
3 折進行 CeLLZ 體質評估,兼送骨膠原

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以 HK$330 進行 CeLLZ 全面性體質評估及脂肪測量,兼送 PURE WOMEN 骨膠原!

原價   折扣   節省
$1080   3.1 折   $750
以 HK$330 進行 CeLLZ 全面性體質評估及脂肪測量,兼送 PURE WOMEN 骨膠原!
地址: 九龍油麻地彌敦道 555 號九龍行 20 樓 2001 - 2002 室
聯絡電話: +(852) 2152 9082

保持身心年輕是不少人的願望。心,我們未必幫到您;身,我們誠邀您到 CeLLZ health & sports clinic 進行一趟全面性體質評估及脂肪測量,用 90 分鐘了解您的健康狀況。隨後再補充 PURE WOMAN 純膠原蛋白,以 HK$330 完成全套值 HK$1,080 的一條龍健康服務。今日享樂,助您化解健康奇案!

早前常聽到天后的一句「O喎!」骨膠原的好處,愛美女士大概都該略知一二。而由 PURE WOMAN 出品的純膠原蛋白同為天然骨膠原,德國製造,質量和純度都受到嚴格的標準監察。在餐與餐之間或睡前一小時服用,可有效為皮膚、指甲和頭髮等日以繼夜不停生長的身體部份注入營養,讓它們更富彈性和補充隨年歲而自然流失的人體蛋白質。而在吸收骨膠原之前,當然亦不忘跳上 CeLLZ 中心,利用生物電阻科技解讀您的肌肉脂肪百分比,並進行一系列姿勢分析、柔軟度、心肺功能、平衡力、肌肉力量和耐力,以至速度和敏捷...

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52% off a cellulite treatment at Feel Good Factor!

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Today's deal: 52% off a cellulite treatment at Feel Good Factor...

HK$ 400 See the deal


HK$ 830



You save

HK$ 430

Company information:

Feel Good Factor


2/F Winsome House - 73 Wyndham St, Central
Hong Kong

The cellulite battle in on!

Cellulite is women's worst enemy. The less, the better! This orange peel-like effect can ruin the nicest figure. Cellulite is actually big fat cells that get stuck under the skin surface causing the dimple effect. It is caused by excessive accumulation of fat (caused by a wrong diet, for example) that is not flushed out of the body due to poor circulation. Once formed, it is very difficult to get rid of it, even after going on a diet or exercising. That's why you need an extra "hand" to help: AEROFAT.

Our favorite beauty salon, Feel Good Factor, recently added to their wonderful staff Tanya Viscariello, a woman specializing in IPL and cellulite treatment. At Twangoo we are offering you one cellulite treatment with her, using Aerofat device for HKD400 instead of HKD830.

Located on Wyndham Street, Feel Good Factor is one of those places where you keep coming back, for their excellent service and the friendliness of their staff. It is little heaven right in busy central.

Aerodynamic treatment of Aerofat improves blood circulation (the suction/friction effect brings fresh blood to the skin surface) and stimulates the lymphatic system (responsible to remove waste and toxins) driving the body to discharge fat cell waste and facilitating metabolism to burn fat. You get double benefits: the cellulite breaks down and you eliminate more toxins from your body.

How does it work? Aerofat looks like a giant vacuum cleaner and uses an air suction device to remove fat abnormally formed under the skin. Constant suction and rhythmical vibration of the roller finally destroys the fat cells underneath the skin.

This is a highly efficient device, you will see results fast! Ladies, it's war time and we are going to win!!

Lola's secret: 6 sessions on the thigh result in the loss of around 2.75 inch round and 4.3kg of fat!!!! You can also use the machine on your arms!

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

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