
品嚐法式傳統滋味!SIMPLICITY Crepes Set 5折優惠

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5折品嚐法式傳統滋味 - 中環法式煎餅店 SIMPLICITY Crepes Set (原價$58)

原價   折扣   節省
$58   5 折   $29
5折品嚐法式傳統滋味 - 中環法式煎餅店 SIMPLICITY Crepes Set (原價$58)
  • 優惠星期一至日通用
  • 正宗法式傳統口味
  • Crepes 採用大廚自製醬料
  • Sourdough Toasts 每日烤焗


簡單生活可以很快樂,簡單的食材也能烹調出令人回味無窮的料理!今日享樂帶您去到位於中環的法式煎餅店SIMPLICITY,細嚐源自法國西北部的傳統地道美食 -- Crepes。享樂家可以 5 折優惠換購Crepes Set一份。今日享樂,情迷法國「簡單美.食」!

  • 享樂家可以 $29 選購其中一款SIMPLICITY Crepes Set (原價 $58)︰

  • 1. Classic Savoury Set : 鹹味Crepes一份 + 飲品一杯
    15 款鹹味 Crepes 選擇︰Breakfas...

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    Weekend Special: 5 ART JAM® sessions for $500


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    Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 12 November 2010
    Today's Deal Last chance: 5 ART JAM® sessions for $500
    BUY 2 GET 3 FREE painting sessions on a handy punch card at ART JAM®’s new concept store

    Feel the flow with ART JAM®. 5 sessions for $500

    Get the original paintertainment experience at artJAMaLAMa POP-UP, the brand new concept shop by ART JAM®, where the fun never stops and the paint is always on tap. This hip new 200 square metre venue in the new Windsor House, Causeway Bay, is the perfect place to express, discover, socialise and decompress - all while painting your own canvas, chilling with friends, and taking in the stunning views of Victoria Park.

    With this BUY 2 GET 3 FREE offer, you’ll receive a giftable punch card that’s good for 5 freestyle painting sessions at the new ART JAM® studio in New Windsor House. You can share the stamp card and treat your friends, or if you’re suddenly overcome with a wave of creativity, you can keep it all for yourself and paint to your heart’s content! Each ART JAM® comes complete with a 45X45cm canvas, free flow acrylic paint buffet, plus a signature ‘wet paint box’ to ensure both you and your creation arrive home safe.

    • Deal available this weekend only...
    • New shop opens this Monday!
    Company Info
    artJAMaLAMa POP-UP
    New Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

    See the website »

    New Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
    Find Out More

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    80% off 3 BOOTCAMP sessions

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    Today's deal: 80% off 3 BOOTCAMP sessions to get fighting fit and have a lot of fun... That's $120 instead of $600 for fast results...

    HK$ 120 See the deal


    HK$ 600



    You save

    HK$ 480

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    Attack the fat!... and get super fit in the process with Bootcamp outdoor training.

    Are you longing for a tighter, firmer physique but just need that little extra push to get out and start your morning workout? Or perhaps you simply want to increase your fitness level but can't quite find the motivation? Well rest assured, the trainers at HK's famous BOOTCAMP will not let you slack off this summer. Get the body you've always wanted in no time with BOOTCAMP'S results-based training programs (and at and 80% discount!)

    Marching across Hong Kong, BOOTCAMP is the only outdoor exercise program that is all about getting fast results. BOOTCAMP has 15 not-so-secret locations where recruits (that's you) get in shape. The early morning and evening exercise regimes attack your entire body. Using the outdoor space around them, their qualified trainers will provide a fun experience that bonds recruits and gets you fighting fit.

    But don't be scared, there is a BOOTCAMP for every fitness level. INFANTRY BOOTCAMP for BEGINNERS is a 45 minute program geared for people with no fitness level at all. BOOTCAMP for Intermediates is harder and longer. Over 55 minutes. And for the hardcore there is SAS BOOTCAMP a 75minute intense BOOTCAMP which is ideal for those who want to cross-train for their sport. So whatever your fitness level the workout is open to all, whether it is the first time you have put on a pair of trainers or you are preparing for a triathlon.

    What do you actually do in a session? You'll work on cardio endurance, strength ability and muscle toning, which is achieved through interval, circuit, high intensity and body resistance training. So this means you can expect core and body weight exercises as well as short distance running from location to location.

    But BOOTCAMP isn't just about exercise, you'll also meet some great people and have lots of fun while getting fit. I was part of an all girls group which fast became known as "BOOTYCAMP" and I'll tell you those early mornings were well worth it for the laughs we had and the friends I made. Plus there is something about exercising in a group which really forces you to get out of bed in the morning so you don't let them down (or so you avoid the friendly weekly shaming).

    Siren's call: BOOTCAMP has a range of qualified trainers which will meet your specific goals/needs. Recovering from an injury? Nathan specializes in functional exercise and rehabilitation. Need that extra incentive to wake up? Irresistible Jimmy specializes in sports specific program design. Looking for the authentic BOOTCAMP experience? Hayward formerly served in the US armed forces and definitely won't let you slack off. And for all those yummy mummies out there, Goldie specializes in keeping you fit, healthy and cellulite free both pre and post baby!

    Lure you later,

    Miss Siren

    Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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    $148納米藍光牙齒美白一次 20分鐘即時見效 展示亮白笑容 (原價$680)


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    2010年11月12日 星期五
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