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3.9 折〈Whispers 意法情迷晚餐〉︰頭盤+主菜+甜品+夏日特飲,二人平均 $158/位!平歎矜貴歐陸菜,Fine Dining 慶祝父親節!

原價 折扣
$432 3.9 折
3.9 折〈Whispers 意法情迷晚餐〉︰頭盤+主菜+甜品+夏日特飲,二人平均 $158/位!平歎矜貴歐陸菜,Fine Dining 慶祝父親節!
Whispers‧bar & fine dining
地址: 中環安慶台1號安慶大廈地下
聯絡電話: +(852) 3188 0838
  • 餐廳為分 Bar 及 Fine Dining 兩區,充滿六十年代歐陸浪漫色彩
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今日享樂特別為忙碌的您偷閒加油,推出 3.9 折〈Whispers 意法情迷晚餐〉,包括頭盤、主菜、甜品及夏日特飲,二人用餐只需 $158/位!

位於中環的 Whispers‧bar & fine dining 一向走高檔 New York Hip 路線,人均消費一般都要 $300-$700!今日可以團購價享用矜貴歐陸菜,梗有大條道理約埋摰愛好友齊齊豪歎一餐!

【FunShare X Whispers】3.9 折意法情迷晚餐︰
一人份量︰原價 $432,享樂價 $168
二人份量︰原價 $864,享樂價 $316 (平均每位 $158)

〈Whispers 意法情迷晚餐〉包括 (一人份量)︰
頭盤︰香煎法國鵝肝 或 法式凍鵝肝 - 原價 $228
主菜︰意大利煙肉牛肝菌闊麵 (半客) 或 香辣大蝦扁意粉 (半客) -半客價值 $96
餐飲︰[/ ...


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50% off outdoor group training at Circuit 25


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Today's Deal 50% off group training at Circuit 25
HK$300 for FOUR group training sessions with Circuit 25: the leaders in outdoor bootcamp training

Get fit. Show it. Shape up for summer with the very best in outdoor circuit training…

Take it outside with Circuit 25 and train hard to your own limits in a challenging, supportive and social group environment. For just HK$300, you’ll enjoy FOUR outdoor group training sessions that use the urban landscape, natural environment and your own body weight to get fit the fast way. Think incline push-ups on park benches, squats on tables under pagodas, sit-ups with your feet parked under yellow Duckie playground swings and more. Within this intimate group environment, their dedicated trainers are always on hand to correct your form, or push you towards that last push-up, sit up, starjump or burpee. 

Each Circuit 25 session is unique, and with over 20 classes and 7 locations to choose from, the feared enemies of any exercise regime - Repetition and Boredom - are mission impossible. The workouts comprise 25 minutes of body transforming strength and resistant exercises, and 25 minutes of cardio, core and cool down. That’s 50 minutes of sweat, blood and tears mixed with camaraderie, high fives of support and bucket loads of fun. This is social networking that makes you sweat. Say goodbye to boring old gym routines forever.

Circuit 25 was founded by Davide Fiori, a veteran of 75 triathalons worldwide, and he continues to take classes along with his trusted team of certified trainers, bodybuilders, rugby internationals and competitive paddlers. There’s no need to be intimidated – every class is a mix of beginners to advanced. No one gets lefts behind and every one gets the workout they need. Bring on the summer!

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