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$98 Mud Muk 手工皂系列 + 面部按摩草球!
$108韓國獲獎BBcream / $63打泰拳開心瘦身 / 周汶錡推介1折纖體美顏
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59% off Upper Lip IPL Permanant Hair Removal Session at Spa Beauty Par Zai
59% off Upper Lip IPL Permanant Hair Removal Session at Spa Beauty Par Zai. No more facial hair! Having trouble reading this email ? Click here to view it in your browser. To avoid the spam folder we highly recommend you to add this email address to your Email client. | ||
26/04/11 | | Follow us: |
Today's deal 59% off Upper Lip IPL Permanant Hair Removal Session at Spa Beauty Par Zai. No more facial hair! |
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Highlights IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light and it's a method of permanent hair removal but is also effectively used for skin rejuvenation purposes. IPL has been around for quite a while, that means it has been tested and proven! You can buy up to 5 discounted upper lip IPL sessions! Spa BPZ made its reputation based on its professionalism and thorough understanding of beauty treatments and is conveniently located in Central! | | ||||
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