
現代美容中心 0.9折「熱石花香忘憂三重奏」再送專業美容護膚品

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$1156   0.9 折   $1048
Modern Beauty Salon
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1. 熱石按摩 ( 45 分鐘) (原價 $788)

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    65% off Elemis facials for men and women


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    Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 22 November 2010
    Today's Deal 65% off Elemis facials for men and women
    $350 for a 60-minute facial at Elemis Spa-Pods in Lane Crawford

    If we learned anything from The Social Network, it's that face time is priceless…

    Give your face a bit of TLC with today’s special offer from Elemis, the leading luxury British spa and skincare brand. For just $350, you’ll enjoy a 60-minute facial designed specifically for men or women, at Elemis Spa-Pod retreats at Lane Crawford in Pacific Place, Times Square and Canton Road. Much raved about, Elemis Spa-Pods are hidden gems: a cluster of cocoon-like pods specially designed for the ultimate pampering experience. They’re a brilliant way of taking a little time out from the office or shopping to treat yourself and your skin to some professional care, or alternatively a fantastic gift for the holiday season!

    FOR HER - Skin Radiance Facial (60-min)

    Reveal radiant skin with this moisture-boosting treatment. A unique mask, rich in amino acids and vitamins helps to regenerate skin cells, providing instant energy to the skin. Regular treatments can delay the signs of ageing and provide free-radical protection.

    FOR HIM - Men Power Booster Facial (60-min)

    Designed specifically for men, this power-charged treatment helps to cleanse, firm and hydrate the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Intelligent Adaptogenic Technology helps channel moisture to where it is needed most.

    Buy now to enjoy a masterclass in skincare maintenance and pampering!


    Company Info
    Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong

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    Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
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    $98 Dr Pro 秋冬面部護理療程 (二人同行$138!)


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    40% off Jue Yao's Violin Recital

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    Hong Kong



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    Today's deal: $408 instead of $680 for one ticket of Jue Yao's Violin Recital first time performance in Hong Kong!This X'mas is "All ABout Love"!

    HK$ 408 See the deal


    HK$ 680



    You save

    HK$ 272

    Company information:

    Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall

    10 Salisbury Road
    Tsim Sha Tsui
    Kowloon, Hong Kong

    An incredible concert by the world acclaimed artist Jue Yao...

    Not sure yet what to do to make Christmas memorable? No worries, Twangoo got exactly what you need. A unique concert of Jue Yao, "All bout love" where the celebrity violinist with the accompaniment of the vibrant percussionist Chris Brian, a base and a pianist, as well as a-capella group, in going to revisit all the classical love songs from the cinema... It's going to be all about reminiscences, and it's going to be beautiful...

    The concert will take place from 8pm to 10 pm at the HK Cultural Center - Concert Hall, on December 25th and December 27th, before to be shown in China. And with Twangoo you can get a ticket for HKD408 instead of HKD680!

    The renowned Jue Yao, praised as "one of China's most famous women", is the only violinist included in the 1995 book: "China's famous Female", published by the International Women's Congress in Beijing.

    She is the first Chinese musician to be received by President Castro of Cuba. Ms Yao was awarded the "Outstanding Violinist Rado Timeless Award" in 2002.

    In November 2004, Ms Yao was selected be one of the "Ten Outstanding Young Persons" in Hong Kong. Recently, Ms Yao was invited by Opera Hong Kong to be their Artistic Advisor and was appointed by Hong Kong Government to be a Member of the Arts Development Council.

    Jue Yao loves to expand her music boundaries. This time she has put together an original violin lead recital in a cross-culture between her classical formation and the world of Hollywood. Music from Hollywood movies has been rearranged to include vibrant high-energy elements and be performed by international musicians, special lighting effects have been choreographed to enhance and further the mood, making this recital even more special, it is am incredible show, never been seen before. Expect to recognize some of your favorite songs from Kill Bill, Pulp fiction, Star wars, Slumdog Millionaire and many more...

    Don't miss her "tribute to the Silver screen love and passion", it's a night you will remember for ever, and it is the perfect special gift for your special someone.

    Lola's secret: Ms. Yao's was the first Chinese Musician ever to own the World famous Violin, a Stradivarius dating back to 1713.

    Bisou, bisou

    Foxy Lola

    Side Deal

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    $288影室人像攝影速成班(4.5小時) 專業攝影教學模特兒任你影 (原價$580)


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    2010年11月22日 星期一
    • 影室人像攝影速成班(一天, 4.5小時),包括模特兒及影室。
    • 課程適合任何對攝影有興趣人仕,極速掌握人像攝影技巧! 完成課程將獲頒授證書
    • 上課日期:12月5日或12日(星期日) 14:00-18:30
      課堂人數:每班最多25人 (額滿則加開18:30-23:00之時段)


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