
4.5 折試跳 Oasis Dance Centre 肚皮舞

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今日享樂 - 香港   

HK$99 試玩多種原值 HK$220 Oasis Dance Centre 跳舞班一堂,每人最多 5 堂!

原價   折扣   節省
$220   4.5 折   $121
 HK$99 試玩多種原值 HK$220  Oasis Dance Centre 跳舞班一堂,每人最多 5 堂!
Oasis Dance Centre
地址: 香港灣仔晏頓街 1 號安定大廈 4 樓
聯絡電話: +(852) 2522 6698

踏入星級Oasis Dance Centre,音樂響起,是帶點 exotic 的氛圍,對,這就是學習肚皮舞的地方。今日享樂為了鼓勵您放膽豁出去,特別情商 Oasis Dance Centre 優待您以 HK$99 試玩原值 HK$220 的跳舞班一堂,除鋼管舞外,您可選擇試跳肚皮舞、寶萊塢印度舞、佛羅明高舞、夏威夷舞和部落融風格肚皮舞(Tribal Fusion)等各種盡展婀娜玲瓏體態的舞步,修身同時舞出平時難得表現的嫵媚女人味。每人最多可試 5 堂,歡迎初學者之餘,就連現時於 Oasis 上課的學員也一樣受惠!今日享樂,一起舞吧 x 5!

Oasis 的創辦人Mey Jen 有 30 年舞齡,由加拿大跳到中東、埃及、美國和歐洲等地,最後植根香港,在 2003 年終開設香港首間專門肚皮舞的學校 Oasis,[highligh...

邀請好友購入享樂證。成功邀請,每次可額外獲贈 $5 樂元。
電郵:cs@funshare.com 電話:+(852) 2801 0100

地址:香港觀塘大業街 35 號 B 座 6 樓

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4折! Salon de Coreco 持久閃亮美甲服務! (原價$298)

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45% off manicure express at LAKA!...

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Today's deal: 45% off manicure express at LAKA!... That's HKD60 only to be polished, shined and ready to go!...

HK$ 60 See the deal


HK$ 108



You save

HK$ 48

Company information:


LCX Level 3 Ocean Terminal Harbor City
Hong Kong

Its about time!!

The international chain LAKA, the manicure and pedicure express brand, is finally hitting Hong Kong!

LAKA, initially founded in Israel and now with branches in Spain and soon to open in UK, Germany and South Africa, has quickly become a popular destination among the hip society women looking for the easy and quick way to fabulous looks and feels.

LAKA offers Manicure and Pedicure express services only and is located primarily in shopping malls. There are no appointments needed and the service is first come first served basis. Ideal for office ladies and busy shoppers, from now on you don't need to worry about lack of time and how to keep up to trends, as LAKA Manicure Express offers a chic and pleasant experience ON THE GO! In as little as 15 MINUTES you will be polished, shined and ready to go!

So, today we are happy to make you discover this amazing concept at 45% discount... try it and adopt it!

The brand introduces a complete line of products from nail polish in 100-color range, nail care products, Hand & Foot creams to fashionable ACC for the Nails; all carry the LAKA name and especially produced for the brand.

Every season the chain will introduce new and up to trend products and colors to set the tone and keep its clients as fashionable as can be!

The brand is launching its first nail bar in Asia in the famous LCX department shop in Harbor City and plans to launch 10 more locations in HK in the coming three years. LAKA nail bar design is an innovative and exciting 200 sqf bar shaped conceptually like a machine; with design elements such a rotating "bar display" of nail polish, metal pipes around the bar and pressure gauge system, the bar sets new standards in the design of open retail spaces and challenges the concept of the typical shops. Colorful oil tanks are situated around the bar allowing further display area to the beautiful range of products LAKA Manicure Express has to offer.

Side Deal Side Deal Side Deal

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