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原價 折扣
$200 6.5 折
稻香 6.5 折端午節搶閘獨家優惠!$130 換購 (原價 $200) 「稻香誠製《豐祝》瑤柱裹蒸粽」2 套 (共 4 隻) 及「稻香誠製三寶︰元祖 XO 醬、柱侯醬、潮州辣椒醬」1 套!
地址: 香港及國內超過 50 間稻香分店均可換領
聯絡電話: +(852) 3960 6111
  • 裹蒸粽滲透冬葉清香,用料豐富不膩
  • XO 醬用金華火腿、干貝絲精製而成,香辣惹味
  • 柱侯醬味道濃郁,燜肉最惹味
  • 潮州辣椒醬辣中帶香,風味細緻
  • 超過 50 間香港及國內稻香分店均可換領 (詳細參閱「換領劵」背頁詳情)

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52% off Beauty Wave summer spa treatments


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Monday, 11 April 2011
Today's Deal 52% off Beauty Wave summer spa treatments
HK$280 for a 30-min foot scrub and hydrotherapy foot bath plus choice of 30-min summer massage treatment, worth HK$580

Hollywood stars have all the fun, partying away until the crack of dawn before jetting off to exotic spas to recharge their batteries. But what are we mere mortals to do when overindulgence strikes?

After a busy week, head down to Beauty Wave Skincare and reward yourself with their fabulous hydrotherapy foot treatments and summer massage therapies for deep relaxation. For just HK$280, you get a 30-minute aroma foot scrub, followed by luxurious hydrotherapy foot bath, plus your choice of one of the 30-minute summer treatments below: 

  • Aroma Back Massage - specifically targeting the back, shoulder and neck areas, using individually selected essential oils to relieve tension and release energy blockages deep in the muscle fibres.
  • Aroma Foot Reflexology Massage  - focusing on the feet to aid healing of the entire body, stimulating energy pathways to induce a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.
  • Slimming Tummy Detox - a tummy-firming aromatherapy massage, for a sensual detox. Perfect because the stomach area is very sensitive to stimulation.
  • G5 Cellulite Break Down Massage – an extremely effective massage used to break down and disperse unwanted cellulite and fat in targeted areas, whilst stimulating the lymphatic system.
  • Hot Stone Detox Massage - a specialty massage using smooth, heated stones to relax the muscles, stimulate circulation, allowing toxins to exit the surface of the skin.
  • Paraffin Wax Hand Treatment - relaxing and soothing, the warm wax melts stress away, improving circulation, rejuvenating your skin and easing joint stiffness.

The 30-minute half leg aroma foot scrub uses customized scrubs to remove dead cells, leaving your skin replenished and hydrated, great for the long awaited summer. Their hydrotherapy foot bath takes the pampering further, providing deep circulation benefits to awake all the reflexology points in the sole of your foot within 10 minutes. The session culminates in a 30-minute summer treatment, with options ranging from foot reflexology and aroma back massages to slimming detox treatments and our favourite, their signature hot stone detox massage. Each customer can purchase up to 10 vouchers for personal use, so treat yourself to the ultimate summer spa experience... because you're worth it!

Company Info
Beauty Wave
15FL Eubank Plaza, 9 Chiu Lung Street, Central, Hong Kong

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15FL Eubank Plaza, 9 Chiu Lung Street, Central, Hong Kong
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