
低至5折Oishi Fresh青森蘋果賀年禮盒/2.4折LaPo Beauty藍光美白牙齒

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《Oishi Fresh 菓然鮮》多款矜貴賀年禮盒低至 5 折,包括日本果王 - 青森縣王林蘋果、智利 Santa Alicia 紅白酒,再送 $20 現金劵!

原價 折扣
$268 6.3 折
《Oishi Fresh 菓然鮮》多款矜貴賀年禮盒低至 5 折,包括日本果王 - 青森縣王林蘋果、智利 Santa Alicia 紅白酒,再送 $20 現金劵!
Oishi Fresh 菓然鮮
地址: www.oishifresh.com
聯絡電話: +(852) 2882 8935
  • 購買張數不限,可多買送贈親友
  • 香港、九龍地區免費送貨
  • 惠顧禮盒送 $20 現金劵,可即時購買 Oishi Fresh 其他水果禮品
  • 青森縣果園專門盛產世界級優質水果
  • 青森蘋果沒有蠟面,可放心連皮食用
  • 王林蘋果散發出迷人果香,口感清爽香脆
  • Santa Alicia 2 款紅白酒芳香美味,非常容易受落

近日電視旅遊節目介紹日本北部青森懸 Aomori 蘋果,在一望無際的蘋果園綠蔭下,微風中搖曳著紅的、黃的蘋果。主持人即摘即食,看得見何其鮮嫩香甜,聽得出何其清脆多汁!新年將至,人氣急升的青森蘋果定必成為拜年賀禮的健康首選!今日享樂為大家帶來低至 5 折的《Oishi Fresh 菓然鮮》賀年水果禮盒、紅酒禮盒優惠,包括︰

優惠一︰ 6 折「雜錦水果禮盒」 享樂價 $169,原價 $268
~ 日本青森縣蘋果 2 個 + 青森縣王林蘋果 2 個 + 大裝火龍果 2 個

優惠二︰5 折「Santa Alicia 限量新春禮盒」 享樂價 $239,原價 $488
~ 紅葡萄 Cabernet Sauvignon (750ml) 1 瓶 + 白葡萄 Chardonnay (750ml) 1瓶

優惠三︰6.5 折「日本水果紅酒禮盒」 享樂價 $239,原價 $368
~ 日本青森縣蘋果 2 個 + 青森縣王林蘋果 2 個 + 紅酒 1 瓶

# 享樂家惠顧以上禮盒優惠,可額外獲贈《Oishi Fresh 菓然鮮》$20 現金劵一張!

世界級果物藝術品 - 青森蘋果
青森縣四季分明,在這微妙的溫度變化中,培育成全日本最大的蘋果產地,產量約達 50 萬噸 ...

LaPo Beauty 破底價 $169 藍光美白牙齒療程 LaPo Beauty 破底價 $169 藍光美白牙齒療程
皮膚要美白,牙仔都要美白!今日享樂家可以低至 2.4 折幫全排牙齒做「藍光美白牙齒療程」,優惠之餘再送 《LaPo Beauty 燕窩美容專門店》 $300 現金劵 或 $299 美容療程!

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Up to 90% off beauty treatments at Bella and Men's Skin Centre


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Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 24 January 2011
Today's Deal Up to 90% off beauty treatments at Bella & MSC
$298 for a choice of 4 signature treatments, for both men and women

“I can’t wait until tomorrow –‘cause I get better looking every day” - legendary quarterback Joe Namath.

Ladies and Gentlemen, with today’s deal combo from Bella and Men’s Skin Care Centre’s (MSC) there’s no need to wait until tomorrow to get better looking! The experts at Bella have been pampering Hong Kongers since the early eighties, establishing a formidable reputation through the quality of their treatments and staff. With this offer we’ve chosen four signature treatments ranging from massages and facials, to the laser treatments they pioneered, so there’s something for everyone. And with up to 90% off there’s no excuse not to pamper yourself or treat your loved one to some TLC.

For $298 you get the choice of one of the following treatments, available both to men and women, so why not indulge a little and sample the entire range!

  • Aroma Body Massage (1hour. Original $550) This treatment permeates aroma essence through your entire body, relieving muscle tension, improving blood circulation, and accelerating lymph toxin expulsion to leave your body and mind completely at ease.
  • Seaweed Facial (1.5 hours. Original $650) One of the most popular treatments on offer, it transforms precious seaweed gel refined from brown seaweed into wonderful skin activation energy through deep rubbing, helping remove aged cuticle and restore the skin to its best state to absorb nutrients.
  • NQ Laser Rejuvenation Treatment (30 mins. Original $1,000) Lasers target wavelengths specific to various spots including melanin, vascular lesions and multi-colored tattoos. This ‘Selective Photothermolysis’ process allows the spots to be quickly absorbed and removed by breaking them down into small particles, giving your skin the ideal whitening effect without harming the surrounding areas. 
  • One Permanent Laser Hair Removal Session – (Upper lip or underarms. Original $680 – $3,000) (Not available for men) Pulse laser beams are used to penetrate directly to the follicles along the hair shaft, transforming heat energy to effectively disable hair roots and prevent hairs from growing again. Bella’s professional consultants are fully trained to safetly remove target tissue to exact sizes, without damaging surrounding areas.

Packages are available for both men and women. Women receive their treatments at the newly renovated and luxurious Bella in Central, while men receive their treatments at the adjacent, and equally pleasing, Men’s Skin Care Centre (MSC). It’s the perfect personal treat, gift for a friend, or Valentine’s couple pampering!

Company Info
Bella & MSC
Room 1711, New World Tower 1, 16-18 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong

See the website »

Room 1711, New World Tower 1, 16-18 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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