
最後認購機會︰SUZUKI Café 會員咭 + 鈴木特色珈琲 = $88

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$88 換購原價$234 「SUZUKI Café 會員咭 + 鈴木特色珈琲」,盡享全年6大優惠!

原價   折扣   節省
$234   3.8 折   $146
$88 換購原價$234 「SUZUKI Café 會員咭 + 鈴木特色珈琲」,盡享全年6大優惠!
地址: 尖沙咀The ONE 4樓L407號鋪 (電話︰3586 0565) / 尖沙咀廣東道17號海港城海運大廈LCX 3樓OT307號舖 (電話︰2375 6262) / 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊12樓12號舖 (電話︰2392 3386) / 上環德輔道中199號維德廣場1樓103-105號舖 (電話︰2854 1616)

“Made in Japan” 從來都給我們信心保證!就以 2003 年進駐香港,以嚴謹烘焙、芳郁濃厚的咖啡打響名堂的 SUZUKI Café 為例,他們的創辦人遠藤敏彥大師正是本著 “Quality without Compromise” 的座右銘, 20 多年來秉承日本對食物嚴謹熟練,用心炮製的原則,透過每杯 自家研製及烘焙的咖啡,每一道新鮮即製、少鹽少糖的健康美食,以及一室滿有輕快自在 lifestyle 主題的裝潢設計,向客人傳遞一種悠然自得的生活觀!

今日享樂家以 $88 換購原價 $200 的 「鈴木珈琲館會員咭」 ,即可免費獲贈 「鈴木特色珈琲」 一杯 (價值 $34-$40) (此優惠差不多等同於 $40 換...


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50% off Po Toi adventure with HK Yachting


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Hong KongYour Daily DealMonday, 1 November 2010
Today's Deal 50% off Po Toi adventure with HK Yachting
$748 for a seafood lunch and wine tasting cruise to Po Toi on board a luxury yacht

Po Toi Ahoy!

By popular demand, HK Yachting has organized a special one off experience for ValuUp fans. With our latest offer, you can cruise Hong Kong’s southern waters on a luxury yacht, lunch on some of the freshest seafood around at the remote island of Po Toi, and sip your heart out on premium boutique wines. All for $748.

The day will begin with a 9 a.m start at Blake pier in Stanley, giving you plenty of sailing time to work up an appetite. After exploring the south coast of Hong Kong, the yacht will stop off at Po Toi, and you’ll have time to explore the island before digging in to a full course meal at the famous Ming Kee restaurant. Then – belly’s full - it’s back onto the yacht for a leisurely wine tasting cruise, before dropping you off in Stanley at 2pm. An awesome half-day adventure of fine wine and seafood!

About Po Toi

Po Toi is the southern-most island in Hong Kong, famous for its rock formations and ancient rock carvings, some of which are over 2,000 years old. Popular with hikers, the picturesque island offers invigorating walks along coastal paths and a rough granite headland where cliffs drop away into the swirling South China Sea. Another draw is the 150 year old Tin Hau temple.

About the Yacht

HK Yachting’s  V1 Volvo 60 has an impressive track record. It won the Rolex Round The World Race, breaking the transatlantic speed record along the way. With only 19 of these high-performance racing yachts in the world, it’s a thrilling way to experience Hong Kong and the surrounding islands.

Only 20 people will be able to enjoy this incredible deal so act fast and book now!

Company Info
Hong Kong Yachting
Stanley Public Pier, Stanley Main Street, Stanley, Hong Kong

See the website »

Stanley Public Pier, Stanley Main Street, Stanley, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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$138 享用ee特選秋冬美容療程! (五選二) (原價$1080)

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73% off 3 group power plate sessions

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal: 73% off 3 group power plate sessions at the Power Plate Institute! Accelerate your way to a sculpted and toned body today!

HK$ 200 See the deal


HK$ 750



You save

HK$ 550

Company information:

The Powerplate Institute

12/F The Centrium, 60 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong


A complete workout in next-to-no time, great results, faster!

If you are a busy person whose middle name is efficiency you are going to love this candy: 3 group sessions at the Power Plate Institute in Central for HKD200 instead of HKD750.

Power Plate is THE big thing to get a killer body in no time. Indeed it is so efficient that a session only lengths 30 minutes. So you can fit an effective strength workout even on a very busy day. No wonder this sport is getting very popular in our buzzling fast pace city.

Power Plates is a vibration-exercise machine which can work all the muscles groups in our body. When standing on the platform, the vibrations active muscles contractions between 25 and 50 times per second (compared to once or twice normally), enhancing the performance of any exercice. It is a great time-saver, as it's said that 10 minutes on the Power Plate will have the same results as 60 minutes of conventional strenuous training. Wait, so a 30 minutes session is like 3 hours bored at the gym, that's what I call the microwave of fitness!

It helps increasing strength, flexibility, metabolism and circulation. It trains your body with little impact on joints and ligaments and without feeling like a traditional exercise. And there is also an extra benefit: anti-aging. The machine not only prevents age-related muscle loss but also stimulates the production of collagen, creating a tighter, more beautiful skin. Last but not least, it also helps eliminate cellulite. I nickname it the "Great Body Fairy"!

Power Plate institute, at the perfectly located Centrium on Wyndham, is offering the most technology advanced equipment and training. They are opened from Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm and on Saturday from 9am to 4pm. Each 30 minutes group session has no more that 4 participants so you'll have a very personalized training and someone always next to you to make sure you are getting the best results.

High-speed workout for busy people, I am in!

Lola's secret: Sting takes it with him when touring and I guess he is the perfect example of a very fit person who definitely doesn't look his age... :) And he is not the only, Madonna and Hillary Swank are big fans too...

Bisou bisou,

Foxy Lola

Side Deal

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$99 Hair.Princess剪髮造型及Goldwell蠶絲蛋白焗油護理


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2010年11月1日 星期一
  • 剪髮造型(洗剪吹)+ Goldwell蠶絲蛋白焗油護理
  • 多位髮型師曾到海外國際著名髮廊深造,結集創意、技術及時尚觸角。
  • Goldwell蠶絲蛋白焗油以專業配方,適合受損髮質,令秀髮更柔順貼服,光亮及不會開叉。


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