flow acrylic paint buffet, plus signature ‘wet paint box’ to ensure both you and your creation arrive home safe. There’s even an additional 20% savings on 5 ART JAM® punch cards purchased during the event, plus other great offers just during Sneak Peek.

Get to know ART JAM® – explore every possibility, take risks, go with and against your own plan, trust your instincts and rediscover what it means to truly express yourself. What better way to spend the holiday weekend with friends and family?

Company Info
New Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

See the website »

New Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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