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4.3 折歎銀杏館【老師傅私房菜】;涼拌手撕皇健雞、有機士多啤梨骨、深海鱸魚卷 及 招牌原盅燉湯,再送甜品、有機葡萄酒

原價 折扣
$698 4.3 折
4.3 折歎銀杏館【老師傅私房菜】;涼拌手撕皇健雞、有機士多啤梨骨、深海鱸魚卷 及 招牌原盅燉湯,再送甜品、有機葡萄酒
銀杏館 有機中菜
地址: 太子西洋菜北街 171-173 號地下
聯絡電話: +(852) 2789 3321
  • 老師傅 40 多年精湛廚藝,曾任職福臨門、文華酒店
  • 私房菜真心靚料,絕無味精,健康有益
  • 全店選用有機蔬菜,不時不食
  • 皇健雞骨膠原豐富,絕無打針及人工激素
  • 銀杏館扶助長者就業,選用公平貿易的產品,被美譽為「良心中菜」
  • 口碑載道,曾任權、任志剛、曾志偉、李司棋、毛舜筠等城中名人紛紛惠顧支持
  • 曾獲「開飯熱店大賞2010」、「驕傲品牌社會責任企業大獎」、「明火食神爭霸戰健康組金獎」等等多項殊榮
  • 享樂證購買張數不限,有效期長達半年

所謂「出菜一分鐘,入廚十年功」,尤其是歎高級中菜,梗要有老師傅名廚才夠資格,烹調出珍饈宴饗!今日享樂帶您到曾獲「開飯熱店大賞2010」、「驕傲品牌社會責任企業大獎」、「明火食神爭霸戰健康組金獎」等等多項殊榮的銀杏館,以 4.3 折品嚐由身懷 40 多年廚藝祕技的老師傅,炮製的真心靚料私房菜!

    【老師傅私房菜】享樂價:$298,原價:$698 / 位
  • 涼拌手撕皇健雞
  • 香花八寶茶
  • 有機士多啤梨骨
  • 自家製有機金桔特飲
  • 深海鱸魚卷
  • 招牌原盅燉湯
  • 蟹子帶子扒有機時菜
  • 黃金粟米露
  • 有機紅 / 白葡萄酒
  • 享樂價:$298,原價:$698 / 位 (須另付 $29.8 服務費)

老師傅團隊 廚房顯功架
銀杏館太子店主理高級中菜,匯聚酒店業精英廚師、超過 40 年餐飲業經驗的專家,設計出與眾不同的私房菜式。團隊成員各懷看家本領,有追隨中南海「第一御廚」學藝,隨後獨當一面的江南菜名廚,足跡遍及中國、法國、美國、日本及歐洲各大名店;亦有出身於福臨門及文華酒店,跨越中西餐,先後任職於中外國際五星級酒店及香港著名食府的總廚。銀杏館口碑載道,城中名人曾任權、任志剛、曾志偉、李司棋、毛舜筠…… 都紛紛惠顧支持! ...

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半價盡嘆城市花園酒店綠茵閣 - 「環球美饌自助晚餐」!


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63% off alfresco dining at Bauhinia Beach Club


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Hong Kong Your Daily Deal Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Today's Deal 63% off alfresco dining at Bauhinia Beach Club
HK$275 for two salads or appetizers, two authentic homemade pizzas, dessert and a bottle of wine

In Italy, a Quattro Stagioni pizza celebrates the seasons. In Hong Kong, a Dos Stagioni celebrates that perfect slice of time between winter and summer, just perfect for al fresco dining...

Bauhinia Beach Club captures the spirit of funky beach bars lining white-sand beaches on star-studded Mediterranean islands. Attracting a cool crowd with its chic décor and rhythmic DJ beats, along the white sands and blue waters of Middle Bay (Repulse Bay’s lesser known but equally majestic neighbour), Bauhinia Beach Club dares to lull you into believing that you’ve just been beamed up by Scottie to Hong Kong’s very own Mykonos.

This offer is the perfect way to round off a weekend hike with friends or simply escape the tentacles of the city for a romantic date at a secret spot with unparalleled views. For just HK$275, you get your choice of two salads or appetizers, two gourmet pizzas, plus a delicious ‘Lovers Sundae’ and a bottle of house red or white. All pizzas are European style thin crust, fired to perfection using homemade dough and homemade sauce, in an oven imported from Italy. The offer is valid for both lunch and dinner.

A sample of our favourites from the menu (visit our website for more details)….

  • Salads - Greek Salad, Buffalo Mozzarella, Garden, Caesar, Crabmeat Caesar with Crispy Prosciutto
  • Appetizers - Soft Shell Crabs, Blackened Tuna, Blue Swimmer Crab Cakes
  • Pizzas - Margarita, Smoked Salmon & Capers, Carciofi White, Cajun, Pepperoni, Mexican
Company Info
Bauhinia Beach Club
Middle Bay Beach, South Bay Road, Hong Kong

See the website »

Middle Bay Beach, South Bay Road, Hong Kong
Find Out More

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50% off Dinner at Entourage!

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Hong Kong



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Today's deal

50% off Dinner at Entourage! Delicious cocktails and sensational food!

Get the deal now

HK$ 300


HK$ 600



You save

HK$ 300


Use your voucher on whatever pleases you on the menu: cocktails, finger food, dinner.

Entourage is a new 2-floor French Mediterranean restaurant, lounge and bar located in the heart of Soho on Elgin Street. 

Indulge in one of Entourage’s signature cocktails: Lemon Pie or try their signature dish: verrine of foie gras in Sauterne wine. Taste their freshly baked bread from their open-bakery and their delicious pastry desserts.

Click here for the dinner menu and here for the tapas menu.  

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