
Coffee Lover 拉花速成班 $98, 貓屎咖啡品嚐會 $108

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Coffee Lover 拉花速成班 $108,90 分鐘速成 Latte Art 達人;貓屎咖啡品嚐會 $98,歎世界頂級 Kopi Luwak,聽葉榮分享咖啡故事!

原價 折扣
$268 3.7 折
Coffee Lover 拉花速成班 $108,90 分鐘速成 Latte Art 達人;貓屎咖啡品嚐會 $98,歎世界頂級 Kopi Luwak,聽葉榮分享咖啡故事!
COFFEE Lover Limited ‧ 鍾情咖啡有限公司
地址: 觀塘偉業街 171 號偉業工業大廈3樓B (取貨) / 紅磡漆咸道 436-450 號 富運大廈LG-10舖 (取貨 及 上課)
聯絡電話: 3488 0278 (觀塘) / 2330 8236 (紅磡)
  • 同時參加「拉花」及「咖啡品嚐會」的享樂家可選同日或分開 2 日進行
  • 享樂家可向 Coffee Lover 提議其他上課時間
  • 坊間的拉花教學收費昂貴,相對 Coffee Lover 的 75 分鐘拉花課堂非常超值,適合初學者入門
  • 咖啡品嚐會由專業咖啡導師主講,分享超過 50 年的品味咖啡心得、趣事
  • 專業咖啡導師親手為學員沖調貓屎咖啡,令名貴的 Kopi Luwak 更加矜貴

講真,我對咖啡一曉不通,每次陪朋友歎咖啡,朋友說得天花龍鳳,甚麼併配、甚麼餘韻,但我只會為咖啡表面上的「拉花」圖案著迷!棉棉的奶沫與toffee 色的咖啡油交織出創意無限的花款圖案,見過最震撼的有天鵝、蝴蝶、女皇…… 我沒野心,但求親手「拉」出心型、樹葉圖案已夠心滿意足!

今日享樂有 Coffee Lover 咖啡優惠︰「Latte Art 拉花速成班」享樂價 $108 (原價 $268) ,課室有齊專業咖啡沖調用具及優質咖啡豆,初學者亦可於 75 分鐘課堂內速成 Latte Art 達人!另有由人稱「咖啡活字典」葉榮主理的「Kopi Luwak 貓屎咖啡品嚐會」享樂價 $98 (原價 $268) ,咖啡迷聚首一堂,一邊歎世界推祟的咖啡極品 Kopi Luwak,一邊聽榮叔講故,天下樂事莫過於此!

同時參加「Latte Art 拉花速成班」及「Kopi Luwak 貓屎咖啡品嚐會」只需享樂價 $178 (原價 $536)!不論您是咖啡狂迷,或是純粹好奇貪得意,都歡迎您參加今日【FunShare X Coffee Lover 咖啡優惠】,以咖啡體驗時尚生活,品味大世界!

    【FunShare X Coffee Lover 咖啡優惠】︰
  • 4 折 - Latte Art 拉花速成班 (75 分鐘) 享樂價 $108,原價 $268
    日期︰逢星期二、四 (7pm-8:15pm),星期六 (12:30pm-1:45pm),星期日 (3pm-4:15pm)
  • [ ...

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$99 羊毛氈體驗課程,製作3-5件小飾物!


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39% off Formula Renault racing experience


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Today's Deal 39% off Formula Renault racing experience
HK$1,800 for 30 minutes in a 2-seater Formula Renault 2000 race car at Zhuhai International Circuit… driven by a professional driver!

220KPH. 6 Gs. 95 degrees farenheit. Pulse 130 bps. 180 decibels. Ever wondered what feels like being a Formula 1 driver?

Now you can experience the adrenaline pumping thrills of racing on a genuine Formula 1-style circuit with Asia Racing Team (ART) Motorsports, one of the region’s leading Formula Renault 2000 teams, and sole operator of the rare 2-seater version in Asia. Based at the Zhuhai International Circuit, you’ll reach max speeds of 220 kilometres per hour in a true thoroughbred machine that shares the same specs as its single-seater counterpart, on a circuit renowned for overtaking that boasts 4.3 kilometres of long straights, fast lefts and rights, hard braking hairpins, and tight corners… ensuring an exhilarating experience you’ll never forget!

The car will be driven by one of ART Motorsports’ principle racing instructors; back-to-back Formula 2000 Macau GP winner Philippe Descombes, or Team Jebsen official Porsche Carrera Cup Asia driver Rodolfo Avila, ensuring the utmost level of excitement and safety while on board. ART Motorsports’ racing school has seen over 200 drivers pass through its doors, including former Williams F1 driver Kazuki Najajima, and current Toyota F1 speed demon Kamui Kobayashi.

The experience begins with a comprehensive 15-minute introduction and safety briefing, before the 30-minute high-octane experience begins. As your body and senses will be pushed to the max, the event can also be shared with up to 4 friends, with track time divided equally depending on numbers.

Gentlemen… start your engines!

Company Info
Art Motorsports
Zhuhai International Circuit, Jin Ding, Zhuhai City, Guangdong, China

See the website »

Zhuhai International Circuit, Jin Ding, Zhuhai City, Guangdong, China
Find Out More

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50% off Basics of Aromatherapy 2 hours Workshop

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50% off Basics of Aromatherapy 2 hours Workshop! Learn aromatherapy recipes with organic essential oils.

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HK$ 798


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Learn aromatherapy recipes and blends with organic essential oils. 

The workshop is taught by Shireen Calcucin, who specialises in aromatherapy for healing, personalised blends, and educating people about the basics and the benefits of aromatherapy.

Make and take home your own blended oils.  

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