
3.5折《嚐點》自家製瑤柱新年蘿蔔糕 2 磅裝 原價 $168

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3.5折換購《嚐點》自家製瑤柱新年蘿蔔糕 (2 磅裝) 原價 $168!瑤柱啖啖惹味,蘿蔔絲絲清香,足料好味,食極唔膩!

原價 折扣
$168 3.5 折
3.5折換購《嚐點》自家製瑤柱新年蘿蔔糕 (2 磅裝) 原價 $168!瑤柱啖啖惹味,蘿蔔絲絲清香,足料好味,食極唔膩!
地址: 九龍旺角通菜街 112 號地下 (旺角港鐵站 B2 出口)
聯絡電話: 2392 8829
  • 享樂證任買任用,送禮自奉兩皆宜
  • 自家製蘿蔔糕用料豐富,足 2 磅
  • 瑤柱啖啖惹味,蘿蔔絲絲清香,多吃不膩
  • 蘿蔔糕以傳統家鄉秘方精製,滿有「家」的感覺
  • 旺角人氣食肆《嚐點》深受食客支持,連一眾「超級巨星」都慕名捧場


享樂家今日可享 3.5折《嚐點》超值優惠,以 $58 換購 2 磅裝「自家製瑤柱新年蘿蔔糕」 (原價 $168) ,優惠不設購買上限,您可以盡情選購,與摯愛親友分享這份傳統美味!




    換領日期︰2011 年 1 月 25 日至 2 月 2 日
    地點︰九龍旺角通菜街 112 號地下「嚐點」門市 (旺角港鐵站 B2 出口)
    時間︰12 nn - 12 mn
# 請於最少 1 天前,致電 2392 8829 預約換領 (12nn – 12mn),以確保蘿蔔糕新鮮、存貨充足

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2折First Image面部及眼部專業美容護理! (原價 $480)


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70% off group training sessions at Circuit25


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Friday, 21 January 2011
Today's Deal 70% off 4 group training sessions at Circuit25
HK$300 for 4 group training sessions + advanced fitness test at Circuit25

Where would Rocky Balboa be without Mickey Goldmill? Or Luke Skywalker without Jedi Master Yoda?

Feel the force with today's offer and learn the tenets of both strength and community: training hard to your own limits in a challenging, supportive and social group environment. For just $300, you get an advanced fitness test followed by four outdoor group training sessions from Circuit25. The test, designed to measure your initial fitness levels, includes the full evaluation of body measurements, Bleep Tests, Multi Stage Fitness Tests, Davies Test and Shark Test so that you can keep tabs on your progress every step of the way.

Bootcamps use the natural and urban landscape for equipment so expect incline push-ups on park benches, squats on tables under pagodas, sit-ups with your feet parked under yellow Duckie playground swings and more. Each session is 100% unique and with over 20 classes and 7 locations to choose from, the feared enemies of any exercise regime - Repetition and Boredom - are mission impossible at Circuit25. The only consistency is in the number, and yes, 25 is no random number: each session comprises 25 minutes of body transforming strength and resistant exercises, and 25 minutes of Cardio, Core and Cool down – that’s 50 minutes of sweat, blood and tears mixed with camaraderie, high fives of support and bucket loads of fun!

Circuit25 was founded by Davide Fiori, a veteran of 75 triathalons worldwide, and he continues to take classes along with his trusted team which include a former competitive bodybuilder and Fijian rugby international. Meet the whole team here, don’t be intimidated! Classes are suitable for all fitness levels, so you’re guaranteed to be in great hands. We recommend joining Circuit25 for ten to 25 sessions, after which you can repeat the advanced fitness test at normal price to measure your improvements. You will be amazed at your progress over a short period of time!

How it Works

  1. Buy today’s deal and share with friends to ensure it tips. Deal activated with 25 buys!
  2. Receive a ValuUp voucher by email and get 1 advance fitness test and 4 group training sessions at Circuit25, worth $1,200.
  3. Push-ups for 25 seconds
  4. Sit-ups for 25 seconds
  5. You’re feeling fit and looking great!


Company Info
Circuit 25

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