
45% off Speaking Roses for Valentines Day


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Friday, 28 January 2011
Today's Deal 45% off Speaking Roses for Valentines Day
A red and white rose in a special gift box with your choice of two romantic Valentine’s Day messages!

Express your love in a whole new way…

Just in time for Valentine’s day, Speaking Roses is delighted to offer love birds in Hong Kong a new way of heartfelt expression. Weaving together the timeless beauty of giving flowers with the thoughtful sentiment of the greeting card, these super cool florists use innovative techniques to custom emboss messages on the petals of live flowers, without harming or shortening their lifespan.

For HK$99, you get two hand-picked roses - one red, one white - in a special gift box with your choice of two Valentine’s Day messages (one on each rose):

  1. I Love You
  2. Be Mine
  3. Be My Valentine?
  4. You’re the One
  5. Just Because
  6. Happy Valentine’s Day

Remember folks, Valentine’s Day only comes once a year. So make this one even more special with Speaking Roses. No limit on purchases!

Upgrade Offer

Want your own personalised message? Custom emboss with your roses with one original message for an extra HK$100.

Company Info
Speaking Roses
10/F, 54 – 56 Bonham Strand West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

See the website »

10/F, 54 – 56 Bonham Strand West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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5折換購 PS Deli現金劵 任揀得意曲奇禮盒,賀年禮物籃,情人節蛋糕

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齊分享.愛尋樂 追蹤享樂

$36 換購 PS Deli $70 現金劵,多款甜蜜蜜得意曲奇禮盒、賀年禮物籃、情人節蛋糕任君選擇

原價 折扣
$70 5.1 折
$36 換購 PS Deli $70 現金劵,多款甜蜜蜜得意曲奇禮盒、賀年禮物籃、情人節蛋糕任君選擇
PS Deli
地址: 香港中環士丹利街 11 號 The Luxe 地下
聯絡電話: +(852) 2890 6119
  • 曲奇禮盒每次消費最多可用 5 張享樂證
  • 手製曲奇口感香脆,味道香濃
  • 賀年禮物籃應有盡有,送禮夠體面,矜貴又實際
  • PS Deli 度身訂造蛋糕特別溫馨甜蜜,最適合情人節與摰愛分享

別說拜年送果籃、曲奇毫無新意,其實坊間不乏包裝別出心裁、款式新穎、口味又獨特的賀年禮盒可供選購!今日享樂就為大家推出 5.1 折 PS Deli 新春賀年優惠,可憑 $36 享樂證到 PS Deli 專門店當 $70 消費,換購超過 12 款精選甜蜜蜜得意曲奇禮盒 (售價由 $50 - $360) 、賀年禮物籃 ($428 起),及訂購情人節蛋糕 ($230 起)

甜蜜蜜得意曲奇禮盒 (售價由 $50 - $360)
曲奇不一定要買藍色罐的才算經典! PS Deli 特別備有「典雅禮盒」、「小熊禮盒」及「色彩禮盒」3 大系列,手製曲奇口感香脆,味道香濃!禮盒顏色鮮艷繽紛而且立體感十足,吃罷曲奇,禮盒更可用作放置小雜物或裝飾!得意曲奇禮盒每次消費最多可用 5 張享樂證,最高可節省 $170!

賀年禮物籃 ($428 起)
PS Deli 推出的賀年禮物籃分為「曲奇鮮果禮物籃」及「節慶禮物籃」2 個系列,包裝大方得體,當中的禮品更是矜貴又實際!禮物籃大致包括︰時令鮮果、手製曲奇禮罐、金裝糖果禮盒、法國高級朱古力、英式果茶禮盒、應節禮物籐籃、精美彩色印製祝賀吊牌及華麗絲帶包裝。禮物籃之貨品不設指定口味,禮品及禮物籃如遇缺貨將以其他相等價值貨品取代。

情人節蛋糕 ($230 起)
PS Deli 為您度身訂造特色蛋糕,嚴選優質食材,每日新鮮製造!自家製口味特別溫馨甜蜜,最適合情人節與摯親摯愛一同分享!蛋糕口味 ...

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