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$59 換購Slean瘦身茶包纖纖麵, $168歎鯉魚門海鮮餐及攀石體驗班

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今日享樂 - 香港   

$59 換購原價 $174 日韓超強人氣瘦身組合 Slean 瘦身茶包 (14 包裝) 及 纖纖麵 (2盒)

原價   折扣   節省
$174   3.4 折   $115
$59 換購原價 $174 日韓超強人氣瘦身組合 Slean 瘦身茶包 (14 包裝) 及 纖纖麵 (2盒)
  • 買 3 張享樂證可送 1 盒纖纖麵,買 5 張送 2 盒!享樂證任買任用,多買多送
  • 每盒纖纖麵只有 22 卡路里,一星期可減 2-5 磅
  • 纖纖麵密封包裝,存放方便,有效期為 9 個月,可以多買備用
  • 纖纖麵可用作煎、炒、煮、炸或打邊爐
  • 瘦身茶包依照韓國古方,纖纖麵出口日本,醬汁由日本大塚供應,安全可靠
  • 瘦身茶包減脂肪、膽固醇,不會導致肚瀉


「今個冬天食大咗!我要減肥喇 >.< 」冬至火鍋 + 平安夜自助餐 + 聖誕BBQ + 除夕派對大食會…… 我感覺在這個 12 月裡,已經吃夠了未來 3 個月的 quota …… 吃多了一定要減減磅、清清腸、排排毒!今日享樂可以 $59 換購原價 $174的 Slean日韓超強人氣瘦身組合︰瘦身茶包 (14 包裝) + 纖纖麵 (2盒) 。減肥不一定要捱餓、禁食,享樂家可以減得輕鬆,滋味瘦身有妙法!

    3.4 折日韓超強人氣瘦身組合,Slean 滋味瘦身優惠包括︰
  • Slean Tea瘦身茶包 (14 包裝)
    - 日韓 OL 潮捧純天然古方消脂茶瘦身,每餐飯後一沖一飲,消脂消濟,肚腩瘦一圈,Easy!
  • Slean Noodle 纖纖麵 (2 盒)
    - 纖纖麵日本配方,高纖低卡好味道,每日 2 餐,一星期即可減輕 2-5 磅!

【Slean Tea 瘦身茶包】 歎茶瘦身,快!酷!Easy!
韓國古方消脂酷茶以矜貴珍珠草,配合多種強效抗氧化草本,再結合消脂綠茶及去膩沱茶,雙效茶療,雙倍消脂!瘦身茶包 100% 天然草本,無西藥、無副作用,兼有 GMP 質量保證,安全可靠!
靠抑制食慾減肥瘦身,食得不痛快,體重又易反彈;飲用Slean Tea瘦身茶包,只需每次餐後一沖一飲,豐富的高活性消脂酵素就會極速消耗體內脂肪及糖份,有效燒解最難搞的肚腩頑脂,令您肚腩輕易瘦一圈,又快又酷又 Easy![/pa ...

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75% off eight 1hr group training sessions!

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Today's deal: 75% off a package of eight 1hr group training sessions with Donna from Body Boost!

HK$ 300 See the deal


HK$ 1200



You save

HK$ 900

Company information:

Body Boost

Hong Kong

Work off those Christmas kilos!

Christmas is finally here and we all know what that means…food glorious food! So if like myself, you love to indulge in the season's delicacies, today's deal can take the gilt away with 8 outdoor group training session form Body Boost!

What is Body Boost, you are asking? A Body boost is what you get when you join one of the Boostcamp sessions, you come to get more energy, more confidence, more happiness and more of the good stuff. We all need it, and Body Boost can help you get it..

Boostcamps offer a balanced fitness program. The exercises you perform will help you to improve your posture, your muscle strength, tone and endurance, your cardiovascular capacity and your flexibility. As if that weren't enough you will find that your overall well being is much improved.

This isn't just about what you look like on the outside, this is also (and for some people more importantly) about how you feel on the inside. So if you want to get fit, feel better about yourself and even more importantly, have a whole lot of fun while doing it, Body Boost if for you!

Exercise doesn't have to be a drag, it doesn't have to be an obligation, something you dread, something you feel you have to do...or else. With Body Boost you are going to discover a surprising fact about yourself - that you can have the time of your life while improving your physical and mental health. That you are going to find yourself looking forward to exercising and feeling great afterwards.

There are various locations and times so you can find a Boostcamp to suit your schedule.

  • The Peak Boostcamp, Thursday 9am
  • Pokfulam Reservoir Boostcamps, Monday 8.30 am, Wednesday 8:15 am, Friday 8.30 am
  • Causeway Bay, Victoria Park Boostcamps, Monday & Wednesday 7:15 pm
  • Island Boostcamps, Tuesday & Thursday 8pm (Lamma Time)

So pick your Boostcamp today and experience the benefits of small group training!

Your daily candy

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$98 AMP plus漂牙套裝 (原價$198) HPC 納米級美白因子 只需五天展現亮白笑容


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2010年12月24日 星期五
  • AMP plus活水美牙素漂牙套裝:人體工學專利設計牙套 + HPC強效去漬美白啫喱(15ml),五天份量。
  • 連續五天,每天20-30分鐘,在家輕鬆美白牙齒,立即見效。
  • 美國製造,HPC納米級強效美白因子可滲透琺瑯質,美白同時去漬,有效抗菌預防牙周病。


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