
$20購買Q10 Beauty Water,體驗神奇的魔法美肌力量!


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$189 Marco’s Oyster Bar & Grill 意大利自助餐

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$189 享用 Marco's Oyster Bar & Grill Semi-Buffet, 3小時任食意大利美饌+9 款自選主菜,再送葡萄酒或餐飲

原價 折扣
$488 3.9 折
$189 享用 Marco's Oyster Bar & Grill Semi-Buffet, 3小時任食意大利美饌+9 款自選主菜,再送葡萄酒或餐飲
Marco's Oyster Bar & Grill
地址: 灣仔皇后大道東202號 QRE Plazza 2 及3 樓 (合和中心對面)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2893 4442
  • 享樂獨家︰每人獲贈餐飲一杯 (紅/白酒 或 冷/熱飲品均可)
  • 老闆兼總廚 Marco 西廚經驗豐富,曾任高級酒店總廚
  • 9 款主菜,款款意大利正宗口味
  • 任食新鮮生蠔、甜品
  • Marco 灣仔分店環境浪漫幽雅

自從睇完套《Eat Pray Love》就好想學 Julia Roberts 一個人去旅行!不是要去禪修或蜜運,只想到羅馬 Eat Eat Eat 勁食意大利菜!意粉、薄餅、生蠔、美酒……豪邁的意大利菜總是大情大性,口感與味道卻是精緻、細膩,空想也令人垂涎動心!

今日享樂推出意大利餐廳Marco's Oyster Bar & Grill 3.9 折 Semi-Buffet 優惠!三小時任食十多款正宗意大利凍盤、熱食及甜品!另有 9 款自選主菜︰炭燒阿根廷肉眼扒、牛肝菌闊條麵、意式肉醬意大利雲吞、三文魚天使麵……肯定令您捧住肚皮,大叫 Soddisfatto (意大利語滿足的意思)!

Marco's Oyster Bar & Grill Semi-Buffet (享樂價 $189,原價 $488)
3 小時半自助餐包括︰主菜 1 份+凍盤、熱食及甜品任食+享樂家尊享︰葡萄酒或餐飲 1 杯

    主菜 1 份 ( 9 選 1)
    1. 炭燒阿根廷牛柳 Argentina Angus Tenderloin Steak
    2. 炭燒阿根廷肉眼扒 Argentina Angus Rib Eye Steak
    3. 紐西蘭羊扒伴薯棵 New Zealand Lamb Chop & Home Made Gnocchi
    4. 意式千層麵 Lasagna Bolognese
    5. 炭燒豬柳扒 ...

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$138專享Red Nail ICE GEL美甲,連深層磨砂手部護理!


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65% off reflexology at Sutherland-Chan Centre: HK$175 for 40 mins


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Monday, 7 March 2011
Today's Deal 65% off reflexology at Sutherland-Chan Centre
HK$175 for a 40-minute foot reflexology session plus free gift of beautifully wrapped Epsom salts

Twinkle, twinkle little toes, how I love to massage them so…

The Chinese believe that the foot is the gateway to the body. For over 5,000 years, massage has been used to encourage healing by stimulating acupuncture points through the principles of reflexology. Today, the Sutherland-Chan Centre in Stanley Street offers the ultimate in bespoke reflexology.

For HK$175, you get a 40-minute session with Victoria Geaves, a resident specialist accredited by the UK Association of Reflexologists, one of the world's foremost professional bodies, and a diploma holder in Anatomy, Physiology and Massage. Victoria will work her magic on your precious tootsies, taking absolute care of your feet while investigating exactly what is going on with your body!

Having graduated from the Central London School of Reflexology in 2002, Victoria specialises in stress and tension relief, stimulating specific reflex points producing deep therapeutic relaxation. She also addresses imbalances and disorders in order to return the body to its natural state of equilibrium. Her style is a mix of science and holistic wellbeing. What’s more, after your relaxing and insightful reflexology session, you will be given a special gift; a packet of Epsom salts presented in a beautiful wrapped bag, great for soothing your muscles and drawing out unwanted toxins and swelling.

The Sutherland-Chan Centre doesn’t normally offer discounts, boasting a 30-year pedigree in Canada and North America, so grab this exclusive deal while you can. There are only 100 sessions up for grabs and you can buy as many as you want for yourself!

Company Info
Sutherland Chan Center
19/F, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

19/F, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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75% off 4 sessions of Shape Up Must Treatment

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Today's deal

75% off 4 sessions of Shape Up Must Treatment and an "In-body Analyzer" at MSC! Tone up with the latest technology!

Get the deal now

HK$ 1200


HK$ 4800



You save

HK$ 3600


4 sessions of Shape Up Must treatment to break up stubborn fat and tone targeted muscle groups using:
  • the latest 6-head infrared technology, and
  • electro-stimulator technology

In addition, you will receive:

  • a body composition analysis and obesity diagnosis with MSC's In-body Analyzer machine, and
  • a professional consultation to provide you with a tailor-made slim down program.

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