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朱古力名牌「Leonidas」 蛋糕4.7折,試齊3款來自歐洲的甜蜜滋味!(原價 $32)

原價   折扣   節省
$32   4.7 折   $17
朱古力名牌「Leonidas」 蛋糕4.7折,試齊3款來自歐洲的甜蜜滋味!(原價 $32)
地址: 中環港景街1號國際金融中心商場1樓1018A號店 (2234 7343) / 銅鑼灣軒民連道 555 號崇光百貨 B2地庫超級市場 (2836 3695) /鰂魚涌康山道 2 號康怡廣場 (南) 吉之島百貨地下L011號店 (2506 1068) / 沙田正街2-8號新城市廣場三期3樓一田百貨3-013號店 (2681 0533) /西九龍海庭道18號奧海城2期 UG 層 LICENCE AREA A (將於11月下旬開幕)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2730 1090
  • 三款「Leonidas」 蛋糕各具特色︰
    皇牌朱古力松露蛋糕 – 朱古力迷首選
    紅桑子日本枝豆慕絲 – 口味獨特、與眾不同
    藍莓芝士蛋糕 – 芝士香濃、藍莓醬清新
  • 送贈親友的最佳禮物


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5折! 歎蘭桂坊上樓歐陸菜@Rain Restaurant (價值$200)

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66% off spa packages at Om Day Spa


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Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 8 November 2010
Today's Deal 66% off spa packages at Om Day Spa
$380 for a 30-minute Back Massage and 60-minute Facial using Elemis, Dr. Murad and Dermalogica products

Facials are a girl's best friend...

Om Day Spa, a haven of calm and rejuvenation is every woman’s one-stop destination for a blissful pampering retreat. Situated right next to the Fringe Club in Central, as you step in to this idyllic wellness facility your stress and worries are left far behind as the scented air and gentle music calmly embraces your soul.

For $380, indulge your body, mind and soul in a blissful experience comprising of a 30-minute back massage along with a 90-minute facial of your choice. With over ten invigorating facials to select from as per your skin requirements, Om Day Spa leaves you spoilt for choice. The luxurious day spa offers only the best products, Elemis, Dr. Murad, Dermalogica, ensuring maximum nourishment and an eternal radiant glow. Check out the three fab facials we love best:

Fruit Active Glow (Elemis): Hong Kong pollution getting the better of you? This treatment is for those who complain of a dull and lifeless complexion. Om Day Spa promises a positive and powerful recharge as the skin is oxygenated and the dynamic conditioning activates, nourishes and renews your inner vital radiance. A definite requirement for the instant glow needed before a night out.

Intensive Vitamin C (Dr. Murad): Specifically designed to protect and repair the skin from premature ageing caused by the environment, this facial will leave your skin feeling healthier and hydrated, smoothing out the rough patches. Alongside, the skin is layered and protected from future damage ensuring you have no reason to worry.

Detoxifying Facial (Dermalogica): Feeling oily and sticky in this humid weather? This facial deep cleanses, refreshes and renews the skin. Clearing blackheads, smoothening congestion, tightening pores and improving the lymph flow along with eliminating toxins and impurities, this is the detoxification your skin has been calling out for.

As you retreat to one of the five treatment rooms for 90 minutes of blissful escapism, the trained therapists will pamper your soul and bring out your inner beauty, treating you like nothing short of a majestic queen in her opulent chamber!

Definitely one of our favourite spots to relax in town!

Company Info
Om Day Spa
1st Floor, World Wide Commercial Building, 34th Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

1st Floor, World Wide Commercial Building, 34th Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
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42% off House of Dancing Water tickets and massages at the awarded Altira Spa Macau

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 42% off House of Dancing Water tickets, 60min massages at the awarded Altira Spa Macau with couples suite upgrade and Spa cuisine, for two!

HK$ 1998 See the deal


HK$ 3416



You save

HK$ 1418

Company information:

Altira Macau

Avenida de Kwong Tung
Taipa, Macau


Indulge yourself with a spectacular day in Macau, Spa and tickets for the show everyone is talking about!

So, you've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to watch and find out what's the buzz about that amazing underwater show? Or just looking into a different day program out of town? Here's your opportunity! Twangoo is offering you a package for two persons including a relaxing 1 hour massage at the amazing Altira Spa in Macau with an upgrade to the couples suite (believe me, you won't want to miss it so book in advance!), Spa cuisine for a healthy fix, and tickets for the House of Dancing Water show at City of Dreams! Plus, you can request at Altira for transportation from the Spa to the Show venue, so you really won't have to worry about anything! And when the show is over you know you can hop into a ferry and be home in just an hour.

This production is outstanding and definitely out of the ordinary. Franco Dragone, the show creator and producer, says the show can take you though a journey of seven emotions touching deep the human soul: hate, anger, sadness, fear, joy, desire and love. It took five years of planning and two years of rehearsing more than 77 performers including acrobats, dancers, stuntmen, musicians and more.

The Dancing Water theatre is everything but a common show stage - it's a 270 degree circular theatre with a central stage of 65 feet of diameter, with approximately 2000 seats. It's the world's largest commercial pool, holding 3.7 million gallons of water, more than five times the volume of an Olympic sized pool. No wonder it is the most anticipated show of the year!

When you have the chance to experience such a mind blowing production plus enjoying a body massage at one of the most amazing spas in the world (according to the Forbes Travel Guide, the most respected authority in judging hospitality excellence), it's as good as it gets! Until now there are only 15 properties worldwide that are rated Five-star for both categories of lodging and spa, Altira Macau has just been added to this exclusive list.

The Spa offers the most sophisticated wet spa facilities, with vitality pools, crystal steam rooms, saunas, an ice fountain and showers. It is certainly the preferred spa destination for a momentary escape, to invigorate the senses and replenish the body's elements. Combining the themes of contemporary style and luxury, Altira Spa personifies the essence of an urban oasis that you won't want to miss!

Side Deal

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$98 Shynne Beauty兩小時面部護理療程或90分鐘身體護理療程五選一


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2010年11月8日 星期一
  • 五選一:
    1. 1000倍水潤美肌方程式+深層剔透鑽肌儀+Micro活化膠原眼部護理;
    2. 絲蛋白活細胞彈力方程式+深層剔透鑽肌儀+Pure彈力骨膠原眼部護理;
    3. 香薰舒緩減壓身體按摩+Aroma Vera腹腔消脂護理;
    4. 花之貴族Aroma Vera 美肌瘦身排毒護理;
    5. 泰式按摩+古法草球肩背按摩


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