
3.1 折自製羊毛氈娃娃 (原價 $350) / 半價 鐵板燒 / 半價 意大利餐

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3.1 折「10 X 10cm羊毛氈娃娃製作坊」 (原價 $350),2.5 小時小班教學,輕鬆製作可愛柔軟羊毛氈娃娃,送贈女生定能令她笑逐顏開!

原價 折扣
$350 3.1 折
3.1 折「10 X 10cm羊毛氈娃娃製作坊」 (原價 $350),2.5 小時小班教學,輕鬆製作可愛柔軟羊毛氈娃娃,送贈女生定能令她笑逐顏開!
Nov1 手作坊
地址: 香港北角馬寶道 41-47 號華寶商業中心 704 室 (北角站 A2 出口)
聯絡電話: +(852) 2880 0885
  • 當天購買羊毛氈商品可獲 9 折優惠,再送「$50 課程優惠劵」
  • 羊毛材料均由日本SUNFLT 及紐西蘭Ashford 直送,顏色特多、防水、不脫色
  • DIY 羊毛氈娃娃輕鬆好玩,同學可依個人喜好製作不同款式
  • 導師經驗豐富,6 人小班教學,氣氛融洽
  • 10x10cm羊毛氈娃娃柔軟有彈性,親手製作送贈女生定能令她笑逐顏開
  • 同學可將剩下的材料帶回家中,繼續 DIY 羊毛飾物

得閒做下手作仔,自己享受製作過程之餘,又可以送俾朋友氹人開心!今日享樂家可以 $108 參加原價 $350「羊毛氈娃娃製作坊」,2.5 小時 DIY 超得意羊毛氈娃娃,再送「Nov1手作坊 - $50 課程優惠劵」,享樂家於上課當日購買羊毛氈貨品更可獲 9 折優惠!

【享樂 X Nov1手作坊】3.1 折課程優惠︰
2.5 小時「羊毛氈娃娃製作坊」 享樂價 $108,原價 $350

  • DIY 10x10cm 羊毛氈娃娃 1 個,同學可依個人喜好製作不同的娃娃
  • 學費已包括羊毛氈材料,餘下材料可帶走
  • 每人1 套工具,同學不需帶備任何工具
  • 小班教學,每課最多 6 位同學參加,1 人亦可開班
  • 按此查看課堂時間表
1) 附送「Nov1手作坊 - $50 課程優惠劵」
2) 當天購買羊毛氈商品可獲 9 折優惠

DIY 羊毛氈娃娃
〈Nov1手作坊〉進口日本SUNFLT 及紐西蘭Ashford 優 ...


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$99 嘆「雷門鐵板燒」午市放題!(原價 $168)


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58% off Random Art Workshop - light painting and jewellery making classes


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Today's Deal Up to 58% off Random Art Workshop
HK$275 for a 3-hour Jewellery Making or Light Painting class at Random Art Workshop in Wan Chai

Indulge your creative side, 21st century style…

Whether you grew up day dreaming, playing sports or collecting My Little Ponies, the brutal truth is that hobbies tend to fall by the wayside as you get older - and no, drinking beer and checking Facebook don’t count. Fortunately, Random Art Workshop is here to save the day, offering you the chance to exercise your creative muscle while giving you a brand spanking new hobby to fill your evening hours.

At their brand new studio in Wan Chai, the team at RAW strive to create an outlet for people to uncover their passion by bringing art into their daily lives. For HK$275, you can enjoy the journey of creating something personal like original pieces of jewellery or an awesome light painting in their brand new studio in Wan Chai:

  • Jewellery Making: Beading & Wiring  - (3 hours, all material included, original value HK$650) - Here is your chance to design and make your own jewellery. You will be shown basic beading and wiring techniques and guidance to design and create your own earrings, necklaces and/or bracelets in different styles from simple, elegant drops and bands to more complex, eye-catching chandelier-styles. All tools and high quality materials, including silver wiring and semi-precious stones, will be provided - but feel free to bring your own beads and stones as well if you already have a design in mind!
  • Light Painting - (3 hours, bring your own camera if you want, original value HK$500) - Ever wanted to be a graffiti artist for just a day? Use light as your medium and paint the town red - without leaving a mark! Learn more about photography and lighting through this fun and interactive workshop. Get clued in on the techniques of light painting in the first hour, then just get creative for the remaining two hours. The session will take place either at the studio or an appropriate outdoor location. You’ll receive soft copies of your photos plus one printed photo at the end of the workshop.


Don’t let what you truly want to do get buried in a landslide of emails, spreadsheets and fast living. Take some time out and discover a new hobby at Random Art Studio today.

Company Info
Random Art Workshop
Unit 205, 25/F, Fook Lee Commercial Center, 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

See the website »

Unit 205, 25/F, Fook Lee Commercial Center, 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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56% off Tapas at Entourage! Delicious cocktails and sensational tapas!

56% off tapas and drinks at Entourage! Amazing cocktails, excellent food and a great atmosphere!

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56% off tapas and drinks at Entourage! Amazing cocktails, excellent food and a great atmosphere!

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HKD 110


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Use your voucher(s) on whatever pleases you on the tapas and drinks menu, anytime!

Indulge in one of Entourage’s signature cocktails (Lemon Pie) or try their Spanish, Tunisian or French tapas accompanied by freshly baked baguette from Entourage's own open-bakery.

And more... don't hesitate to ask Benoit, the resident mixologist, for any cocktails you like or just let him create something special for you, you won't regret it!

Entourage is a new 2-floor Mediterranean restaurant, lounge and bar located in Soho, on Elgin Street...

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