
50% off facials at Spa Beautè Par Zai


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Today's Deal 50% off facials at Spa Beautè Par Zai
$350 for a microderm crystal or peeling facial at Hong Kong’s original spa

Looking for some serious beauty therapy or some wonderful cosseting?

One of the first beauty salons in town, Spa Beaute Par Zai in Central has more than 40 types of facials to choose from. It’s most popular, the Microderm Crystal Abrasion Facial, draws on the royal beauty secrets of ancient china: pearl powder, famous for its glow inducing properties.

Owner Nigar Qureshi is an expert in Ayurvedic medicine and all things natural, and when she isn’t pampering to the rich and famous (and the rest of us in Hong Kong), she travels the world performing facial treatments, make up and massages to those in the know. Expect scrumptious homemade masks, thick smooth creams and some tut-tutting over the state of your eyebrows. For $350, you can choose from one of these divine 1-hour facials…

Microderm Crystal Abrasion Facial – this exotic facial begins by buffing away the top layers of dead skin and debris with the help of a diamond abrasion machine loaded with pearl powder, a 100% natural ingredient lauded for its healing properties. Followed up with a traditional facial, the treatment is highly effective in brightening dull skin, minimizing pores and removing minor discoloration.

Peeling Facial – this popular facial gives you smoother, more beautiful skin with near immediate results, helping to reduce or eliminate the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne and uneven pigmentation by rejuvenating the skin. Their Peeling Facial uses Mary Cohr products, one of the most respected names in professional beauty, plant-based skincare, with superb anti-aging results.

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 10 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for a 1-hour facial at Spa Beaute Par Zai
  3. Sit back, relax and get pampered.
Company Info
Spa Beautè Par Zai
Suite 901, Queen's Place, 74 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong

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Suite 901, Queen's Place, 74 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong
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75% off 8 training sessions at Circuit25

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 75% off 8 training sessions at Circuit25. That's HKD300 instead of HKD1,200!...

HK$ 300 See the deal


HK$ 1200



You save

HK$ 900

Company information:

The Circuit 25

Email: info@thecircuit25.com
Hong Kong



In the mood for a real workout? Don't feel like being stuck in a room at the gym? We have exactly what you need! The best outdoor workout session, at Circuit 25.

These guys organize outside in group training sessions in different locations in Hong Kong: Bowen Road, Victoria Park, Happy Valley, the Peak, Cyberport, Repulse bay... wherever you live on the island they have a class in the proximity. They have 14 classes each week to choose from, each week.

The schedule? This is boot camp style. Most of the classes are early morning, usually around 6.30 am. It's my favorite time... even if at first it sounds really early, there is no better feeling than to have your work-out done before 8am... knowing that after the office you won't have to go to the gym. Surprisingly enough I don't feel tired the day I do the early session, on the contrary I am feeling full of energy. Physical activity does increase vitality!...

Don't want to wake-up that early every day? They also have evening sessions from Monday to Thursday and lunchtime ones on weekends, no excuse...

Each 50-minute class is divided between resistance exercises and cardio plus a cool down to finish, so you get a complete and effective workout using the surroundings and environment. The result, a toned and reshaped body. Their instructors are highly qualified and dedicated, they will make sure that you get personal time, posture correction, motivation, all this even though you are in a group. Each class is suitable for beginners to advanced fitness junkies as each exercise is kept on for 25 seconds, and you can choose to do the easy or hard variations. Obviously the instructors are masters in the art of motivation so you will give the best you can. Each session is different, so you won't get bored, rather you'll be challenged and will learn new exercises all the time.

At Twangoo we got you an amazing deal, a one month package of 8 sessions in any of their locations for HKD300 instead of HKD1,200. Let's tone and reshape that body in no time... and now is the perfect weather for outdoor training!

Lola's secret: Get a friend to sign up with you, some mornings I was a bit lazy but knowing that my girl was coming, help me get the motivation needed to jump out of bed.

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

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