
37折Private Garden手工蛋糕皂製作班,節日最佳獻禮!


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1.6折BLU SPA療程/產品(原價$188-$920);2.9折超級潛意識記憶法(原價$1,380)

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中環「五星級的 SPA」破底價團購優惠!BLU SPA 皇牌療程低至 1.6 折 (原價 $600-$920),超人氣產品 BB Cream 美妝魔法 及 閃漾唇彩 5 折發售!

原價 折扣
$188 5 折
中環「五星級的 SPA」破底價團購優惠!BLU SPA 皇牌療程低至 1.6 折 (原價 $600-$920),超人氣產品 BB Cream 美妝魔法 及 閃漾唇彩 5 折發售!
BLU SPA(HK)Limited
地址: 中環德輔道中21-23號歐陸貿易中心23樓 (8227 8228) / 中環置地廣場1樓/專櫃 (3695 3120) / 銅鑼灣世貿中心地下13A鋪 (3101 4818) / 荃灣地段301號荃灣城市中心II地下 (2614 0272) / 屯門時代廣場北翼三樓 (5399 1629) / 將軍澳寶琳路北新都城中心二期一樓 (5399 1529)
聯絡電話: +(852) 8227 8228
  • BLU SPA 首次推出破低價團購優惠,比起 VIP 折扣更超值
  • 療程適合任何人士,男、女顧客均可享用
  • 設有多個獨立房間,亦有二人VIP房及男士療程專區
  • 水療中心寬敞舒坦,歐陸式設計優雅浪漫
  • 療程均使用 BLU SPA 自家品牌產品,加拿大製造,100% 天然草本精華及海洋元素提煉

要歎,就要歎到盡!今日享樂到中環 BLU SPA,體驗從頭到腳的護膚、護髮、護體水療美容,讓您鬆開繃緊的身心歎一次真正「五星級的 SPA」!
BLU SPA天然水療中心 首次推出破低價團購優惠!享樂家可以低至 1.6 折享用皇牌療程 (原價 $600-$920) ,更可以 5 折換購人氣產品!今日享樂優惠比起BLU SPA VIP 折扣更超值,而且男女均可使用,值得搶購!值得擁有!

【FunShare X BLU SPA】5 款人氣產品及皇牌療程優惠︰

    A︰5 折「BB Cream 美妝魔法」產品優惠  享樂價 $94,原價 $188
    BLEMISH BALM FOUNDATION (SPF 25) 完美粉底隔離霜 35ml(4 色選擇)
    # 享樂獨家尊享︰BLU SPA VIP 永久會籍+魔法全效潔膚水試用裝 (價值 $320)
    B︰5 折「BB Cream 美妝魔法+閃漾唇彩」產品優惠 享樂價 $148,原價 $296
    (1) BLEMISH BALM FOUNDATION (SPF 25) 完美粉底隔離霜 35ml(4 色選擇)
    (2) BLU SPA Lip Gloss 閃漾唇彩 4.8g(9 色選擇)
    # 享樂獨家尊享︰BLU SPA VIP 永久會籍+魔法全效潔膚水試用裝 (價值 $320)

澳門旅遊優惠低至 4.8 折 (原價 $402-702) 澳門旅遊優惠低至 4.8 折 (原價 $402-702)
放假想去澳門玩一轉?密切留意 4 月 6 日 11:30am【FunShare X Asia Travel Care】澳門旅遊優惠!早去晚返金光飛航來回船飛 (價值 $322)+新濠天地食通天精品旅游套餐 (價值 $80)+澳門巴士觀光遊 (價值 $200),帶您遊走澳門各個特色景點,再送您盛豐珠寶金行 $100現金優惠券!

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50% off Wonderfish! Spa x Berrygood at The Peak Galleria


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Monday, 4 April 2011
Today's Deal 50% off Wonderfish! Spa x Berrygood
HK$105 for a 30-minute Wonderfish! Spa pedicure treatment AND small froyo at Berrygood. Both at The Peak Galleria!

Tease your tootsies AND tantalize your tongue with nature’s best at The Peak Galleria…

Make the most of the clear, sunny days ahead… Grab some friends and head north to The Peak Galleria, where good food, great views and today’s awesome deal await you! Start the day off at Wonderfish! Spa and make friends with their lovely Garra Ruffa Doctor Fish, who are trained to please. They’ll nibble at the hard, dry skin on your feet, leaving them impeccably clean, soft and exfoliated. Nature’s own pedicure is 100% natural and guaranteed to make you laugh, smile, giggle or scream, depending on how ticklish your feet are.

After Nemo is fed, stroll over for a snack at nearby Berrygood, home of freshly made, deliciously nutritious frozen yogurt. With dozens of flavors and over 40 toppings to choose from, there’s a little something worth indulging for everyone at fewer than 150 calories per small serving! These yoghurt fanatics rotate their flavours daily, including Choco-lite, Earl Grey Tea, Pomegranate, Lychee and Green Apple. Toppings range from fresh fruit and crunchy cereals to an assortment of tasty treats that are sure to ValuUP your froyo experience.

For just HK$105, you’re entitled to a 30-minute natural pedicure at Wonderfish! Spa AND an equally natural small froyo with 1 topping at Berrygood. So ValuUP and save 50% off at both these merchants at The Peak Galleria. You can visit the merchants in any order, and can purchase up to 4 vouchers to spend a relaxing afternoon on The Peak with friends.

  • 30-minute Wonderfish! Spa pedicure treatment (original value HK$180)
  • Small Froyo with 1 topping at Berrygood (original value HK$30)
Company Info
Wonderfish! Spa x Berrygood
No. 25, Level 2, The Peak Galleria, 118 Peak Road, The Peak, Hong Kong

See the website »

No. 25, Level 2, The Peak Galleria, 118 Peak Road, The Peak, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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