
$28 custom-made crepes at Simplicity


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Hong KongYour Daily DealFriday, 8 October 2010
Today's Deal Custom-made crêpes at Simplicity
Create your own crêpe with 2 toppings and 1 sauce for $28

Almost every country has its own version of the crêpe, but it was in Brittany that the tools and techniques were created and perfected, elevating the crêpe from a humble pancake into a culinary art form.

At Simplicity, you can watch crêpe artisans whip up their very own sweet or savoury canvases (using Simplicity’s secret recipe for the base rather than traditional buckwheat) before decorating in Pollock-ian fashion with a wide array of sauces ranging from tangy cheese, spicy tomato, pesto and Caesar to the sweeter Nutella, Italian meringue & whipped cream. It’s followed by the crowning glory, a Dali-inspired arrangement of toppings from roast chicken and meatballs, to veggie favourites such as sautéed mushrooms & spinach, rocket or roasted bell peppers. Finally, the canvas is rolled, the ingredients united and voila – a delightfully tasty snack to satisfy all your senses!

At just $28 a pop, you get your very own custom-made crêpe with a choice of any 2 toppings and 1 sauce from a kaleidoscope of fresh ingredients. Visit www.valuup.com for more details.

Crepe Fact

The word ‘Crêpe’ is of French origin, deriving from the Latin crispa, meaning "curled."

Company Info
G/Fl, 41 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

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G/Fl, 41 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
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5.5 折歎 COWBOY SEVEN 下午茶

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以享樂價 HK$22,品嚐原值 HK$40 的 COWBOY SEVEN Lucky Tea Set!

原價   折扣   節省
$40   5.5 折   $18
以享樂價 HK$22,品嚐原值 HK$40 的 COWBOY SEVEN Lucky Tea Set!
地址: 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 100 號 The ONE L411 號舖
聯絡電話: +(852) 2311 0998

話題商場 The One 九月底才正式開業,立即跟享樂結緣。今日享樂找來咖啡店 COWBOY SEVEN 為享樂家提供 5.5 折優惠,以 HK$22 即可品嚐原值 HK$40 的 Lucky Tea Set,可選藍莓芝士蛋糕或朱古力松露蛋糕一件,並挑選飲品熱 Mocha、熱 Latte 或熱 Cappuccino 一杯。今日享樂,且讓牛仔牽紅線!

城市人生活緊張,到咖啡店忙裡偷閒,以一杯新鮮烘焙的咖啡驅走倦意苦悶,可能是不少人一日中的 the most precious moment。想成為這麼一位幸運兒,踏入調子輕鬆的 COWBOY SEVEN,味嚐由蘇門答臘、巴西和新畿內亞組成的咖啡豆調配而成的細滑咖啡,幸福感覺,悠然而生。跟店內氣氛相反,COWBOY SEVEN 的食物是極度嚴謹、而價錢公道的出品,一位網友就有以下評價:


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半價! $100 買價值 $200 Pancake Colours 現金券!

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52% off a "top-to-toe" service for your dog!... :)

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Today's deal: 52% off a full dog grooming service plus spa... time for a healthy and happy dog!

HK$ 200 See the deal


HK$ 400



You save

HK$ 200

Company information:

Dog Dog Day

1/F, 1 Sing Woo Road
Happy Valley
Hong Kong


Grooming from a caring and certified professional is vital to your pet's health and well-being!

Every dog and cat, regardless of size, breed, age or coat type, needs to be groomed on a regular basis. The caring professionals at Dog Dog Day Grooming Salons are available seven days a week and provide an array of services to ensure your pet is happy, healthy and looks great.

So, today we are happy to make you... or your dog... discover this unique place with 52% off a full dog grooming service plus spa. That's HKD220 for a full range of services, including:

Desig-cut: Dog Dog Day's groomers are expert in hand-scissoring and are familiar with the standards for most breeds. Bath: Dog Dog Day's bathers will pamper your dog with a refreshing bath, skin conditioner and blow dry. They will also cut the nails and clean the ears, and express the glands. Spa: Dog Dog Day's bathers will gently use hand massage technics while dogs are bathing. The relaxing bath will be followed by a full fluff dry and brush-out.

... When you arrive for pick-up, your dog will be a beautiful dog... and a happy dog...

Since grooming is a matter of personal taste, Dog Dog Day Spa will ask that you spend a few minutes with the groomer discussing your preferences and your dog's grooming history. Please allow at least three hours for a full groom. If you need your dog at a particular time, please let them know when you make the appointment.

Dog Dog Day has a passion for dogs. They created a Day Camp for your pooch to enjoy a fun-filled day of play and exercise when you can't be there. Your best friend will enjoy playing with their caring staff and other dog friends who have been screened for group play.

They also created Dog Daycare. You can drop your dog off at Dog Dog Day and let him spend the day socializing with other dogs, running around and burning off plenty of pent-up energy. That way, an evening in your home is relaxing for both you and your pooped pooch. Their indoor facility provides a safe, clean, climate-controlled environment for dogs to play in.

And your dog's wagging tail will tell you she's happy...

Side Deal Your daily candy

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