
5 ART JAM® sessions for $500


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Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 29 October 2010
Today's Deal $500 for 5 ART JAM® sessions
BUY 2 GET 3 FREE painting sessions on a handy punch card at ART JAM®’s new concept store

Feel the flow with ART JAM®. 5 sessions for $500

Get the original paintertainment experience at artJAMaLAMa POP-UP, the brand new concept shop by ART JAM®, where the fun never stops and the paint is always on tap. This hip new 200 square metre venue in the new Windsor House, Causeway Bay, is the perfect place to express, discover, socialise and decompress - all while painting your own canvas, chilling with friends, and taking in the stunning views of Victoria Park.

With this BUY 2 GET 3 FREE offer, you’ll receive a giftable punch card that’s good for 5 freestyle painting sessions at the new ART JAM® studio in New Windsor House. You can share the stamp card and treat your friends, or if you’re suddenly overcome with a wave of creativity, you can keep it all for yourself and paint to your heart’s content! Each ART JAM® session comes complete with a 45X45cm canvas, free flow acrylic paint buffet, plus a signature ‘wet paint box’ to ensure both you and your creation arrive home safe. Limited quantities available - buy now to ensure you don't miss out.

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 50 buys!
  2. Receive a valuvoucher by email, and redeem your punch card at ART JAM®’s new Windsor House POP-UP shop from Monday, November 15th onwards
  3. Express, discover, socialise, and decompress… 
Company Info
New Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

See the website »

New Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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3.8 折換購 「SUZUKI Café 會員咭」+送「鈴木特色珈琲」!

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今日享樂 - 香港   

$88 換購原價$234 「SUZUKI Café 會員咭 + 鈴木特色珈琲」,盡享全年6大優惠!

原價   折扣   節省
$234   3.8 折   $146
$88 換購原價$234 「SUZUKI Café 會員咭 + 鈴木特色珈琲」,盡享全年6大優惠!
地址: 尖沙咀The ONE 4樓L407號鋪 (電話︰3586 0565) / 尖沙咀廣東道17號海港城海運大廈LCX 3樓OT307號舖 (電話︰2375 6262) / 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊12樓12號舖 (電話︰2392 3386) / 上環德輔道中199號維德廣場1樓103-105號舖 (電話︰2854 1616)

"Made in Japan" 從來都給我們信心保證!就以 2003 年進駐香港,以嚴謹烘焙、芳郁濃厚的咖啡打響名堂的 SUZUKI Café 為例,他們的創辦人遠藤敏彥大師正是本著 "Quality without Compromise" 的座右銘, 20 多年來秉承日本對食物嚴謹熟練,用心炮製的原則,透過每杯 自家研製及烘焙的咖啡,每一道新鮮即製、少鹽少糖的健康美食,以及一室滿有輕快自在 lifestyle 主題的裝潢設計,向客人傳遞一種悠然自得的生活觀!

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6折! NYPD薄餅製作體驗 - 12吋Pizza! (原價$138)

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$350 for $850 worth of food & wine at Koh Thai

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 59% off a dinner feast for two at Koh Thai!... That's $350 for $850 worth of food and wine!...

HK$ 350 See the deal


HK$ 850



You save

HK$ 500

Company information:

Koh Thai

57 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong


Like holidays on your plate!...

Thai cuisine is on the top of my list of favorite food. I simply adore it, the flavors, the spices... It tastes like holidays on a plate... very yummy ones!

So, I am very happy with Twangoo's candy of the day: a dinner for two at a great Thai restaurant, for a great price!... That's HKD350 for HKD850 worth of food & wine at Koh Thai. You will be able to choose any food from the menu accompanied by a nice bottle of house wine. And when you look at the menu, that's surely enough to treat two persons with a fantastic dinner, since the restaurant is very reasonably priced: about HKD80 for a starter/salad, HKD150 for a main course, HKD50 for a dessert and HKD280 for the house wine... Please click here to discover their menu...

Koh Thai occupies a 2-floor spot on trendy Wyndham Street. The ground floor with his comfy leather sits is perfect for those who like to see and be seen whereas the first floor has a more sexy and private feel. I'd say bring your friends to the ground floor level and your Darling to the first one...

Koh Thai serves all the classic delicious Thai dishes with all the authenticity deserved: coconut prawns, green papaya salad, pad Thai, green curry, pineapple fried rice, tom Yam soup... just to write about it I am actually starting to get hungry. Their grilled sea bass with chilli and Thai basil in banana leaves is outstanding.

Lovely atmosphere, excellent real Thai food, reasonable price, popular location, this place is definitely a winner and a great value for money. Even greater with our Twangoo voucher... :)

Oh, and did you know that Thai food is one of the healthiest in the world? Many of the fresh herbs and spices used in Thai cooking (such as turmeric, galangal, coriander lemongrass and fresh chillies) have immune boosting and disease-fighting power.

So, the next time you are nostalgic from your last Samui or Phuket holidays, head to Koh Thai to enjoy all your favorites Thai dishes! I think I am going to eat there next week...

Lola's secret: still have a small space for dessert? Don't miss their black and white stick rice with fresh mango and coconut milk, that's for sure my favorite Asian dessert!!!!

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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