
低於 $158 換購全港獨家 Palette甜酒禮盒+試酒劵, 甜蜜過聖誕

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低於 2.9 折換購全港獨家 Elephant Island 酒莊甜酒禮盒+ Palette 試酒劵( 3 Dessert Wine Flight)

原價   折扣   節省
$500   3.2 折   $342
低於 2.9 折換購全港獨家 Elephant Island 酒莊甜酒禮盒+ Palette 試酒劵( 3 Dessert Wine Flight)
  • 位處銅鑼灣,鄰近時代廣場,交通方便
  • 店內環境雅致,是三五知己悠閒暢飲的最新聚腳點
  • 甜酒香甜又容易入口,適合用作派對餐飲
  • 甜酒由加拿大 BC 省酒莊入口,全港獨有
  • 享樂家特享 3 Dessert Wine Flight ,免費品嚐不同甜酒口味


甜酒勝在味道香甜又容易入口,連平日少碰酒杯的人仕都會為之傾心!臨近聖誕佳節,享樂幫您找來甜酒專門店 Palette,以 $158 購買 1 瓶甜酒禮盒,或以 $268 購買 2 瓶甜酒禮盒;甜酒禮盒可選 Elephant Island 酒莊的黑莓甜酒 (750 ml) 及黑加倫子甜酒 (750 ml)。不論選購一支裝或兩支裝甜酒禮盒,Palette 都會送出 3 Dessert Wine Flight 試酒劵,即一套三小杯的不同款式甜酒,給享樂家即場品嚐!今年聖誕,不妨以甜酒送贈摰愛表達心意,或是用作派對餐飲,一樣討人歡喜!

位於銅鑼灣耀華街的 Palette 是本地少有的甜酒專門店,店內的甜酒直接由加拿大 BC 省酒莊入口,屬全港獨有!今次 Palette 為享樂家推介的是[...

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50% off Christmas cupcakes at Fairy Cakes


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Hong KongYour Daily DealWednesday, 1 December 2010
Today's Deal 50% off 12 Christmas cupcakes at Fairy Cakes
Get into the holiday spirit with 12 freshly baked, decorated cupcakes for $250!

Tis the season for fluffy cupcakes… fa la la la la…

This season, conjure up memories of your childhood, as you indulge in some of Hong Kong’s finest cupcake goodness. These little drops of heaven are guaranteed to bring joy to your loved ones, rewarding taste buds of all ages with sculpted soft butter cream icing that gently melts in your mouth over a canvas of delightfully moist, fluffy cupcakes. Created just for the festive season!

For $250, you get a sinfully delightful box of twelve vanilla cupcakes: four topped with lush fondant icing and eight piled high with generous dollops of velvety butter cream icing. The fondant-iced gems are decorated like Santa Claus, Snowmen, Reindeers and Christmas trees to delight the young and young-at-heart, and bring out the best of the festive season.

As you walk into Fairy Cakes, you are greeted by their warm and friendly staff, who are constantly sifting, whisking and frosting away at freshly baked goodies. Having a team of Elfin bakers and decorators on site ensures that shelves are always stocked fresh, beautiful and decorative. These innovative cupcakes delight the eyes and warm the heart, but come with a clear warning: SERIOUSLY ADDICTIVE.

Company Info
Fairy Cakes
9/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central

See the website »

9/F, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central
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50% off Face IPL and Firming Treatment

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Today's deal: 50% off six sessions of Face IPL and Firming Treatment at Absolute Laser Skin Care!That's a state of the art age defying treatment!

HK$ 4800 See the deal


HK$ 9600



You save

HK$ 4800

Company information:

Absolute Laser Skin Care

8A Times Centre
53-55 Hollywood Road
Central, Hong Kong


Looking for the fountain of youth, we found it for you...

Want to improve your skin dramatically without surgical procedure? Face IPL is your answer. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. With this treatment, light is delivered to the skin surface using light pulses to improve both the skin's tone and texture.

Thanks to Twangoo, you can now purchase 6 sessions of Face IPL and firming at Absolute Laser Skincare for $4,800 instead of $9,600.

When it's about your face, you simply want the best. The most professional service, the latest technology, and that's what Absolute Laser Skincare is about. Established in 2006 when owner and founder, Tina Kalmar, realized the need for quality laser services in Hong Kong, this very comfortable beauty salon in Central uses ELOS technology, the first and only technology that simultaneously harnesses the power of bi-polar radio frequency and light energy, for superior pulsed light skin rejuvenation.

Their staff is qualified to perform treatments the most effectively and safely and as a patient, you will be given a tailored pre-diagnosis session to ensure you get the most noticeable results.

How does it work? Well, it is very easy, a cold gel is applied to the areas of skin to be treated, you'll be wearing protective eyewear and the IPL device will be applied to your skin, transferring light in pulses. Each session takes about an hour. Basically you are heating and stimulating the dermis (the inner layer of the skin) while cooling and protecting the epidermis (the outer layer). It encourages healing and regeneration of the skin.

What can you expect from the sessions? IPL or photorejuvenation stimulates collagen growth, smoothing the skin texture, closing large pores and eliminating fines lines and wrinkles. At the same time, the procedure removes damaged and photo-aged skin, so it can be used to treat sun spots, age spots, acne scars, spiders veins or any hyperpigmentation problems. The improvement is gradual, and the results cumulative, so a series of 5 to 6 treatments is optimal for the best results.

Looking for a firming effect, a smoother and elastic skin texture, look no further, IPL is The safe and effective solution!

Lola's secret: Avoid sun exposure before and after the sessions.

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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$108 Toowooloo Wine Buffet 國際精選紅白酒任飲兩小時 (原價$218)


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2010年12月1日 星期三
  • 帝豪海景酒店頂樓,遠眺西九龍景色,俯瞰醉人夜色
  • 每日精選五款紅、白酒,任飲兩小時
  • 精選來自智利、西班牙、澳洲、意大利、法國等地的紅白酒
  • 最適合相約三五知己把酒談心,讓你從繁忙的工作中放鬆下來。


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