
瑰麗呈獻 《ELLE HK》23周年最震撼優惠!4折訂閱「體驗版」,平均每期 $8!

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瑰麗呈獻 《ELLE HK》 23 周年最震撼優惠!4 折訂閱「體驗版」,平均每期 $8!

原價   折扣   節省
$240   4 折   $144
瑰麗呈獻 《ELLE HK》 23 周年最震撼優惠!4 折訂閱「體驗版」,平均每期 $8!
地址: 香港數碼港道 100 號數碼港 3 座 F 區 13 樓
聯絡電話: +852 2535 1828
  • 平均每期 《ELLE HK》 體驗版只需 $8
  • 12 張換書券會以掛號郵寄,萬無一失
  • 可於超過 200 間 OK 便利店中自選日後換領的地點,非常方便


緊貼國際時裝潮流、著重時尚生活品味的享樂家對 《ELLE HK》 肯定不會陌生!原來這本供給我們潮流養份的國際時尚雜誌,經已在香港迄立了 23 個年頭!今日享樂為慶祝ELLE 23 歲生辰大日子,特別推出 4 折超級訂閱優惠,享樂家可以 $96 訂閱 1 年 12 期 《ELLE HK》 體驗版 ( 原價 $240 ),平均每期只需 $8 !!

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50% Off Japanese Cuisine at Dozo!

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Today's deal: DOZO! Set Lunch, 2 for 1!... That's HKD108 of Japanese cuisine instead of HKD216...

HK$ 108 See the deal


HK$ 216



You save

HK$ 108

Company information:


44 Lyndhurst Terrace
Central, Hong Kong


In the mood for an healthy, elegant and quick lunch... Black cod sauce miso is your answer...

Some things in life you never get enough of, and a great Japanese lunch is definitely one of them. That's why I am pretty sure our new candy of the day is going to be very popular, two set lunches at Dozo, for the price of one! And you have the choice between: mixed Tempura Bento OR ramen & sashimi set, for $108 instead of $216 (including service charge), valid from Monday to Friday between 12:00 pm and 2:30 pm.

Right in the heart of SoHo, Dozo is this popular Japanese kaiten sushi "conveyor belt" on Lyndhurst terrace which also serves delicious cooked items. Casual, yet trendy, a modern and minimalist style with a sexy red and black color code, it is the perfect place for tasty and affordable lunch break. It boasts an extensive menu of the freshest and highest quality of ingredients is delivered daily jet fresh from Japan, for their sushis, sashimis, and California rolls and other little tasty dishes.

They also serve great all-in-one bento set lunches, including everything from starters to dessert and in the traditional Japanese lacquered box. In the mixed tempura bento, you get a miso soup, a garden salad with ponzu dressing, the mixed tempura of course, with rice and the traditional oshinko (you know the yellow traditional crunchy pickled cabbage). In the ramen & sashimi set you will be able to taste the delicious teriyaki chicken with mixed vegetables and assorted sashimi.

Looking for a healthy, elegant but quick lunch break in Central, look no further, DOZO! is the place!

DOZO! is also the perfect place for your sushi fix. Japanese hold the longest lifespan record in the world and there is a reason for it - the food they eat. Using only the freshest marine products, just like in DOZO!, sushi is full of protein and low in fat. Salmon sushi or sashimi contains Omega 3, a good fatty acid that is essential for a healthy heart. Seaweed used in sushi is rich in Vitamin A, iodine and other minerals. And for those who count calories in their diet, each piece of sushi contains a mere 50 calories. Even wasabi can maintain healthy teeth!

In a bit of a spy mood, you have no idea how many people walk by that special spot of Lyndhurst, and thanks to the window pane you get a great view... :) Occupying a prime people-watching spot, when night falls, DOZO! transforms from a cool sushi bar to a chill-out cocktail bar, with innovative sake cocktails invented by our world-renowned "mixologist"...

Lola's secret: for a small extra (the 10% service charge) I have negotiated for you that you can also use your Twangoo voucher for the black miso cod bento... Many years ago I discovered the black miso cod dish at the Nobu restaurant of Paris and I've been a fan ever seen... The tasty cod litterally melts in your mouth, it's delicious...

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Side Deal

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55% off a gourmet meal at South Bay Beach Club


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Hong KongYour Daily DealWednesday, 3 November 2010
Today's Deal 55% off a gourmet meal at South Bay Beach Club
$400 for 2 appetizers, 2 main courses, dessert and a bottle of wine at South Bay

South Bay Beach, a Euro favourite during the summer months with sun-baked sculpted bodies adorning every patch of sand, coconut scented sunscreen filling the air, and laid back beats from the bustling cafe on the soundwaves. It’s cool, it’s hip and we love it. But what happens when winter rolls through? The party atmos is replaced with pure tranquility… lapping waves provide the soundtrack, crisp ocean air the scents, fluorescent sunsets the mood-light, and nature’s masterpiece takes centre stage.

This great offer from South Bay Beach Club is the perfect way to round off a weekend hike with friends or escape the tentacles of the city for a romantic date at a secret spot with unparalleled views. Soak up the sensory serenity while your palate pleases itself on wonderfully fresh seafood specialties. For just $400 you can share and enjoy any 2 appetizers or salad, any 2 main courses, a delightful “Lovers Sundae” dessert and bottle of house wine. Vouchers are valid until May 2011!

View the menu highlights
Company Info
South Bay Beach Club
South Bay Road, South Bay, Hong Kong

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South Bay Road, South Bay, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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四折Bubbles Sushi特選和風御膳


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2010年11月3日 星期三
  • Bubbles Sushi特選和風御膳:前菜+5款刺身+4款天婦羅+6款壽司+美國西泠牛肉露笋卷+甜品
  • 頂級日本時令刺身,特色球形壽司,誠意傳統日本料理,一絲不苟的味覺享受。
  • 獲多間報章雜誌推介:《飲食男女》《新假期》《UFood》


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