
$78 POP Academy學化妝/髮型/健康減肥;$190跑馬地「麗姐私房菜二人餐」

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$78 報讀 2 小時星級化妝班 /潮流變髮形象實習班 / 營養飲食美學班!今年初夏實行由內靚到外,全新形象誓必令人眼前一亮!

原價 折扣
$880 0.9 折
$78 報讀 2 小時星級化妝班 /潮流變髮形象實習班 / 營養飲食美學班!今年初夏實行由內靚到外,全新形象誓必令人眼前一亮!
POP Academy 普普學院
地址: 尖沙咀加連威老道20-22號同順興商業中心401室
聯絡電話: +(852) 2368 1120
  • 影、視及廣告資深化妝師 Emma Lee 及註冊自然療法醫師 Abe Lau 擔任課程總監
  • 課程實用、專業而多元化,可為有志投身業界者打好基礎
  • 「星級化妝班」指導不同春日化妝技巧
  • 「潮流變髮形象實習班」為您進行流行時尚造型分析
  • 「營養飲食美學班」教您健康瘦身

「其實你個樣唔差架,不過……」唔洗不過喇!我已經下決心,搵星級 makeup artist & hair stylist教我執返個樣、梳好個頭,再學埋營養飲食健康瘦身!今年初夏實行由內靚到外,全新形象誓必令人眼前一亮!

今日享樂推出Pop Academy 0.9 折星級學堂優惠,您可以 $78報讀 2 小時「星級化妝班」或「潮流變髮形象實習班」或「營養飲食美學班」!Pop Academy 由影、視及廣告界資深化妝師 Emma Lee 及註冊自然療法醫師 Abe Lau 擔任課程總監,學校實力與信譽絕對有星級保証!

【FunShare X Pop Academy】0.9 折星級學堂優惠︰

  • 「星級化妝班」享樂價 $78,原價 $880
    專業的星級化妝大師親自教授,120 分鐘示範日常返工、去 Party、宴會、約會等等的化妝技巧
  • 「潮流變髮形象實習班」享樂價 $78,原價 $880
    120 分鐘掌握潮流資訊,尋找適合自己的髮型和顏色
  • 「營養飲食美學班」享樂價 $78,原價 $880
    由星級營養師親自教授大家健康瘦身美學飲食,120 分鐘學懂正確飲食觀
每班人數︰16 - 20人
化妝 / 髮型 / 營養班自選上課時間︰
 星期六 3:30-5:30pm / 6:30-8:30 ...

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$99 Yoga Village 兩星期任玩,玩盡各式瑜伽同舞蹈!


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54% off whiskey inspired lunch at Angels Share


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Thursday, 24 March 2011
Today's Deal 54% off whiskey inspired lunch at Angels Share
2-4-1 weekday lunch sets. Three delicious courses with coffee, tea and service charge included. Just HK$128 for TWO people.

Every year, as a whiskey sits maturing in its cask, 2% mysteriously disappears. This phenomenon is delightfully known as the Angel’s Share*. This week, do the same with your lunch… be an Angel and share it with a friend!

Angel’s Share, brought to you by the folks behind Tastings Wine Bar, is a sleek and sultry lounge centred around, you guessed it, whiskey! A gleaming wall of whiskey will greet you as you step out of the lounge’s private lift to your table, navigating past the bar’s centrepiece: a full sized oak barrel containing 180 litres of 20 years old Macallan 1990 - from which the whiskey is drawn directly. Tucking in to your hearty meal from the comfort of Churchill-ian leather sofas, the theme continues with a food menu dedicated to whiskey and wine-inspired cuisine, with a mature British influence.

For just HK$128 (inclusive of service charge), you and a friend can both enjoy a delicious three-course set lunch that includes daily soup OR salad, choice of main course, dessert of the day, and coffee or tea. The offer is valid from weekdays, from 12 midday - 3pm, the best time to sneak a cheeky dram of whiskey!

The ever-evolving menu changes on a weekly basis, depending on seasonal ingredients and the whim of the kitchen maestros, so remember to check the Angel’s Share Facebook page to see what tasty treats are being served each week. Plus, there is a a vegetarian option on the menu every week! 

Company Info
Angel's Share Whiskey Bar & Restaurant
2/F Amber Lodge, 23 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

2/F Amber Lodge, 23 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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50% off Dinner at FINDS!

50% off Dinner at FINDS! Your chance to discover Scandinavian food in a trendy setting!

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Today's deal

50% off Dinner at FINDS! Your chance to discover Scandinavian food in a trendy setting!

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HK$ 300


HK$ 600



You save

HK$ 300


Use your voucher on any food you fancy on the menu at dinner at FINDS, located in the ubercool Luxe Manor hotel in TST. 

FINDS is the only Nordic restaurant in Hong Kong!

Taste celebrity chef Jaakko Sorsa's mouth watering and award-winning scandinavian-with-a-twist cuisine with only the highest quality ingredients.

Why not try their signature dish, the House-Smoked salmon with wild morels on a dark dill sauce...   

Check out the menu here!

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