
$99 換購三盒Cuppa Café 滴濾咖啡沖泡(共24包, 價值$180) +特選地區免費送貨

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今日享樂 - 香港   

即開即沖無添加香醇咖啡 - $99 換購三盒Cuppa Café 滴濾咖啡沖泡 (共24包, 價值$180) +特選地區免費送貨

原價   折扣   節省
$180   5.5 折   $81
即開即沖無添加香醇咖啡 - $99 換購三盒Cuppa Café  滴濾咖啡沖泡 (共24包, 價值$180) +特選地區免費送貨
Cuppa Cafe
地址: 九龍觀塘偉業街 171 號偉業大廈 3B
聯絡電話: +(852) 3590 3380
  • Cuppa Café 質量超卓,火速能成為咖啡名牌新貴
  • 優惠期內,每盒 7 包裝的滴濾咖啡會額外加送 1 包其他口味!
  • 所有咖啡豆於香港新鮮烘焙、研磨及包裝,即訂即製
  • 產品並無任何添加劑,純天然製作
  • 享樂家專享「Zone 1 地區」免費送貨
  • 購得享樂證後,請下載表格,填妥後傳真至 3590 3766電郵至wendytsui@cuppa.com.hk


「需要」不等於「愛」,「愛」又不一定「需要」,香港人對咖啡,應該是又愛又需要!有人需要一杯方便咖啡提神醒腦;有人愛用一杯高級咖啡提升生活品味,不論您是那種「咖啡用家」,今日享樂誠意為大家推介的高級咖啡品牌新貴Cuppa Café,都一定能滿足到您! 現在享樂家可以 $99 換購 3 盒 (共 24 包) Cuppa Café 滴濾咖啡,讓您無論處於繁忙的工作或忙裡偷閒中,都能方便快捷地享用到一杯優質天然的品味咖啡。今日享樂帶您品味生活,暢遊咖啡大世界!

Cuppa Café 滴濾咖啡能成為咖啡界「新人王」,全因他們嚴格挑選世界各地的優質咖啡豆,如牙買加、巴西、哥倫比亞、墨西哥、夏威夷、肯亞等。所有咖...

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50% off Nail & Waxing@ LKF


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Monday, 15 November 2010
Today's Deal 50% off Nail & Waxing@ LKF
$270 for a manicure and pedicure at Nail & Waxing @ LKF!

Your nails will be dressed to impress!

Walking out the door, checking yourself in the mirror one last time, pouting your red hot lips, straightening your sexy black dress and flipping your hair… why ignore dressing your nails up for the perfect night out? For only $270, treat yourself to a pampering manicure and pedicure package at Nail & Waxing @ LKF and soothe your skin as well as your spirit.

Nail & Waxing @ LKF invites you to settle down into their plush armchairs and leaf through the latest magazines while trained manicurists and pedicurists give each of your twenty nails the individual attention they deserve. This exceptional service includes cleaning, shaping, buffing and polishing, along with a relaxing skin exfoliation and moisturising massage. Your nails will be dressed in an extensive collection of OPI shades and polished to perfection.

So hurry and grab a bunch of your girlfriends and seize this delightfully discounted offer as perfectly polished nails are the definite must have accessory for the night and the season!

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 15 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good for a manicure and pedicure package at Nail & Waxing @ LKF!
  3. Wear those sexy peep toe shoes with healthy and shiny nails that are a joy to behold!
Company Info
Nail & Waxing @LKF
11/F, 1 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

11/F, 1 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong
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50% off Georgeous Delight Facial at Global Essence

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 50% off 60-min Georgeous Delight Facial at Global Essence Caine Road Branch... That's $345 instead of $690...

HK$ 345 See the deal


HK$ 690



You save

HK$ 345

Company information:

Global Essence

Unit A, G/F, 25 Caine Road
Mid-Levels, Hong Kong


Be Beautiful inside out...

Since we had lots of demands for another opportunity to get Global essence organic deluxe facial for half price, we tried to make it happen and here it is, a second chance to get this amazing deal! Thank you Twangoo!

"Organic" is one of the most popular concepts of the last decade and it is easy to understand why... One of the disadvantages of living in our modern world is that our body is subject to more toxins than we can naturally eliminate. That's why more and more people regularly detox to help the body's natural process of cleansing all the toxic substances ingested, eat organic or use organic products.

The majority of skin care contains preservatives, additives and synthetic ingredients. As our skin is the body's largest organ , my girlfriend reminded me the other day at lunch that it can absorb up to 60% of what is applied to it. A recent study suggested that an average woman can absorb up to 2 kg of chemicals in a year by using skincare products. Scary if you ask me...

Leaving in a modern city like HK, where let's face it we are blessed with almost everything except a clean environment, I always try to buy natural skincare brands but I didn't know where to get an "organic facial " until I discovered Global essence. And that's this little gem that we wanted to share with you today.

Global essence is a cosy organic beauty boutique in mid-levels which, not only carries most of the leading brands of natural, organic skin, hair and body care, but also where they perform the most amazing facial treatment, using of course only natural ingredients. All of their products contain only the highest quality essentials oils or plant extracts. No harsh chemicals, no sulphates, no paraben and no artificial fragrance.

Their flagship facial, the Gorgeous Deluxe Facial treatment sounds like music to my ears.... 60 minutes of pure joy, only the best pure natural/organic essential oils, which through gentle massage and soft compressions activate the skin cells to bring the beauty from inside. The final step will use Dr. Alkaitis facial massage to bring your skin into a healthy balance.

Dr Alkaitis is a cult US skincare brand known for their dedication to the highest researched products, using certified wild crafted products to ensure the maximum therapeutic potential. They create organic living skin food. The man behind the brand is a scientist who studied under Nobel Laureates, and has dedicated his life to the study of the medicinal properties of plants so it sounds to me Ladies that you'll be in good hand.

Adopt nature tried and tested products, your skin will know the difference!

Lola's secret: I was in Ibiza when that deal was on and couldn't get my hands on it, bloody time difference! Won't happen again!

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Side Deal

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半價神串一豪華日式火鍋一人餐 $198奢華歎河豚+日本A5和牛火鍋 (原價$427)


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2010年11月15日 星期一
  • 鮮味特色河豚魚苗湯火鍋
  • 豪華火鍋配料二選一:和牛配野菜拼盤(日本頂級鹿兒島A5和牛、澳洲M9和牛) 或 海鮮配野菜拼盤(花竹蝦、廣島蠔、紋甲魷魚、雪場蟹腳、銀鱈魚)
  • 首間北海道旭川市的紙上燒餐廳,特選日本進口食材!


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