
50% off Italian cuisine at Cafe Roma


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Friday, 3 June 2011
Today's Deal 50% off Italian cuisine at Café Roma
HK$99 for HK$200 worth of southern Italian countryside cooking. The best of Rome and Sicily. Mamma Mia!

The trouble with Italian food is that 2 or 3 days later, you're hungry again!

If you ever wanted to dine in an authentic mama-style Italian eatery, now’s your chance. A bite-sized café with close-packed tables, a bustling open kitchen, and a two storey wine-rack, Café Roma captures it all… great food, great service and the buzz of satisfied diners.

Inspired by the flavours of southern Italy, Café Roma uses recipes passed down through generations to create simple dishes with robust flavours. Fresh Mediterranean ingredients, olive oil and herbs take precedent over heavy butter and cream, resulting in deliciously light salads, antipasti, pastas, and pizzas. The only downside is that the food tastes so good and the portions so generous that the inevitable food coma is, well, just that.

For HK$99, you can enjoy HK$200 worth of food and drink at Café Roma, inclusive of service charge. Offer is valid for dinner from 6pm to 10:30pm, and with multiple vouchers allowed per table, it’s a great way to get the gang together and sample the variety of dishes on the menu. Antipasti and salads range from HK$38 – HK$65, pastas and pizzas from HK$60 – HK$98, and main courses from HK$105 – HK$120, ensuring you’ll be spoilt for choice in more ways than one.

Mamma Mia…feed me!

Company Info
Café Roma
G/F, Jervois House, 1 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

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G/F, Jervois House, 1 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
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