
45% off Sloop Froyo & Bagel


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Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 25 October 2010
Today's Deal 45% off Sloop Froyo & Bagel
$30 for a bagel and smoothie combo OR large frozen yogurt at this cosy American eatery

Bagels: the circle of life

Ponder the infinite with the all-day treat that never goes out of style. Sloop specialises in great bagels and they take their smoothies and froyos very seriously too. Their New York-style circles of goodness taste just the way real bagels should – chewy and flavourful – with the texture of unrisen bread that somehow tastes a million times better. Just slot in some cream cheese, red onion and lox… and voila. Heaven in a bun!

With today’s deal, you can swoop on down to Sloop Froyo & Bagel on Queen’s Road Central, a stone’s throw from The Center, and pick yourself up one of these healthy treats:

-Bagel + Smoothie Combo (original price $55)


-Large Frozen Yogurt with toppings (300g) (original price $54)

Here’s the best bit. Bagels are guilt-free, all-day treats equally fit for fueling morning routines, accompanying afternoon Tai Chi sessions, or acting as late-night comfort foods during scary movies. So check out Sloop’s menu highlights on our website or download the full menu here. Don’t pass this offer up!

How It Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 15 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuVoucher by email, good a bagel + smoothie combo or large froyo at Sloop.
  3. Ponder the infinite.
Company Info
Sloop Froyo & Bagel
189-205 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

189-205 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong
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48% off 6 sessions of bikini line laser hair removal!

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Today's deal: 48% off 6 sessions of bikini line laser hair removal at Skinic! Stop worrying about waxing or shaving again!

HK$ 4000 See the deal


HK$ 7650



You save

HK$ 3650

Company information:


11/F First Commercial Building, 33 Leighton Road
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


Want to feel your best in your bikini?

Due to its intimate nature, bikini line hair removal doesn't tend to get discussed as often as some other types of body hair treatments. But, as many laser technicians can tell you, the demand for bikini laser hair removal has skyrocketed in recent years, as more and more people seek to escape the pain and hassle of traditional pubic hair removal methods like shaving and waxing.

The appeal of a treatment like bikini hair laser treatments is very easy to understand. With fashion and grooming trends being what they are, it's not always easy to exude total confidence in low cut bikinis, under garments, or athletic attire, especially with the skin irritation often brought on by razors and at-home hair products.

So, today, we are happy to give you the opportunity to purchase 6 sessions of bikini line laser hair removal at Skinic for only HKD4,000 instead of normal price of HKD7,650! That's an amazing 48% off the original price!...

If you've ever read about how laser treatments works on the back, legs, or face, you already know the principles behind bikini line hair removal. But, considering the sensitivity of the region, laser technicians do take extra care to insure that the procedures are performed carefully and precisely, whether they're just removing sporadic follicles from around the bikini line, or all the hair in proximity to the genitals (a.k.a Brazilian hair removal).

Like other anatomical areas, laser hair removal of the bikini area is dependent on such factors as hair color, skin color, hair strand thickness and density. Laser treatments, while effective in permanently removing as much as 90 percent of hair regrowth, cannot guarantee the complete elimination of all unwanted bikini area hair for the life of the patient. Nonetheless, with results lasting for multiple years in many cases, bikini laser hair removal is truly the next best thing to a permanent treatment.

Skinic proposes the first and only technology that uses a unique combination of bi-polar radio frequency and light energies to effectively and gently remove hair with different level of colors and in combined with different skin tones. The combined energy destroys not just the hair shaft but the hair follicle, regardless if the hair is brown or black. Unlike others who use only a single source of light energy which spread on both hair and surrounding skin, using gentle pulses to focus energies on only the target hair means better results with lower overall energy output to affect surrounding skin, assuring the highest level of safety and result.

Skinic is a modern skin center located in Causeway Bay. While they specialize in laser hair removal, they also offer skin rejuvenation, face sculpturing, body contouring and skin care. In their stylish and comfortable environment, you will first undergo a consultation with one of their qualified doctors to ensure your skin type is suitable for the treatment and to answer all the questions you may have.

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2010年10月25日 星期一
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